The Ladies I wanted for myself, by Tekena Ikoko (PART FOUR) The - TopicsExpress


The Ladies I wanted for myself, by Tekena Ikoko (PART FOUR) The lady I desperately wanted to marry was now gone. Painfully, I had to let her go. Once again, my journey into marriage had hit the rocks again. It was the year 1999 and My relationship book was closed and heaven went silent. So I decided to help myself. My soul was restless. Armed with the confused notion that, “Until you are married, you are not complete,” I resumed my search. But this time, I was tired of all the ritual of praying. I was simply going to find myself a wife. Period! Experience is the best teacher, so they say, but I didn’t learn from my previous relationship experiences. Experience always gives you a scar after its lessons. Its best to learn from other people, whether in the Bible, history, or present day life. You get to pick the lessons and keep out the scars. Understanding is the best teacher. I lacked understanding about the principles of Godly relationship. Once again, I threw caution to the wind. Soon, I met another angel. She worked in the bank. I was an engineer in the same bank. She was in the Information Tech. Dept. I wanted her, so I went for her. Period! After all, Ive been praying about marriage all my life. Should it be that difficult to find a wife, and find a good thing? This lady was friendly, but she was wise. Looking back today, She was single but not stupid. And, it was not long before she stripped me of all my moves to make her a lover, and put me where I belong – JUST FRIENDS. Wow!! Once I realized it, I lost my self-esteem. Outwardly, I still Tekena, the Man of God, but I had given up on God. His way was too tough and strenuous. None of my moves were yielding any positive fruits. Was getting married this hard? Finally, I gave up. I was tired. I reclined to fate. I had no faith. One Sunday service, I reluctantly went to church. I remember that I sat at the back morosely. The choir sang and the sermon was on. I had no interest and suddenly, HE came to me. “Tekena, today, I will show you your wife to be.” I borrowed Sarah’s humor and laughed. Boldly, I told him, “I don tire and I don’t have the energy to pray.” He was not offended at my remark. He is ever loving, gently and patient and I will never forget what he said next. “Tekena, this time, you won’t struggle. When you see her, you will know. You will not need anyone to tell you. You will know. It will be that easy.” I remembered Adam and Eve. God didnt tell Adam, This is thy beloved wife, Marry her. Eve showed up and He knew. There was a divine connection. God had done the match-making. Adam had found his bone of bones, and flesh of flesh. The countless search among goats, frogs and alligators during the endless naming ceremony was over. I was excited. My face lit up. God was about to set me up.... ....And He is about to set you up too.... I prophecy that THIS MONTH you will enter into a season of HOLY SET-UP...There will be divine connection linking prepared Adams to packaged Eves. We will celebrate your wedding and you will enjoy your marriage, in Jesus name... p.s SBNS PRAYS this Friday, 6am to 7:30am, with a theme, CONNECTING FOR GODLY RELATIONSHIP. Visit our Single But Not Stupid Facebook Group for details. It will be on a pinned post at the top of the group page. facebook/groups/singlebutnotstupid …watch out for part five….
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:25:12 +0000

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