The Last Straw Today I have decided that for now, I will not be - TopicsExpress


The Last Straw Today I have decided that for now, I will not be purchasing a new cell phone of any kind from any company. I had planned for two years to purchase an iPhone at my next upgrade and saved accordingly. I was looking forward to the experience and I was excited about the purchase; I always look forward to my upgrades. That was before I started dealing with two of the slimiest, most underhanded, money grubbing corporations on the planet – Apple Corporation and Verizon – both have made an art form of yanking their customers around and overcharging them simply because they can. It now appears that there is a backlog of orders for the model and color I had chosen. I have been informed that the delivery date for the phone I had wanted to order was now going to probably be sometime in November, probably late November (no more 7-28 days for delivery noted yesterday on the Apple store website). Enough was enough--that is bulls*#t. Why did Apple take pre-orders for their newer, cheaper, really ugly iPhone 5c models, which incidentally are aimed at the CHINESE market, and not allow pre-orders for their more upscale iPhone 5s. If they had allowed pre-orders for that model (in ALL the available finishes) at the same time as the 5c, there would now be less of a wait time for the 5s. What’s the game Apple? That was the last straw for me—one too many games. I am now going to keep the phone I have until my contract runs out in December. I will then decide if I have calmed down enough to decide if I still want an iPhone enough to do business with a company like Apple whose marketing paradigm consists of advertising half-truths, bates and switches, slights of hand and taking pleasure in yanking people around in general; and also to decide if I still want to do business with a company like Verizon who has decided to start fleecing its customers with a $30 “upgrade/activation fee.” I realize neither company has any interest in the way I am feeling nor will they go under just because I decided not to buy their product or because I discontinue my service with them. I realize that they have plenty of customers that will put up with their nonsense, but they should care about every single one of their customers including me and anyone else that feels the same way I do. All I can say is I hope their products and services continue to live up to their hype because if they don’t their customers will start getting bored with the games and will start dropping like flies. As I said in a previous post – JUST DELIVER THE DAMN PHONES TO THE STORES, SLAP A PRICE ON IT AND BE DONE WITH IT!!! Pissed off in Oneida, New York p
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 19:50:50 +0000

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