The Koran, the Bible and the Islamic Dilemma In Surah 29:46 the - TopicsExpress


The Koran, the Bible and the Islamic Dilemma In Surah 29:46 the Koran commands Muslims to say to Christians; “We believe in what has been revealed to us and in what has been revealed to you. Our god and your God is One and to Him we submit. Yet many Muslims say something very different to Christians. They say; “We don’t believe in your boo because it has been corrupted, and your God is a false god. If Muslims have been commanded to say that they believe in what has been revealed to Christians, then why do they instead say; “We don’t believe in the Bible”? The only revelation Christians have. And if they are commanded to say that their god and our God is one, why do they instead say that our God is a false god? According to the Bible, God is a Trinity. One in essence and nature, but three in person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Son entered creation as Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus died on the cross for sins and rose from the dead. God is a Trinity (Matthew 28:18-20) The Son entered creation as Jesus (John 1:1-14) Jesus died on the cross for sins (Mark 10:32-34,45) Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24) The Koran denies all of this. So a Muslim can’t say that he believes in the Bible or that he believes in the God of the Bible. Muslims have to reject the Bible because the Bible contradicts the Koran. But Muslims have a problem here. The Koran declares in Surah 3:3-4 that the Torah and the Gospel were revealed by Allah. “He has revealed to you the book with truth, verifying that which is before it. And he revealed the Torah and the Gospel beforehand, a guidance to the people, and he sent the Koran.” Surah 3:3-4 So Allah revealed the Torah and the Gospel as a guidance, but our Muslim friends tells us that Allah couldn’t protect the Torah and the Gospel, and that both revelations were corrupted by man. What Allah send to guide people, ended up misguiding people, convincing Christians that God is a Trinity and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for sins. The fact that Muslims claim that the Torah and the Gospel have been changed is quite puzzling under the circumstances of the facts so far presented, because the Koran states that no one can change the words of Allah. “And recite what has been revealed to you of the book of your lord. There is none that can change his words. And you shall not find any refuge besides him.” Surah 18:27 Many Muslims claim that this passage refers to the Koran, and that no one can change the Koran. But the verse doesn’t say that no one can change the Koran, it says “There is none that can change his words.” And according to the Koran, the Torah and Gospel, are Allah’s words. Despite Allah’s clear declaration that the Gospel cannot be changed, many Muslims assert that the Gospel was corrupted by the Apostle Paul or the later Christians. If the Gospel was corrupted, we can only wonder why the Koran says that Christians still had the Gospel during the time of Mohamed. “Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own Scriptures -in the Torah and the Gospel- it is they who will prosper.” Surah 7:157 How could Christian find Mohamed mentioned in the Gospel, when the Gospel was supposedly corrupted centuries earlier. Is Allah saying that we find Mohamed mentioned in our corrupted Scriptures? But we don`t find Mohamed mentioned in our Scriptures at all, except as part of a general warning to beware of false prophets that will lead people away from the Gospel. And if we did find Mohamed mentioned in our Scriptures, how would we know that his isn`t one of the corrupted parts? And since our Scriptures contradict Islam, why would Allah appeal to them as evidence for Islam? But Allah goes much further than this. He commands Christians to judge by the Gospel. “Let the people of the Gospel, judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel” Surah 5:47 Why does Allah command us to judge by a corrupt book? The only Gospel we have contradicts Islam, so in order to obey Allah’s command, we would have to judge by the Gospel, and conclude that the Koran is false. Allah continues along these same lines. “O people of the Book. You have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fat by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord” Surah 5:68 Why would Allah tell us that we have no ground to stand upon, unless we stand upon a corrupt book? If the Gospel has been corrupted, wouldn’t Allah just tell us to discard it and believe only what the Koran says? So the Koran clearly maintains that the Gospel is authoritative, for the Christians, and this only make sense if the author of the Koran believed that Christians have the Word of God. But the Gospel wasn’t authoritative only to the Christians, it was also authoritative for Mohamed himself. And therefore, for Muslims as well. One day Mohamed started having doubts about his revelations. In response the these doubts, Allah commanded Mohamed to go the people of the Book, Jews and Christians for confirmation. “But if you (O Mohamed) are in doubt as to what we have revealed to you, ask those who have read the Book before you. Certainly the truth has come down to you from your lord. Therefore you should not be of the disputers.” Surah 10:94 Muslims today act as if the Koran stands in judgement over the Bible. Since the Bible contradicts the Koran, Muslims assume that the Bible must be rejected. But written in the Koran is the exact opposite. The Bible stands in judgement of the Koran, and Mohamed himself, could only confirm his revelations by checking to see if the line up with the Scriptures of the people of the Book. Since Mohamed continued preaching Islam, he apparently never took this test very seriously. If he had gone to the people of the book in search of confirmation, he would have been forced to reject the Koran, because the Koran puts Muslims in an inescapable dilemma. Either Christians have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, or we don’t. Those are the only two possibilities. If we have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, Islam is false, because Islam contradicts the Bible. If we don’t have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, Islam is false because the Koran affirms the inspiration, preservation and authority of our Scriptures. So if the Gospel is the Word of God, Islam is false, and if the Gospel isn’t the Word of God, Islam is false. Either way, Islam is false. By affirming core scriptures that contradict its teachings, Islam self-destructs. Muslims who don’t want to believe in religion that self-destructs, will therefore have to find a new religion. Bottom line. We all need to obey the Gospel, as both our religions command.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:39:46 +0000

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