The Knowledge Catcher and Leader The true leader, through - TopicsExpress


The Knowledge Catcher and Leader The true leader, through experience, establishes a philosophy of leading that become the framework of all decisions. The Knowledge Catcher is someone who does what appears to be doing the right thing but never really has a grasp on a personal philosophy- and therefore doesnt have firm decision making. What I mean by the Knowledge Catcher is someone who reads everything they can get their hands on. Listens to every coaching tape available, goes to all the seminars possible....all seems good and it should be considered good. The problem is they try to catch knowledge randomly without actually searching the knowledge they need. The true leader knows what he/she is after. They have a vision. To improve upon that vision they search the information that will improve that vision. The information they search after fills a void or strengthens a belief. The Knowledge Catcher is searching for anything they can hold onto and hopefully it will help them form a philosophy. The problem with this is the books, and tapes, and seminars they read, listen to, or attend might be so far out of reach from what they really need to be doing- but because they are doing something they feel like they are achieving. Advice for all young coaches. In the early years of coaching you have the right to be a Knowledge Catcher because you might not know what your philosophy is yet. But once you start to gain and understanding of what it is you are about and how you want to coach, your Knowledge Cather days need to become more focused and zoned in on what you want to accomplish- have plan. I think we all need to grasp at knowledge that interests us and search outside our box, but to truly make change you have to be focused on something that is directly in line with your philosophy. Try to dig deeper legs so you have depth in your philosophy rather than constantly skimming the surface and never being anchored to a belief system. Train Smart!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 12:14:29 +0000

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