The Legends of Valdos Episode 27: The gateway to a Valinand (4 - TopicsExpress


The Legends of Valdos Episode 27: The gateway to a Valinand (4 days ago there was an invasion in knothole, the freedom fighters lost the battle and their home, and the might IVK Valdos fell to his death. Now the freedom fighters, try to find a new secret base. Meanwhile Emperor STARG plans something new.) Emperor STARG: This so victorious, now that I’ve actually killed the IVK, this planet will finally belong to the Trintervalinands. *Talks to unit 12 STARG* what’s the status on project ‘destruction of life.’ Unit 12: project STARG king Emperor STARG: Excellent! And what of the freedom fighters? Unit 12: They have not been sighted your highness! Emperor STARG: I know there’re hiding somewhere. But we’ll find them; they can’t hide from the God of destruction! (Meanwhile somewhere in a cave, in a rocky land. Roto walks in the cave with wood.) Roto: Brought some more firewood! Sally: Thanks Sonic! Roto: Any response from the wolf pack? Sally: *sighs* No, Emperor STARG must of blocked all network communications Roto: Bomber! Anyway Bunnie it’s your turn to take the nightshift. Bunnie: *sighs* Roto: Bunnie? Bunnie: What? Oh yes, umm I take the shift. *Walks out of the cave* Roto: Bunnie has been quietly lately after the Trintervalinands took Knothole. Sally: I know, he has too much of Valdos in her. Roto: I’ll go have a talk with her. *Walks out of cave* hey, what you doing? Bunnie: I’m just looking at stars again, as someone did to me. Roto: Look, I’m sorry that Valdos is gone. But we must stay strong as the war continues. Bunnie: I can’t though, Valdos is gone! He’ll never come back, and he was so special to me! *Tear comes out of her eye* Roto: *puts his hand on Bunnie’s shoulder* Bunnie… Bunnie: Please, just leave me. (Roto walks back in the cave. 4 hours later…) Valdos: *fading voice* bunnie… Bunnie: Uhh? Valdos: *fading voice* bunnie… Bunnie: Valdos? Valdos: *fading voice* BUNNIE… *voice disappears* Bunnie: Valdos! (The next morning Bunnie wakes everyone up.) Sally: keep it down will you, it’s 8:00 am in the morning. Bunnie: Everyone wake up, Valdos is alive! Rot: Bunnie, you’ve got to accept he is gone. (Just then a hawk comes in the cave.) NVK: You’re wrong Sonic, Valdos still lives! Roto: What the… who are you? NVK: There’s no time to explain. Now listen your friend Valdos still lives! Bunnie: Where is he? NVK: He is where ever Valinand king’s tomb is! The Temple of Gizmalore! Antoine: Err where is this temple? NVK: It is 5 billion miles up in space. Bunnie: Then we’ve got to go to this temple! Roto: Easy for you to say, we’d need a rocket! NVK: You have you need of a rocket. You’ve got time warp, if anyone wants to accompany me that’s fine with me, but it’ll be dangerous! Bunnie: I’m coming! Valdos is gonna need some assistance, and he needs me! NVK: Right then, lets go! *They teleport and vanish* (The NVK, Sonic and Bunnie arrive outside the temple of Gizmalore.) NVK: Well, here it is the temple of Gizmalore! We sometimes call it the gateway to a Valinand. Bunnie: oh my stars! Would you look at the size of that little old thing! (Then a Lion walks up to them.) MVK: Your finally arrived, come on your highness we’re wasting our time! (The three of them walk up towards the entrance.) Bunnie: So how do we get in? NVK: There should be a riddle that we must answer inscribed on the door. Ah here it is. Bunnie: What does it say? NVK: It says, Immortality is given to me, but move I cannot, tickle my toe and I will not laugh, what am I? MVK: Hmm. NVK: The answer is statue! (The door then opens as the NVK says the word!) Temple: Enter the temple, and seek the tomb of a Valinand u wish to open! NVK: Lets go, and stay together. (When they disappear a shadow appears at the front entrance, the shadow that belonged to Emperor STARG! 5 minutes later the king and the two freedom fighters, find another door. They open it and find the rooms with mirrors!) Bunnie: Hey I don’t see an exit anywhere? How we suppose to get out? NVK: I am leaving the Brains to you; I want to see if a mobian can solve this! Bunnie: But how? without seeing an exit we can’t get out! NVK: Your eyes can sometimes deceive, but does the reflection? Bunnie: Man, that big old hawk is sure hard to understand! *Bunnie turns to the mirror and notices a door in the mirror. * it must in front of us, but we just can’t see it! *She walks to the wall where the door is, in the mirror* Okay the doorknob should be… here! *Opens the door* NVK: Mmm, you impressed me. Now come on, lets continue on! (They walk on through a hallway with diamonds above them.) Bunnie: Wow! It’s so beautiful! MVK: We’ve just got a few more rooms to go through your highness (They then enter another door. With stone, knight skeletons.) MVK: Man pretty creepy. NVK: Come on lets keeping going, just stay on guard. Bunnie: Why? NVK: I’ve just got a feeling, that’s all. (They walk on, Bunnie then walks up to one of the skeletons. Suddenly, the skeleton moves! And raises his sword.) NVK: Bunnie, Get down! *Shoots a massive fireball at the skeleton. * Bunnue: What’s happening? NVK: Looks like the statues are awakening! Sonic: Well if they want a fight they’ll get one! *Spins dashes to one of the skeletons. * Bunnie: Come on u big skinless statues! *kicks and punches them* NVK: You’ve messed with the wrong Valinand *shoots electric spears* Good job you two. MVK: No probably your maj… (The bones then gather up together and form