The Labour Party of today despises the working class By TONY - TopicsExpress


The Labour Party of today despises the working class By TONY PARSONS, Sun On Sunday Columnist Published: 17 hrs ago IT is not snobbery when a Labour MP who is married to a judge and lives in a £2million house sneers at a man in a former council house, parks a white van in his drive and displays St George flags outside his home – it is hatred. The Labour Party of today despises the working class. When Emily Thornberry posted a derisive tweet picturing the home of car dealer Dan Ware, it was not a measure of how Labour have “lost contact” with the ordinary people of this country. It was a measure of how much Labour hates the working class. Canvassing in Rochester for Thursday’s by-election, Emily Thornberry scored the most spectacular own goal in British politics since Gordon Brown called Mrs Gillian Duffy “that bigoted woman” for daring to raise the subject of immigration. Like grumbly old Gordon, Thornberry let the mask slip, and what was revealed was sneering, poisonous contempt. But the attitudes of Thornberry are standard fare among the sneering liberal elite who run the Labour Party. It is why Labour were a very distant third in Rochester and Strood. It is why they are losing votes to Ukip in England and why the SNP will bury them in Scotland. You would never guess that the Labour Party came into existence 114 years ago to stand up for the ordinary man and woman. These days Labour is repulsed by everything about the ordinary man and woman. Their patriotism. Their hunch that immigration has gone too far. Their distrust of Brussels. Their belief that the state should be there to give the vulnerable a helping hand – not to wipe the bottoms of the lazy and feckless from dawn to dusk. It was telling that Thornberry did not even turn her sneering face on someone who planned to vote for the Tories or Ukip. White Van Dan didn’t even know there was a by-election on. He was probably too busy earning a living. Those English flags that flew outside his home were proud leftovers from the World Cup. And of course Thornberry and Ed Miliband and Ed Balls would never fly the flag of St George. They would rather inject themselves with horse tranquiliser. Thornberry has resigned from Labour’s front bench but they STILL don’t get it. Labour do not comprehend how sick and tired the British people are of a party that once represented the aspirations of the working man but now exists to serve a sneering, pious, middle-class, Oxford-educated elite. Ask Ed Miliband about immigration and he will give you a really detailed answer about the NHS. Give the Labour Party a bloody nose? Emily Thornberry proves that the party of Keir Hardie and Clement Attlee is now a decaying corpse, ready to be buried in the same political graveyard that contains the Whigs and the Monster Raving Loony Party. Labour may hate the ordinary man and woman. Over the coming year the pious, sneering elitists of the Labour Party will learn just how much they are loathed in return.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:32:59 +0000

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