The Latest Beltway Investigations Published Thu, Aug 8th, 2013 - TopicsExpress


The Latest Beltway Investigations Published Thu, Aug 8th, 2013 Marty Biancuzzo, Senior Political Analyst Just when I thought I was out (of scandals to report), they pull me back in! Doesn’t anybody realize that when you get in bed with the government, you have to expect the diseases it spreads? That’s especially true when you get in bed with the Clintons and the Obamas. Really any liberal politician… Don’t get me wrong, I’m not foolish enough to suggest that Republicans don’t get their hands dirty, too. I’m simply saying you wouldn’t catch Reagan with a woman under his desk in the Oval Office, and it only took Nixon ONE wrong move to resign, unlike our current president. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that there’s another high-level scandal flying under the radar… It involves Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appointee, Alejandro Mayorkas; Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham; and a close friend of the Clintons, Terry McAuliffe – the former DNC Chairman, current Virginia Gubernatorial candidate and high-ranking Hillary-for-President campaign official. It also involves Terry McAuliffe’s company, GreenTech – another initiative spawned out of Obama’s green energy scam… excuse me, “War on Coal.” Citizenship for Sale At the heart of this latest scandal lies a foreign investor government program that issues employment-based visas known as EB-5s. And in a lot of ways, the program makes sense. It was established in the Immigration Act of 1990 in an effort to generate and save U.S. jobs. High-level foreign investors come in with a minimum of $500,000 (although $1 million is the average) to invest in a targeted employment area – a region of the U.S. with high unemployment. The money is then used to create or preserve at least 10 U.S. jobs. Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, the Office of the Inspector General is now investigating allegations that Alejandro Mayorkas, the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, helped a financing company obtain visas even after their requests and their appeals were denied. But that’s not all. Turns out the man running the financing company that got special privileges is none other than Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodham… His company, Gulf Coast Funds Management, works directly with both the U.S. government and foreign investors to merge investors’ money with Mayorkas and his team in return for EB-5 visas. Normally, these foreign investors are qualified before they’re allowed to get involved in the program. They go through what is known as a “vetting process,” and if they meet the appropriate criteria they’re allowed to invest in exchange for EB-5 visas. But there’s a certain Chinese national – who, as it turns out, is a client of Gulf Coast Funds Management – who went through that vetting process and was denied involvement (more than once) for national security reasons. And it’s alleged that Rodham’s company was the intentional “go between” for Mayorkas to deliver EB-5 visas to this Chinese national. And Here’s Where Things Get Even Shadier… On top of everything else, the SEC has subpoenaed documents from Gulf Coast Funds Management based on “guaranteed returns” it was promising investors that were eerily reminiscent of the returns promised by the infamous Bernie Madoff… Upon further inspection, the SEC uncovered a connection between Rodham, Gulf Coast Funds Management, Alejandro Mayorkas, the Chinese National and a company called GreenTech. GreenTech belongs to a long-time Clinton ally named Terry McAuliffe. He established the electric car company and promised to create thousands of new jobs in northern Mississippi, along with a line of American-made, energy efficient cars – 10,000 in the year 2013 alone. Now, a little over a year later, the model cars in front of GreenTech headquarters have been removed, and there’s no indication of any electric car production going on in the plant whatsoever. Even more puzzling, McAuliffe has withdrawn from GreenTech altogether. But not before pocketing millions of dollars, that is… According to the SEC, Anthony Rodham was sending the investment money from the Chinese national to McAuliffe to help “create jobs” in the northern Mississippi area, where high unemployment is rampant. Not only has McAuliffe created zero jobs, he’s barely created any electric cars! Aside from following the money trail, the SEC has caught Mayorkas lying under oath. Mayorkas claims that he’s only met and spoken with McAuliffe on one occasion in his entire life. But documents discovered by the SEC indicate at least several dozen communications between the two. Now, I want to stress that this is only an investigation. Nothing has been proven yet, nor has anyone been found guilty. However, this is just one more black eye for both the Obama and Clinton camps… Liberal Politicians Never Cease to Amaze Me… All politicians are cunning in their own right, but these guys really put the “sleaze” in “sleazy.” And the American people keep allowing it by voting them in! So I’m asking you to help us put an end to it once and for all. Sign our petition to impeach Obama by clicking here. We already have 23,000 signatures and growing! Don’t forget to pass it along to everyone you know. The platform allows you to directly message your local Congressman/woman and Senators. Your eyes on the Hill, Martin B
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:37:15 +0000

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