The Language of Mankind and the Language of God Jhun and Gelyn - TopicsExpress


The Language of Mankind and the Language of God Jhun and Gelyn Modequillo – WA June 14, 2013 Dearest Unification Church Family, the Exposition of the Divine Principle concludes that Messiah’s language should be the official language of all mankind in order to resolve the global conflict and achieve World Peace. Before we discuss the controversial EDP conclusion, we should understand first how the language of mankind had developed over the period of time and how important to keep our own language. As a matter of fact, our individual languages were said to be the greatest invention of our respective ancestors. Losing our own language is like losing the genealogy of our origin and culture. If it is so, EDP’s conclusion regarding this matter looses the credibility of the author that might lead to discredit the book itself. I am asking the whole Unification Church family to study this issue and clarify the mind of all members. It is already an established fact that languages of mankind were developed gradually over the period of time to the languages of the world today. This is the common belief of today’s generation rather than believing in the story on Genesis 11. The bible tells us that during the Tower of Babel’s construction, God came down to confuse mankind’s language and create misunderstanding among each other. God had thwarted their plan that right after the completion of the said Tower, they will exalt their names even above God. Accordingly, due to the uncontrollable misunderstanding, the people could no longer carry out the task properly so they stopped building the tower. However, we all understand that there’s no heaven up in the clouds and even beyond the earth’s atmosphere. In fact, the most advance space telescope we have today can only estimate the observable part up to 93 billion light years in diameter of the universe which is less than 10 trillion kilometres per light year, but still there’s no sign of heaven. This only means that it is impossible for mankind to build a physical structure that would surely reach the heaven in the past, present, and even the future. Therefore, why did God got worried and over reacted if there is no heaven for the Tower of Babel to reach? In fact, it is God’s desire that every human being should reach heaven. The topic in this article is to prove that the language of human beings did not suddenly evolve during the construction of the Tower of Babel as indicated in EDP. If the human languages suddenly emerge because God made it so, then there is no reason for Rev. Moon to worry on how to unify them. If God made it confused in just one click of His finger, then surely He can unify them in just one blink of the human eye. However, the Principle itself implies that God cannot do any of both. In addition, most people who had invested their lives to study the evolution of human languages come up with the realization that it had developed gradually based on daily lives and experiences. Some words may evolve by accident, especially during group hunting, to alert someone when there is danger, when someone needs help or in pain, when someone is happy, sad, sudden, shock, overjoyed, and so on. Sign language may also help the word to come out from the mouth unintentionally and in some way became language. From there, the evolutionary adaptation of human languages is slowly switching to the vocal modality. Likewise, Human Languages may also develop due to changes in culture and fashion or during contact with other languages. But even though there are thousands of different types of languages all over the World, the basic foundation and expressive way of languages stays identical. Now, let us see if the conclusion in EDP has a direct participation on this particular story. The EDP concluded that if Adam and Eve had not fallen, all mankind today would have shared and practiced one common language. However, that’s not true because the Fall of Adam and Eve was not the main reason why we are having so many languages today. The languages of mankind had evolved thousands of years even before Adam and Eve appeared in the history. Even if we consider that the human fall in the Garden of Eden was the main reason of having so many different languages today, why it took so many years before God confused them? Why it happens only during the building of the Tower of Babel? Why the said language confusion did not happen right after the fall of Adam and Eve? Clearly, this one contradicts on the EDP’s account. Therefore, there should be a lot of explanations that EDP must do based on its conclusion. In laying down its conclusion, the EDP insisted that since the LSA who represents as Adam is Korean, all mankind must speak Korean as well to have a common language. This is in order for all of us to share our deepest feelings and be unified towards the realization of the ideal world. Of course the motivation of the book is good, but the fact that EDP used the story in Genesis 11 and the fall of Adam and Eve as a common base of its claim, we can therefore conclude that EDP itself did not really understand that all languages did not magically evolve during the construction of the Tower of Babel or even after the Fall. Different languages actually evolved according to the development of human race long before the story of Adam and Eve begun. Other thing, the story about the punishment of God to the people who were involved in the construction of the Tower of Babel has no concrete evidence base on the reality. Therefore, the whole story could be symbolic. Time will come that the majority of mankind will open up their minds from the state of ignorance and understand that the evolution of human languages is a reality. If this happens, certainly no one will believe on the account of EDP that the language of the Messiah is a compulsory language to all mankind in order for them to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The only key requirement for all mankind to enter in the Kingdom of Heaven is the purity of the heart and not the common language or language itself. When the