The Lamplighter That which we bind on earth we bind in - TopicsExpress


The Lamplighter That which we bind on earth we bind in heaven…that which we “hold to be here” is “held to be” hereafter. Is a person the same person that they were years ago when we found them “to be” offensive? Only if we hold them to be that way…inside of us….. To the pure “all things” are pure. Everything is beautiful in its time…and its time is always now……Solomon says it like this….”He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” If we hold them to be what they were….or our perception of a past form….we do not allow them to be transformed within us……..we look at them in the here and now…and expect them to be as we knew them to be in the past…..we expect that they will continue to be as they were in the past……we expect them to conform to our image of them…which we “formed” in the past….. Oh the depths of idolatry! We do this with God…..with others…and even ourselves! We bind….. we imprison by images which we ourselves form!.....and do not realize or see that we only imprison ourselves when we hold things to be as they were….rather than as they are…..Everything will be as it is….as God created it to be…..yet we hold so tightly to past “manifestations of”….forms that do not contain the essence of now….carcasses…empty shells of cicadas…that can no longer sing. Where do the vultures gather? Above the dead or dying carcass! They come to pick apart what was….the empty form….they do not feed on the living! To have a form of godliness is not being godly…..a form of life is a lifeform….the form is not the life ....if it has not the power inside it…the life inside it…it is a dead form…..take the electric away from the light bulb and it’s still a light bulb….yet its dead. The current of life is always in the present moment…..if one is not enlightened now…..they are not enlightened…..yet a smoldering wick Christ will not blow out…..let us strengthen what remains…. Let us therefore give strength to what we have….if there is any sensitivity left…..let us grow more sensitive….if we can hear “at” all…..let us hear “it” all….as it is…….If we can see “at” all…let us see “all” things as they are……if we can feel “at” all…..let us feel “with” all……without feeling "for" them.....Compassion feels with them....we feel what they feel as if it were we ourselves feeling do this we must be sensitive to their feelings....yet when we are sensitive only to our own feelings.....we feel for them.....telling them how they feel..... instead of feeling what they feel...telling them they feel this way or that..telling them it is right or wrong to feel this way or that.....We see them "through" our feelings...instead of opening ourselves up "to" their feelings.... The demons you see in others are your own…..picture yourself as a living icecube in a glass of clear water….the glass is crystal…’s the form…. It is the body that holds the water and the living ice cube…… If the water is clear…the ice cube can see clearly what lies on the outside of the glass……but say that water is not pure… not whole…its miry…..its a mixture of water and something else....some other “spirit” let’s call that “spirit” tea….the ice cube then sees through the tea…through the “spirit” of the tea……its like looking at the world with rose colored glasses....or sunglasses…or blinders on… is either diminished or completely gone by the “spirit” of tea that possess the living ice cube……Jesus described this saying ……”if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” There is light that comes from the outside in…and there is light that comes from the inside out……one light reveals things to us as they are…..the other reveals things to us as we are….one light is true….the other deceives us…. Light does not look "for" anything....yet light reveals all things for what they are just by being being light. Light does not hunt down demons in does not look "for" demons....Jesus was not a demon hunter....He didnt "show off" by seeking demons to "show up"....Demons "showed up"wherever the light was.....light just does that to things.....go into a dark room..turn the light on and everything instantly shows up....the work of light is effortless. Lucifer means “shining one, morning star”…. "bringer of dawn"…..The same names given to Jesus Christ…Yet they are not the same....we need to know by essence rather than name alone....the name above all names is not what you name things...…Yet Christ Jesus is the true light that gives light to everyone….and has conferred the name to us of “light of the world” saying “you are the light of the world”….you are that which contains the light… you and the light are are the lamp that has been lit….the true “bringers of the dawn” We are that which brings consciousness to that which is…that which is hidden in darkness....we are bearers of light….bringing consciousness of reconciliation….of wholeness…..of being one with life…with God… and to others consciousness of sin……of separation…..two sides of the same coin….one consciousness…. That which brings consciousness of separation….is the very thing that fills us with wholeness…the Holy Spirit….outside of us the spirit makes us aware of our separation…..inside of us the spirit makes us aware of reconciliation…of consolation…of comfort ....when the spirit rests inside us we become at rest…..with the” rest” of everything else…….that comes from being one “in Christ”…having our being in the wholeness of Christ….. Light brings all things to itself....yet does not force itself into embraces all things....yet it has never forced its way into even one heart..... That which is light…brings all things to light…..reveals all things…there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed….you are the light of the world…..don’t try to hide it…..putting it under a bushel basket…be yourself…be the light….you are humble in the being of yourself… is pride that keeps us from shining…..humble yourself in his sight….in his light…in his presence…and he will exalt you…. In his light we see light…..his presence enlightens us…and as his presence enlightens us ….. our presence enlightens others….light is contagious….. sort of like a cool looking gooey glow that just sticks to us…. Like peanut butter and jelly sticks to the face…like Moses face was all lit up from having presence all over it….You have seen children who have eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and have it all over their face…..they can’t hide it! Why try to? Do not “hold yourself to be” anything than yourself….be the lamp that the lamplighter lights….. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you as you continue to walk in awareness of his presence in this present moment….. Selah
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 02:09:11 +0000

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