The Kosher Law we can all Learn From Many times, when - TopicsExpress


The Kosher Law we can all Learn From Many times, when consulting with a client, I hear I had to stop at (fill in fast food restaurant here) because my family was waiting for me at home for dinner. Or another good one is, I had to eat (fill in gross food here) because that is what was being served. My heart melts when I hear this happen. I get it! We have all been caught unawares. But, here is what happens... when we are not at choice with our food, and eat whatever is in our path, we might be acting out of line with our goals and might not be moving towards wellness. It might take us days to get back on the horse if ever, and the effects of that one meal might have repercussions for longer then we thought. That brings up my point of the kosher law I love!!! Now, please note that while Jewish, I do not keep kosher. Being vegan, I think that automatically puts me in that category, but thats another topic! Ok, here goes.... there is a kosher law that speaks to the eating of creatures of the sea. The law states that you should only eat fish that has scales and fins and swims. Why? Because that fish is at choice with their food. That means that if a fish is on the hunt, and sees a fish ahead that is kind of swimming sideways and doesnt look too pretty, they will bypass that fish and go eat the one that looks healthy and is swimming right. Got that so far? Now, compare that to the bottom feeders or shellfish. Bottom feeders, cute as they are, crawl on the bottom of the sea floor. They wait there, with their little mouths and claws open awaiting for the food to come to them. So, that means, bits of half eaten fish, sick fish and even excrement from other fish, are food for them. They are not at choice. But rather must wait until something comes to them. So, the law prohibits eating shell fish and bottom feeders because they are not eating the healthiest foods and therefore are not the healthiest. Genius right?! This was written thousands of years ago. So, if we use this as an analogy and lift the theme off of the sea world and onto us as humans and consumers, you can see how most of us are eating what comes to us and is convenient. And, taking that a bit further, you can see how that isnt always the best idea and might leave us feeling not so good, sick and overweight. What I want for everyone is to really be at choice with their food. We need to return to being mindful of what we put in our mouths. All of us are busy, working, having kids, going to gyms, events and other things that take priority over going to the grocery store or farmers market and getting meals planned. But, what we are observing is that this way of life is getting us into trouble health wise. Never before has there been so much obesity, and so much behavior centered illnesses. I am not saying we all need to be kosher.... what I am saying is to look at this law and see how it can apply to you and food now. Do yourself a favor, whatever you eat, be at choice. Plan your trips to get produce. Decide what restaurant to dine at. Make it a priority to prepare your own meals. Dont expect for others to have your health goals in mind. Take control and be at choice. I know you will be happy you did.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:21:06 +0000

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