The Legendary Tales of Thuranduril the Bard. The Black Fang. Part - TopicsExpress


The Legendary Tales of Thuranduril the Bard. The Black Fang. Part One. This tale begins as all good tales should, with a woman. The mayor of Sandpoint, as it were. The town had been terrorized by a creature the people dubbed Black Fang. Naturally the mayor hired the dashing, amazing, and completely modest Thuranduril to undertake the task of ridding them of the monster. And so with promise of gold reward, and the certainty that the mayor would also succumb to his natural charm and reward him in more carnal ways, Thuranduril accepted the quest. He proceeded to the apparent lair of the monster only to discover the mayor had also hired a dwarf, gnome, and half-orc (who shall henceforth be known as Dwarf, Gnome and Half-Orc, respectively) to also deal with Black Fang. Seeing that these othe hirelings were in great need of aid Thuranduril dug into his great reserves of charity and agreed to assist them, lest they meet their deaths without him. So they became allies, and due to his great foolishness and stupidity the Dwarf led them into a goblin ambush. Thankfully through great skill and a jaunty tune Thuranduril led them to victory and they ventured into the dungeon where Black Fang had made his home. it was in the first room that they discovered a cowering goblin, who had fled the earlier battle when he beheld Thurandurils awesome awesomeness. The Gnome quickly befriended the goblin and through Thurandurils mastery of all things talking they convinced the goblin to assist them in their task. So they ventured ever further into the dungeon, and towards Black Fang. To be Continued...
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:03:57 +0000

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