whole world will realize that the culture of the heart should just be one, then the human languages are not a problem and never will be. The reality we are facing today is undeniable where the biggest problem in the world begins within the family as mentioned many times by Rev. Moon in his speeches. Despite the fact that most family is living together under one roof and communicate with each other using the same language every day, conflicts still occurs among them; other evidence that the conclusion of EDP is wrong. Furthermore, I emphasize that man’s poor understanding of God’s language is the real problem where the book miss that point. This another mistake of EDP happened because the author did not realized that Adam and Eve was not the first human being. Therefore, EDP itself becomes an ignorant by believing that the language of Adam and Eve was the first language of mankind. There by, the author comes up with the conclusion that all languages in the World should become one centered on the Messiah’s own language. By discovering another error, we can now actually see all mistakes of EDP that somehow weakens the hundreds of speeches of Rev. Moon. It will definitely damage the credibility of the entire teaching of the Unification Church. Although it is not an intention of EDP to discriminate my own language and other languages, but its highlights in the last page proved to us that the book itself did not understand distinction between God’s language and the language of the human beings. The unseen mistakes will absolutely put the EDP into out of balance. Certainly, this is just one part of so many factors that could lead to the credibility of EDP in collapsing. The Tower of Rev. Moon Rev. Moon struggles to lead us out of the wilderness. His plan is to create a tower that somehow its stairs can be use by his people to climb up high and reach the Kingdom of Heaven. In which, everyone who had reached the top will share a common language, the language of God. When Rev. Moon begins to construct the foundation of his tower, his leaders corrupted the original plan because they did not understand its purpose. To the extent that Rev. Moon’s leaders proclaimed him and Mrs. Moon as God, shows similarity to the people who created the tower of Babel. The leaders of Rev. Moon even exalted themselves as God too, thinking that they are the only knowledgeable on the plan of the said tower. They even lost their respect to the ordinary builders, the ordinary members of Unification Church. For that reason, God who is the true owner of the building plan abandoned the unfinished tower. As a result, all workers of Rev. Moon’s tower became confused especially when the logistical support from the tower’s owner was gone. Maybe some of the construction worker will not believe this is really happening, but we can clearly see that. Although they have one Principle with them to complete the construction of the tower, yet they don’t understand each other. This leads in collapsing the foundation of the tower created by Rev. Moon and his construction workers joined the ruins. The breakdown of Rev. Moon’s tower is actually the breakdown of the Unification Church. Although we still see the actual power of the people in the Church, but the undeniable reality is clear that the spiritual atmosphere is no longer healthy; the spirit of God is already gone. Looking back the history of the past, God had spoken to Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. All of them understood God’s message. Rev. Moon on the other hand, claimed that he spoke with Jesus. In this claim, Rev. Moon is Korean and Jesus is an Israelite and yet they understand each other. This is another clear proof that the different language of human beings regardless of races and cultures is not a problem with God. What really matters to God the Father and Mother in Heaven is how we understand their language as one. Nevertheless, the account in Genesis 11 does not prove the truth of the story but somehow it has a symbolic meaning. The EDP should not understand them in literal way. But whether or not the Tower of Babel was real, there is no such evidence that the languages of mankind evolve in just a click of a second. EDP should not have used it as common ground to its explanations. In reality, the different languages may have contributed to the world’s problem today but this is only because of our refusal to recognize and adapt other cultures. Even if we have one common language without having the true culture of the heart, still conflict is unavoidable. In fact, we can observe this condition within our own family. However, in the providential point of view we should have one common language, the Divine Principle. We should have one culture, the God’s Heart/God’s Lineage. It is only due to the overwhelming selfishness of mankind that God’s language is being misunderstood. The Unification Church and its factions is an example to this current event. They have one Principle but both of them do not have common understanding to it. Everyone has its own providential viewpoint on God’s Word; they even think that their understanding and position is higher than God. The story of the Tower of Babel is happening exactly to the Unification Church today. They strongly believed that Rev. and Mrs Moon is God. They ignore the fact that there is God above them all. Instead, they exalted Rev. and Mrs Moon above God. Yes there were one language in the beginning, that is why, if Adam and Eve were able to reach perfection, all mankind today would have shared one common understanding on God’s own language not Adam and Eve’s own language as EDP thought. Though we as human being will have thousands of different languages, it will never affect our relationship as one Family speaking one language and one culture shared from our very own Parents in heaven.” I had used the word I in this article, but my wife and I speak a common understanding on the language of Mother and Father God in heaven as one. Thanks for reading, Jhun and Gelyn Modequillo - WA
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:10:08 +0000

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