The LORD and the Vision of Hell and Imminent Rapture( READ AND - TopicsExpress


The LORD and the Vision of Hell and Imminent Rapture( READ AND SHARE) This vision happened in December 2012: I was standing with The LORD JESUS on what appeared to be the surface of Hell. It was steep; I could see the road that leads into the very center of Hell, with some activity happening inside. Isaiah 5:14: Therefore Hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. When I looked inside through that doorway, I heard wails and moans of the dead. I saw movements of demons inside that place, reddish color from fire and brimstone, with things that looked like prison cells. JESUS was there, looking like a Young MAN, muscular and in white apparel. He was standing as if He was holding the upper top of that entrance. I was very frightened because I sensed The LORD would take me into Hell. I told HIM that I was afraid, but if HE wanted to show me something HE should go with me. By the way, on two or three occasions, The LORD had appeared to me at the edge of Hell. All of the occasions I was very afraid and for an unknown reason we left that place. Then the scene quickly changed and I saw myself sitting with fellow Christians that I knew: about 13 people. I was meditating on GOD’s Word, while the rest were just talking and doing other things. When suddenly like a flash, the rapture took place. The most shocking thing was that I knew we were all born again Christians, but only about three of us out of the remainder were raptured. Our body turned instantly transparent: weightless spiritual bodies which had the ability to do things an ordinary body cannot. Then we were abducted into the air, en route to Heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:51: Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. I seemed to slow down as we met The LORD on the air. HE then talked to me, pointing to the bewildered, running Christians who remained, and HE said, “They had to remain and they will have to put their names in Heaven at the cost of their own lives.” The shocking thing about this vision was the few numbers of Christians who will be raptured, and the unexpected time, because it happened at the time I never expected. And also it happened so fast you couldnt grasp it with your mind. The last thing I felt was that the Christians who were raptured had surrendered to GOD fully. Also at the time of the rapture they were completely conscious of GOD and thinking about HIM. 1 Thessalonians 5:23: And the very GOD of Peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray GOD your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. HE is Coming Soon!! Let’s be ready for HIM. I have tried to shorten the vision. Also I may have not adequately described everything. There are some things in this vision that are too great to express in words and some I dont understand, but I give Glory to GOD. It’s about HIM. But I hope you will get the message! TYPE: I believe in the rapture #We want to reach more people around the world, Invite your Friends to ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ our page from more revelation & teaching updates.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:43:59 +0000

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