The Ku Klux Klan and Anonymous find common ground in - TopicsExpress


The Ku Klux Klan and Anonymous find common ground in Ferguson By Nate Thayer November 23, 2014 While the country is all atwitter over racial strife in Ferguson, there is remarkable common ground being found between extremist antagonists on the ground. The Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and 7 members of the anarchist group Anonymous sat down at a local Steak & Shake burger joint and agreed on issues of constitutional rights of free speech and militarization of the police over soda pops on the eve of a grand jury announcement on the shooting death of a black teenager by a white cop in Ferguson, Missouri. The KKK and Anonymous met today at a local Missouri burger joint and began a discussion to negotiate over what some might find impossible differences. “I feel my true calling in life is seeking the truth and exposing corruption…yes i would say we are finding common ground…and that this conflict is all but over, but as you said we have no central leader so our process will not be as swift as the KKK,” said Carl Price, an Anonymous leader who orchestrated the internet take down of the Ku Klux Klan websites and other online presence earlier this week. Both the KKK and Anonymous are meeting resistance within their own ranks. “He was worried about his standing as an informant behind enemy lines,” KKK Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona said in an interview Sunday night.” “I asked them: ‘What is your idea of a better world? A better America?”, Ancona said in an interview Sunday evening. “Frank and I have agreed to disagree on many things and focus on our similarities,” said the Anonymous fellow who dispatched his people to meet with the KKK Sunday evening. “As we vowed friendship…even beyond today…he’s a true patriot in my opinion.” “My second in command is not happy. Anonymous was pranking his wife and his aunt,” Ancona said. “Some of my people wanted to resign.” ” ‘Sleeping with the enemy’, fellow members blocking you, being warned against it etc.,” the head of the Anonymous internet take down of the KKK websites told me Sunday evening from his home in Ohio, referring to resistance from among the Anonymous ranks. “But there are times you just have to follow your gut.” Anonymous instigated an internet scuffle earlier this week when they hacked the KKK websites. Anonymous hacked into the KKK websites earlier this week, beginning a less than friendly relationship between the two improbable allies. It did not start well. Anonymous: Do we have your little butt sore yet? Allow the peaceful protest as its our constitutional right.Take aim at us if you dare. If we haven’t shown you yet, you’re already in our scopes \°°/” KKK: You haven’t shown me a damn thing, we have no problem with peaceful protesters. We are peaceful protesters as well but you would try to deny our freedom of speech, you are Nazi’s. BTW that is not a Klan twitter account. Anonymous: Freedom of speech doesn’t consist of threatening violence. KKK: We would only use self-defense against attacks on our homes, families and business. We never threatened violence, you should read the flier instead believing the media lies and propaganda. I thought you guys did for the truth and free speech? “Is this not your flier?,” Anonymous asked the KKK Imperial Wizard, posting a leaflet the KKK distributed promising to use lethal force to respond to any attacks on Missouri Whites. KKK: It is and tell me where it says we are going to use violence against peaceful protesters it is only talking about defense against those who commit violence against the innocent Anonymous: Mr Ancona if this is truly who you are…where did you get your resources that for 1. we are violent people and 2. that we, ourselves, are not there for the same reason–to assure that the protest will be peaceful KKK: Do you have a copy of the whole flyer? Anonymous: No I do not, unfortunately. But we know your organization’s history of violence specifically towards blacks. We are well-known as a peaceful organization set upon exposing injustice among the government and police officials. I can not speak for the masses of anonymous, for we are many and, just like any mass group of people, we have our bad apples as well, but nowhere have you seen we are a murderous group. My own thought, if you follow me, is the government is set upon divide and conquer. Could this possibly be that? We are two very powerful organizations. Together we are unstoppable I am sure. Divided fighting each other only makes them stronger against us Anonymous: from my understanding you are a higher ranked member of your organization. Anonymous is many. We have no leaders etc., just a common belief and goal. I can not stop what anonymous does or doesn’t do. I couldn’t even tell or direct you towards who to come to peace with. I have brought to some people’s attention that I am in direct contact with you. Many believe it’s not you. My only suggestion would be to contact Anonymous through social media, verifying who you are. To me, this sounds like more of the divide and conquer mentality of our government. I do not wish for bloodshed of your men or ours. I do believe the officer is guilty. Do I believe a thousand people should die if he walks? No. I will say this is bigger then Darren Wilson. We civilians have been under direct attack from the law for many months now….and yes speech to text does suck lol KKK: Yes, I can assure you, I am Frank Ancona and I am the highest ranking officer in the organization. That is one downfall. I can see about Anonymous not knowing who your membership is. I believe that can cause a lot of harm to your movement and eventually turn people against you. For example, I’ve had many people comment about the outing of people who are not Klan members and also people who don’t agree with Anonymous trying to silence our freedom of speech. I believe that could impact them negatively in the long run, but I would be happy to verify who I am on social media for you. Anonymous: Either this, or we just eye each other like hawks. I do pray for a peaceful resolution though….from one AMERICAN to another KKK: Believe me if anyone has reason to fear the police brutality and reprisals from the government it is I and my organization. We definitely are no fans of an out-of-control government and definitely believe it needs to be reigned in so I really do believe we have a lot of common goals....(For full story and pictures, please go to nate-thayer)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:04:34 +0000

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