The Kite Flying Festival Safety tips for the safer - TopicsExpress


The Kite Flying Festival Safety tips for the safer Uttarayan/Makarsankranti : We read every year in the news about injuries/deaths of hundreds during Uttarayan due to many reasons be it their mistake or someone else’s. Reasons include accidents, eye cut, neck cut, collapse from terrace while flying kites or coming under vehicle while trying to catch kite on the road. Not just this, even innocent people and birds too do become victim of careless attitude of kite fliers. Since this cause in lose of even human and birds lives, many NGOs, Government bodies, Police issue safety tips and warnings to make people aware about this. Tips for Kite fliers : Some of kite lovers fly kite with so craziness that they forget about their safety and become careless to their own body, skin and health. So if you are one of the crazy kite lover (it’s really good to be!huh!) take due care for yourself and we bet, you have best ever Uttarayan. Eyes are the diamonds: Take proper care of your eyes. Wear sunglasses/goggles while flying or even standing at the terrace. Make sure you have covered up your body well. Because Uttarayan come in January, there is always cold wave in the air, so cover your body especially head, ears and chest.Wear sweater, scarf, muffler and hat. Don’t think you’re capable of fighting with wave. It’s really foolish assumption, this is not me, my experience saying Be aware and alert every time, even at the time of final war with your opponent. Your billion dollar worth life is much more costlier that a two rupees kite. Don’t rush here and there to catch kites. Don’t fly kites by standing in narrow spaces or near the terrace borders. Take regular water in-take and fruits and routine food, don’t neglect it in joy of kite flying. It will really help you in flying even higher. Tips for Bikers/two wheel drivers : There is not such rule that only kite fliers get injured or dead due to their mistakes during Uttarayan, innocent road walkers, bike drivers also get punished for your mistake. So please please please be very much attentive while flying kite. Do not fly kites on road, nor in your gallery on the road site. Your one mistake can take someone’s life. So please be careful and show your awareness. Very Important for bikers and road walkers: If you are driving through road these days, make sure you wear helmet, scarf, muffler or at least neck protector. Go slow. Don’t drive fast. This can give you a miraculous chance to stop your vehicle even an inch away in case a kite thread comes to your way (which could cut the neck), also going slow will give you chance to stop an inch away from someone who is blindly rushing on road to catch the kite. General Tips for everyone : Do not over shout during kite wars, take care of your throat. Do not eat too oily food. Wear sunglasses, sweater, muffler etc. if its cold. Do not take risk in catching kites Do not cross terrace borders/galleries border to collect kites. Do not try to collect kite from electric poles. Keep drinking water and taking fruits and food whole day. Drive slowly Pay attention to your kids, do not allow them moving out of your observation. Kids can not judge the risk. So observe them continuously. Take care of flying birds, try not to fly kite around their flying side, your kite thread could kill them immediately. In case of birds causality, contact immediately birds doctor. There are many NGOs offering immediate treatments to injured birds. Contact them. HAVE A SAFE AND NICE WEEK END. Safe Regards..... Bankim Joshipura
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:21:22 +0000

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