The Law of Number 8 = SPIRIT(German: Der Geist), THE HOLY - TopicsExpress


The Law of Number 8 = SPIRIT(German: Der Geist), THE HOLY SPIRIT. Tuesday, March, 25ths Vibration: 25/03/2014 = (25)+(2)+(2+0+1+4) = 35>3+5=8 8 = SPIRIT. Todays Energy Vibration is being borne by the wings in the Spectrum of 35 where 3 = Light and 5 = Love in producing and anchoring 8 = Spirit. 8 = Spirit is symbolized by 2-square peaks (The Octagon) touching the square with the upper symbolically represents the Spiritual Realm and the lower weight of the world. The Spiritual Realm impregnates the Coarse-Material Universe, the Cube of Creation and constantly repeated Down whats happening at the Top., As Above, So Below, as in Heaven, so on Earth. May The Earth be Purified and Uplifted to the Realms of the Light, O Lord Let Thy Kingdom Come as The Promised Millennium! AMEN!!! May the Energy of radiations in waves and frequencies of Light and Love that come with todays vibration be for you the source for you to remain connected to the Light as you remain pure in your thoughts and humbleness of Spirit before His Holy Spirit! Todays Vibration and Radiation in Waves and Pulses in the Rigour of The Laws of Creation and The Almightiness of God in His Holy Spirit. Todays Emanated-Radiations are unfathomable, UNIQUE and so SPECIAL because of the Illumination and dazzling Brilliance being experienced right this moment caused into being by the positive vibrations and thought centres of in the Gods Radiation of Creation with His Holy Spirit. Now go forth and absorb of todays ever-increasing vibration and give all of your Will-Power and Love in your being and heart to your Creator in return for the Love He sends you through each beating of the Pulse of His Creation in today vibration of 8 = Will! Mankind is to be guided with the ability of his Intuition and his spiritual Volition to understand The Spirit of God manifesting as His Perfect Will bearing and sustaining the Eternal Laws of Creation in His Almightiness and Magnificence The Spirit is the Holy Spirit, IMANUEL, whose Spiritual Power flows through all Creation and penetrating and sustaining all Life and Existence. Therefore, the Spirit Elixir of Life in Creation, Water of Life that flows into all Creation of the Holy Grail, the Grail Castle in the highest empire. Man is a partial bearer of the Spirit, because the core of man is spiritual. Graded spiritual force is found as a minor spiritual power in the fundamental particles of matter. It forms including nuclear power and so-called quinta essentia, the fifth element from which arose the other four elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Nearly all the rare gas atom has eight electrons (octet) arrangement that is particularly stable condition. Everywhere there are Christian octagonal baptistery, symbolically pointing to the phrase water - life. Octagon is a symbol of eights. The shape of the 8, known as the LEMNISCATE, depicts the rhythm of energy that flows around and within two polar opposites. The Coarse-Material Realm is a reflection, the polar opposite of the Spiritual World. The 8 shows us how these polar opposites pass through the same point of unity in a fractal spectrum of continuum before measuring their differences. The crossing point of the figure 8 suggests the crossing-point from the material realm to the spiritual realm, the needles eye through which it is difficult for those chained to materialism to pass. 8 is seen as signifying a resurrection into a higher consciousness, and representing the eternal and spiral motion of cycles. If we look at the 8 symbol, we see that it forms an endless looping in and out, a giving and receiving of energy in a never-ending cycle. Along with zero, the 8 is the only number that can be drawn over and over without taking your pen off the paper. The symbol of 8 is the infinity symbol, and is a vibration of great power, strength, endurance and stamina. It symbolizes the endless cycle of cause and effect, which generates the Laws of Karma and the cycle of Life in general. The karmic cycle is what keeps us focused on the earth plane, and underpins the physics of gravitational attraction, something the figure 8 displays graphically. Have A Great Day Filled with Luminous Light and Love Of The Holy Spirit and ITS Presence!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:41:03 +0000

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