The Law of Attraction assertions as presented in the Secret books - TopicsExpress


The Law of Attraction assertions as presented in the Secret books and movies and by Wayne Dyer as well as the Eckhart Tolles claim: Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. may work ONLY for those few people in the world who are in fact really Awakened and are wrong in general because they do not work on everyone at all.. Wayne Dyer says: You do not attract what you want. You attract what you are. and Abundance is not something you acquire. It is something you tune into. Right below I prove that the Tolles statement and the Secret LoA AND the Dyers tuning into abundance claims cannot be both true at the same time. One of them MUST be WRONG. Which one? I would say BOTH OF THEM as such. Lets assume that Tolles claim is true. Then we have a contradiction with the LoA THEORY as introduced in Secret book and movie. Then the latter is false because Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful.. entirely independently from what you attempt to tune into.. for instance life may decide to give you something completely opposite from what you try to attract, as the best = most helpful to you.. besides, what other experiences could you possibly dream of and wish to attract? The same concerns Dyers claim about tuning into abundance.. and what if abundance is NOT the most helpful experience for you? And abundance in what sense? It is an extremely relative word, term, concept.. Now lets assume that the Secret LoA and the Dyers claims are true. Then YOU choose to manifest certain things or experiences in your life and tune into them BUT they are NOT necessarily most helpful experiences for the evolution of your consciousness [and then what is the use for them?]. But then IF they ARE then EITHER because the Tolles topic claim is true [case closed in the paragraph above - contradiction] OR they are most helpful entirely independently from the Tolles claim WHICH means that then it is false, because it is NOT the reason why they happen at all.. [because WE ourselves evoked, induced them - NOT Tolles Life] Contradiction.. Furthermore the topic Tolles claim and Dyers statements about attracting WHAT you ARE [picture in the end of the previous chapter] are false for at least the 5 points mentioned below which for me clearly show that these theorems, rules do NOT work for EVERYONE and therefore CANNOT be considered as general rules ERGO they are FALSE: 1. Did the Hindi student raped by 6 men and then with a metal pipe who died in effect ATTRACT that because that was WHAT she WAS? Was THAT the most helpful experience for the evolution of her consciousness? 2. Do the kids dying from hunger every 5s ATTRACT such death because that is WHAT they ARE? Is THIS the most helpful experience for the evolution of their consciousness? 3. Do 1.4 billions people ATTRACT World Hunger? Is THIS the most helpful experience for the evolution of their consciousness? 4. Do 2.8 billions people living on less than $2 daily ATTRACT EXTREME poverty? Is THIS the most helpful experience for the evolution of their consciousness? 5. Do the vast majority of the human population [ca. 6.5 up to 7 billions people] ATTRACT relative poverty and unhappy, very busy and exhaustive, conditioned, unconscious, over-consuming lives? Is THIS the most helpful experience for the evolution of their consciousness? But does the Tolles topic claims falsehood mean that the LoA THEORY as introduced in Secret or the other Dyers claim are true? I am convinced that my 5 arguments above speak against it, too, however, I am willing to admit the existence of the [Universal] Law of Attraction, BUT not literally the way it is introduced in Secret or by Dyer. I think that this is much more complex than that. Frankly, I would prefer Tolles claim to be true more than the Secret LoA THEORY [which I proved that they are contradictory] because it would be more Fair, Equitable and Better for the whole Humanity.. One of my thesis is that [some of] those claims DO work but ONLY for the people who are Awakened. Thus from the point of view of some Awakened ones who say them they may seem perfectly OK, because they are unable to see through the eyes or mind of the Unawakened. This is just a hypothesis and I am sure there are many other factors, situations which I do not take into account here. Like for example a magic curse [just crossed my mind]: what if an Awakened was cursed in some way by a black-magician.. or an Unawakened was.. what then? I dont know the origin of the following statement but it [or its clones] is often repeated and seen in the Web: Everything you need, will come to you at the perfect time. which is very similar to the Tolles topic statement as well as very much connected Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that. by Einstein [in fact he has NEVER claimed that!] OR mythical Bashar entity or the very much similar to the doubtful Law of Attraction.. I would admit that it may seem true for some fraction of human population who attempt to match the frequency, attract happiness or accept what Life or the Universe give them as whatever experience is helpful to them or as everything they need in the perfect time AND they DO live happily – and then they convince others, the beginners, believers and neophytes to these methods.. that these methods WORK because they THINK, they are SURE that it was exactly what has worked on them [which though may be in great part a question of coincidence or luck] but in vast majority of cases it does not, so it is not true in general. Simply speaking: IT IS NOT TRUE. Imho. I suspect that the issue here is more complex than just tuning in, matching the frequency and getting the abundance or getting all experiences most helpful for the evolution of ones consciousness from Life. And WHO or WHAT decides WHEN is that PERFECT TIME? I think that more factors need to be taken into account here. And WHY those who succeeded with Tolles, Einsteins and Dyers rules and the LAW of Attraction do not go and teach these methods to 3Bilions of the poorest ones so they match the frequency get everything they need in the perfect time and the most helpful experiences for their consciousness and ABUNDANCE instead of unhappiness, suffering and DEATH? Should that not be the FIRST DUTY of a happy, wise = kind = good = compassionate man who has matched the frequency, attracted happiness and has ABUNDANCE in his life?? Here a little digression: Maybe those kids dying from hunger every 5s and their parents and 1000s killed in Syria or Gaza have not received their copy of the Secret movie and are not familiar