a giant and stronger skeleton!) MVK: What! These guys just don’t give do they? NVK: These skeletons seem to have the power of immortality! Bunnie: So how do we bet them! NVK: *Looks up at the ceiling* I’ve got an idea, MVK can you distract that Skelton? MVK: Sure thing, your highness. *Rushes open to it and distracts it* (The skeleton tries to get the MVK with his sword, but keeps missing him.) NVK: *shoots at the ceiling. * Move now! (The ceiling collapses and stones fall on top of the skeleton.) NVK: Well that took care of him! Come on we’re getting closer to Valdos! (Meanwhile back on Mobius.) Sally: Nichole (a computer) scan for any sign for any life about. Nichole: Scanning Sally. There is a group of life found near a mountain. Antoine: Do yous think it’s the wolf pack, princess? Sally: I’m not sure Antoine, let’s find out. Nichole: There is also sign of metal creatures 6 miles away. Roto: Oh no! It must be the STARGs; they must be looking for the wolf pack as well. Sally: Come on we first get to them first and warn them! *Runs ahead of everyone to the mountains* (Meanwhile back at Gizmlaore, they keep walking through a hallway.) Bunnie: So you didn’t tell me, who exactly are you. NVK: I am the Nintervalinand king, the powerful, ruler and protector of the universe. MVK: And I am the Mattervalinand king the second powerful Valinand. Bunnie: So you’re the Valinand kings! Valdos told us about you, you’re a legend you are! NVK: Yeah, our species have been like that for centuries! But we don’t feel so legendary now, after our planet was destroyed. Sonic: I understand, how you feel your majesty. NVK: Here we are, the tomb of Valdos! Bunnie: Oh thank my stars we’re finally here! NVK: It’s time to wake up the IVK again! *They reach for the door* (Meanwhile back at Mobius, the freedom fighters arrive at the mountains.) Roto: Well we’ll here, but where are the wolves? Sally: I don’t know. Nichole are there any hidden tunnels, or entrances around this mountain? Nichole: Locating Sally. Antoine: Ow are we suppose to find a *leans at a bush* woah! Roto: Hey, good job Antoine you found the tunnel! Sally: Come on, we’ve got no time to lose! (2 miles away, the STARG army gets closer.) STARG leader: scanners detect a pack of wolves near the mountains, switch stun to kill! (Meanwhile back in the mountains. Sally finds the wolf pack and tells them about the Trintervalinands) Sally: And the Trintervalinands hope to upgrade us into these STARGs! Lupe: This is horrible. Sally: I know, and we’ve lost many battles against them, they know our ways! Lupe: Well luckily I’ve heard that our spies have entered the city and received secret plans to this ‘STARG king project.’ Sally: Has there been any contact from them, after they left the city. Lupe: Unfortunately no! Jake: Lupe, We’ve seen an army of robots heading towards us! Lupe: This is not good! Jake tell the other wolves to be at arms, we must fight our way through! STARG leader: The wolf pack is sighted in this area, terminate them! (The wolves sat on top of the cliffs, waiting to shoot.) Jake: Shoot them down! *Fires out a mega laser at them. * Lupe: It looks like we’re have to meet up with our spies in a different area. Sally: Your right, we can’t let the STARGs find them, or we’ve lost! STARG leader: terminate the wolf pack! *Shoots a darkdust laser* Proceed to the underground! (Some of the wolves retreat back underground.) Jake: Lupe, we can’t stop them they’re too strong! STARG leader: Remain still! You will all come with us, welcome to the upgrade. You will be become like us! *Marches forward* (Valdos then comes in front of them and shoots the STARG leader down.) Valdos: It’s me guys, I’m back! Sally: Valdos! (The STARGs move forward to them. Valdos shoots them all.) Valdos: I’m gonna took out the ret of them, you go to the ronda point. Sally: You got it Valdos. Valdos *jumps out of tunnel* Good news, I’m healed! Bad news, I’m healed! *charges at them and shoots electric spears, jumps in the air!* Kasuenem! *lets out of massive whirlpool* That’s all of them! NVK: You did very well Valdos, I am impressed! Valdos: *bows down* your highness, I’m unworthy for you. I have let Emperor STARG destroyed me! NVK: You should not be too hard on yourself Valdos! Emperor STARG has gained new powers even some of us have never been able to master! But with us reunite, the war will finally be over! MVK: We must go now! The king says he will plan an alliance all over the galaxy and we must protect each galaxy, that is our duty. Valdos: I understand, let’s hook up again later. (MVK and NVK, walk away.) Valdos: MVK! Thanks, you saved me again. MVK: All in the line of duty friend. *Teleports and vanishes* Bunnie: Oh Valdos *hugs him* I thought I would never see you again! Valdos: I missed you too Bunnie! (They both dash to the ronda point.) Valdos: So now that we kings have reunited, we will end the Emperor’s evil forever! (Freedom fighters cheer. Meanwhile back on Gizmalore.) Emperor STARG: The king thought I would be after Valdos’ tomb; I have no need of him. *Stops in front of another tomb, with the word saying Sodlav! * Valdos shall meet his match once again! He will not stand a chance! *Opens tomb, hand comes out!* (Who does this tomb belong to? Next episode… Data transfer.) Comment on what you thought about it, and if you want you can suggest ideas for my Valdos series ☺
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:00:49 +0000

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