The Letter to God Jackie walks down the street lifelessly. He - TopicsExpress


The Letter to God Jackie walks down the street lifelessly. He staggered on and off the road as he walked, ignorant of the cars speeding down the road. He had with him a big brown envelope which he held under his armpit.He continued to stagger as he walked but stopped when he saw the signboard of a church. He walked in, found his way to the Blessed Sacrament chapel which was empty and collapsed on the pew. He opened the envelope and brought out a sheet of paper with a pen and began to write. Dear God, Why are you punishing me? Why have you abandoned me? What have I done wrong? Have I not been serving you faithfully all these years? Why have you turned your back on me and allowed me to be disgraced by these sinful and immoral people? Why have you abandoned me to these possessed people? Can you even hear and see me? I have been looking for a better job with higher pay for several years now. I just left the venue for a high paying job interview and I was bluntly rejected. I am your child and yet you allowed me to be humiliated like this? Have I not been exercising so much faith? Why have you failed me? Why are you not blessing me? Are you not the one who said in the book of Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 that I should ask and it shall be given to me? I have been admiring a lady for some time now and after asking her out, she said she would pray about it. After several months of prayer, she just told me yesterday that she did not get a positive reply from you. Why did you tell her not to date me? Am I not your child? Am I not full of everything good? I have been saving hard to buy a better car since I started working but have not been able to save up to the amount needed for my dream car. I have been honest in my office and transparent in all my dealings yet you have not rewarded me with either promotion or a higher paying job. It is not fair. Please answer me and my prayers. From your son, Jackie. Immediately he had finished writing the letter, his eyes felt a little heavy. He closed them and dozed off for three minutes. Immediately three minutes elapsed, he opened his eyes and stood up to go to the foot of the cross to drop the letter he had written. He felt an urge to read it again in case he had missed something. He opened the letter and to his surprise, the content was different but it was in his own handwriting. It read. My Dear Jackie, It’s good to finaly hear from you as it has been a while since we last communicated. All you have done in the last couple of years is to tell me all that you want without waiting to hear from me. It has been a monologue and the only way to get your attention especially as your mind has been filled with vanity is to reply your letter and it is our hope that you meditate upon all you are about to read. Have you not read in the book of proverbs chapter 3 vs 11 to 12 that the Lord disciplines those He loves? Do you not see that the little trials you are going through is only preparing u for the future that we have planned for you or have u forgotten the book of Romans chapter 8 verse 28 which says that all things work for good? How can you even say we have forgotten you or have you also forgotten that it is written in the book of Isaiah chapter 49 verse 15 that even if a mother forgets her nursing child and feels no love for the child that she bore, I will never forget you? U ask if we can hear and see you but answer this question, is it possible for the one who created the eyes and ears not to see and hear? Did you not read it in the book of the Psalms chapter 94 vs 9? You claim that we let you be disgraced by immoral and possessed people but are you the most righteous person on earth? How do you even know they are immoral or have you forgotten the book of Matthew chapter 7 verse 1? Even if you have forgotten, never forget that those you call immoral were created by me! They are all my children and are all your brothers and sisters under one baptism. You want a new and high paying job but to what end? Is it to bring glory to my name or to swell your pride even more? Do you even think you were the most qualified for the job? How then did you expect to pass the interview? Do you even know if the job would ruin you or drag you to an early grave? Do you think we do not know what is good for you or have you forgotten the book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 19? Do you really think you are honest? Do you think you are without spot or blemish? Do you even think you are making enough effort to walk in the light? I created creation and I am in creation. I am in that tree which you do not even know exists on your way to work because you have your mind on mansions and fast cars. I am in the grass you trample on and I am in the speck of dust underneath the sole of your shoes. I am in the water you drink and in the air you breathe. How can I then forget about you when I am in u and all around you? Finally, in your letter, you wrote nothing about spiritual blessings or even the salvation of your soul. All you cared about were perishable things. Have you also forgotten what is written in the book of John chapter 6 vs 27? Make hay while the sun shines. It is the Lord who has written this. Jackie quickly searched for a bible in the chapel and went through all the passages along with the letter. He had tears in his eyes as he read the and immediately he finished reading, he knelt down and cried out loud saying, “Forgive me God for I have sinned.” Run to Jesus now! #knethcee
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:47:57 +0000

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