with the so-called widely popular LAW OF ATTRACTION and instead good and decent life they ATTRACT death and bullets or bombs? Then go and get the damned books there!!! And that Hindi student raped by 6 men and then with a metal pipe in a bus a year ago and then died in a week time in gargantuan pain.. she also had not got her copy apparently.. So Tolle says that their consciousness or minds DO need THOSE experiences most.. well I think that Freedom, Truth, Love, Justice, Equity, Fairness, Clarity, Wisdom, Valor, Honesty, etc.. AND FOOD in consequence they need a way more than World Hunger, bombs and premature DEATH.. shortly: the experiences of [good and decent] LIFE first of all.. because without them Life is no Life.. So where is this Universe or L I F E to give them to us [according to Tolle] as MOST DEFINITELY they are experiences .. most helpful for the evolution of our consciousness? Now imagine a road accident and a victim close to death if the paramedics do not get to him soon enough. And they do not make it and what comes to him at the perfect time is not paramedics but premature DEATH. Is that everything he needed? Similarly premature death comes to each of the children dying from hunger every 5s. Is this everything they need at this SOOO very PERFECT moment when they die? DEATH? Or maybe food, clean water, doctors and medicines... that means while they are still alive because after the DEATH they need nothing more in this world obviously.. The above is associated with ca. 1.4Bil people starving. I wonder WHEN is the perfect time for them to get EVERYTHING they need and when is that PERFECT time for 6Bil+ people mostly living unhappy lives in actual, relative poverty [depending on the definition] to get EVERYTHING WE need and deserve. To me it is NOW, yet still WE get NOTHING. And please dont tell me that WE should BELIEVE in this statement and live accordingly and all will be OK.. tune in, abundance and stuff all in the perfect time and also you should not tell that to those children dying from hunger every 5s and their parents.. And HOW COME that some 500 millions richest people living in so-called civilized part of the world DO get relative abundance and decent lives whilst the others [especially in Africa] do NOT? DO the LAW of Attraction and are Tolles and Dyers wisdoms work only REGIONALLY?? And whats the whole glamor about the LoA?? Of course it is much easier to get things done if we focus on them.. WHO needs lectures on this?? Just idiots who pay for this bullshitte! But then again.. tell it to the people dying from hunger literally every 2-3s to focus on getting food.. what does the Secret book say on that.. maybe cannibalism, huh?? The subject statements [and those similar and related to it which I mentioned above] seems like one of these truths widely published and/or coined by the propaganda masters of the ruling elite and targeted at spreading among the people the ideas of conformity, insensibility, passiveness [for example towards inequity, Evil and suffering], false hope [leading to passiveness] and the feeling that everything is overall OK, so the socially-economic status quo of the sick World System is easier to maintain. - Everythings OK. Keep shopping. Imho the Tolles, Dyers, Bashars ;) and the Secret version of LoA authors ideas are wrong as such. They cannot be taken literally and the claims have holes difficult to explain plus they cannot be proven at all. Imho they are MAYBE not ENTIRELY wrong: the authors heard the bell ringing somewhere but the issues moved are neither as simple nor as spectacular as they utter them nor fully comprehended by them especially while backed up with the authority of Einsteins genius. Maybe I am wrong but I do not believe that we are all able to manifest or generate given items or things in our reality simply via strong tuning into the frequency of it.. maybe some people are but WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?!? The 2 Dyers claims I mentioned here are completely vague and elusive and by no means can be taken as any general recipes for life more than a drunken local tramp mambo jumbo invented for a beer..From what I know the LAW of Attraction as it is presented in the Secret movie and book [which definitely should be called HYPOTHESIS of Attraction] roughly fits Einsteins, Tolles and Dyers claims I use here but they are different frome some original versions of the Universal Natural Law.. I think that tuning into the Universe is a good thing which makes life more happy as we deal with what we have and what happens in a better and more efficient way.. But WHAT FREQUENCY??? frequency of reality which does not yet exist??? This sounds bullshitte to me. And as for the Tolles topic claim: How is premature DEATH useful fore someones consciousness for instance? or losing legs or eyes in general? Now forget about those mythical frequencies of realities and lets focus.. Lets say I FOCUS on ACQUIRING a car.. say 7 years old white Nissan Qashqai.. I focus on that, get the money in some way [like work].. maybe I have to change my job for a better-payed one or get a second job and sell my motorcycle or get a credit and finally I acquire WHAT? According to Dyer I acquire ..what I am so I get my clone, sell it and buy a brand new Quasqai! Voila :D Hahahahaha! Nah! Forget Dyer and 100years non-stop meditation to MATCH THE FREQUENCIES! For FREQUENCIES you have your radio and mobile and WiFi and the Nissan you get via FOCUS and Real Life activities to get the car :D I would agree that when you imagine yourself in your new white 7yo Nissan from time to time that might be quite motivating and you may focus more efficiently on acquiring that car - unless you prefer a Mercedes for your wife or a humble but decent house - priorities first and 1 thing at a time I guess.. But talking about Tuning into a Nissan or Life or Universe giving you a Nissan is such mambo-jumbo as if you said that you conjured up a Nissan :D So finally I heard and read stories about magic, sorcerers, conjurers, fairies, witches, mages and watched all Harry Potters but somehow I do not believe in all that stuff.. MAYBE because there is NO evidence of ANY major magic EVER but maybe such people prefer to stay in hide? On the other hand how much money would a REAL sorcerer get for his TV show? Millions? But he can cunjure up diamonds, gold or C-notes stacks himself so maybe thats why.. In the meanwhile I put the Secrets LoA version and Dyers and Tolles assertions mentioned here in the same box..
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:02:06 +0000

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