The Last House on Deadwood My heart was pounding, pounding - TopicsExpress


The Last House on Deadwood My heart was pounding, pounding against my chest, along with the rhythm of my heavy breathing, I suddenly skidded to a stop, yelling “HA.” Steven and Bryce rode up on their bikes, seconds after. “You’re just lucky that my foot slipped off the pedal,” said Steven, matter- of- factly. I had won the race that went all the way around my neighborhood, and ended up on Deadwood street. Deadwood street was where the creepy old house resided, right at the end of street, where it formed into an endless forest. This was supposedly the house of Mr.Daughtry, an old man who had lived in that very house his entire life, until, one day he just disappeared. People said he was always, a very reserved, and strange man. He only left his house to buy groceries, and never talked to anyone. He had a monthly routine as to when he bought his groceries, so when he didn’t go to the store for a few months straight, people noticed. The police got involved, searched his house, and found that he had vanished without the slightest clue or evidence. “Bet you won’t go in,” said Bryce, it snapped me back to reality, I realized we had all been staring blankly at the fading, chipped paint, broken windows, and overgrown yard of the looming two story victorian house. “I won the race, you should go,” I replied snidely.” Let’s all go together,” Steven suggested. “Fine let’s go,” I replied, “I’ll even go first.” That was a decision I now wish I wouldn’t have made. We all dropped our bikes on the curb, and started slowly towards the front door, through the overgrown jungle that the yard had become. We arrived at the rotting, splintery door after what seemed like forever. I hesitated, as my shaking hand reached for the knob. I then gave it a gentle push, and it creaked open ever so slightly. It seemed to be caught on something, a little more force, and it finally gave way. I looked back at Steven and Bryce, they both gave me a reassuring nod. I turned back towards the dark, empty entrance, and took a step. I all of a sudden felt cold, all over. Another step, and I started to smell the horrible must of the house. A few more steps, and I was completely inside, I look back expecting to see my friends following close behind, but instead, I see the door. I launch myself towards the door, pounding it with my fists, and yelling at the top of my lungs! But, it did no good, Steven and Bryce were holding it shut. They said I had to find another way out. I had sat there with my back against the wall, looking all around for a good ten minutes. Eventually I mustered up enough courage to look for a way out. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and a small amount of light was coming in through the dirty windows, so it wasn’t all that bad. I first tried all of the windows near me, but they wouldn’t budge. I saw a broken chair near the stairs, I grabbed one of the legs, and hurled it at the window, nothing. I then headed through the kitchen, in here the musty smell was unbearable. I nearly fell to my knees and threw up when i walked past the sink. It was filled with dishes that seemed to be covered with fresh food scraps. I didn’t think much of it, because I was looking at the maggots and flies covering the food. I finally made it to what seemed to be the back door, I took a deep breath, hoping this would be my escape from this terrible place. I turned the knob and pushed, it didn’t budge. I could now see through the window on the door, that it was dark outside.I didn’t realize that I had been in there that long. I had basically lost all hope, until I remembered that there was an upstairs. It would be my last resort, but if I had to, I would climb out of a second story window. I started slowly up the rotted, creaking stairs. As I went up, it got colder, and colder, to the point that I was shivering, and my teeth were chattering uncontrollably. When I neared the top of the stairs, I heard a faint moaning. I really wanted to just get out of there, but my curiosity overwhelmed me. As I walked down a long narrow hallway, it got louder, and louder, and louder, until I was standing right outside the door it was coming from. Without even thinking, I reached down for the door knob. Except, I felt something wet on it. I looked at my hand in horror, it was covered in a thick, nearly black liquid. I knew it had to be blood,”no,no, this can’t be happening,” I mumbled to myself. If it was that dark, and still wet, it had to be fresh. My eyes went up from my hand to the door, which was slowly creaking open. I then noticed more blood, but it was a trail. My eyes followed the line all the way until it formed an enormous puddle. It was under something, a chair, a rocking chair actually. The chair was facing away from me, and gently rocking back and forth, it was quite mesmerizing. Then, seeing what was in the chair brought me out of my little trance. It was a person, with scraggly, filthy hair, and the blood, oh god the blood was everywhere. I was still partly in a trance, or just suffering from shock, when I heard my self whimper,”Mr.Daughtry?” The head suddenly snapped around, I immediately turned and ran, but I did catch a short glimpse of his face. It was bloody, just like everything else in the room, but there was something else. Right in the middle of his forehead, there was a penny sized hole, something I could only assume was a gun wound. It didn’t phase me much, after all i had been through in that awful place. I half ran, half stumbled down the stairs. Finding myself sitting with my back against the wall, in a corner, I knew this was the end. I heard thumps, which had to be footsteps, getting louder,and closer. But then, I noticed something that I hadn’t before. It was a door, I immediately headed for it, “if this doesn’t open, I’m dead,” I thought to myself. The door opened with ease, but when I went through, there was a bright flash of light. I found myself outside the house, it was warm, and sunny outside. I couldn’t believe that I had been in there the entire night.I ran to the edge of the street, and looked back at the house. “That’s strange,” I said aloud to myself. The house was in perfect condition. Fresh paint, clean windows, and a nice clean cut yard with a garden out front. I heard something that took my attention from the house, it was a car! I turned, it was a police cruiser a few houses down, I had never been so excited about seeing a cop car in my life! But, as it neared, I noticed something. It looked…different. I waved it down, as it stopped on the curb next to me, I got a good look at it. It was an old 70s police cruiser, like the ones you would see in The Dukes of Hazzard. I tried to just forget about it, since I was just glad to see another person. An officer stepped out, “Whadda’ya need son?” I couldn’t get the words out fast enough, so it just came out as a mumble. “Whoa, whoa honcho, simmer down, and tell me again.” All I could stammer out was, “Mr.Daughtry is dead, but looked at me!” The officer must have thought I was crazy, because he just stood there, and stared at me. “No that’s impossible, I was just talking to him at the supermarket.” “No, that’s impossible, because he’s been missing for over 40 years!” The officer just stared at me some more,”well, where do you live, I’ll take ya’ home, and you can explain.” I got into the back of the cruiser, and there was another bright flash of light. I was lying down, and looking up at a familiar ceiling. I was home, I couldn’t believe it was all a dream. I started to heading downstairs to tell my parents about the crazy dream, when I heard knocking on the front door.”Mom, dad,” I called out. No reply. I went to the door, I hesitated, but eventually opened it. Standing there, pistol in hand, was the officer.”No one must know,” he said through clenched teeth, as I heard the click of a revolver.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:17:28 +0000

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