The Life of Sasan. Part I I remember that Dastayoufsky the - TopicsExpress


The Life of Sasan. Part I I remember that Dastayoufsky the Russian writer had written in one of his story that the lives of poor people are very similar to each other. May be the life of middle class people are also similar to each other. In this way the life of super rich and or very rich people are similar to each other or? The poor people are fighting for bread or food, like the poor people in some countries that they are hungry. The middle class people fighting for education, better work condition, freedom, and a better life. They have enough food and or they have also clothes and also a place to live. What they do not have, is freedom, good education and a good condition and welfare. But the super rich and rich people in the whole world want to destroy these people. Why? Because they want more than poor people expect. The poor and uneducated people are satisfied first with enough food, clothe and work and later they want to marry and have their own house or apartment. Or they will change to the middle class people and they want more. The system in the world is controlling them, by different religions, lack of knowledge and information, or fear and killing. They should keep in a stage of ignorant and prejudice, and they should not be united with each other. If you see carefully in the world affairs, most wars are because of religions, nationalities and or races. Why, because the world order or the system controlling the world is preparing those. The hate between Shia and Sunni, the hate between Jew and Moslem, Bahai and Moslem and or other religions is bringing a lot of disaster in our world. Many Shia are killed in Pakistan by Taliban Sunni and the Hamas and Israeli are also killing each other. 30,000 Babi are killed in the Nasereddin Shah’s time in Iran. And recently about 200 Bahais are killed again in Iran. Why, because they were born in a Bahai family and the system expect that with a Bahai mother and Bahai father is may be Moslem. 10 young women and girls are killed in Shiraz, because they were teaching the other Bahai children in the Sunday Bahai schools the teaching of their religions. The religion which was heritage by the parent was for the regime a crime. You can compare in the past in the USA that the people were slave because their parents were slave. Nobody could blame on them why you are slave. If you have Bahai father and Bahai mother, you cannot be Moslem or Jew or? Now imagine if a child is born with a black mother and white father or a Jew mother and a Moslem father which problems he/she could have. Or 100 years ago, is a child in the USA was born from a black mother or a white father. How the society of the USA at that time brings problems for her/him? We read Shakespeare stories, Othello, and Romeo Juliet. We think that is only stories and belong to the past. But I see and know a lot of example of these stories even today. Still million of girls in the third world or other world are killed, because they did not listen to their parent to marry what they select for them. Or even in Pakistan a girl is killed by her parent, because she looks to a boy? You can read in the newspapers that many girls or boys even in the west and mostly from the immigrant of third world countries are in trouble here. Still millions of example like Othello, Desdemona, Juliet and Romeo are suffering from the system governing the world. Because the race problems, nationalities problems or religions problems still exists. We know that still millions of people are hungry in the world and millions of people do not have the minimum of life standard something like having water and food. From the other hand many super rich people or so called smart and intelligent robe the whole world and bring disaster in the world. Especially in the Moslem countries and third world, some leaders are very cruel and very greedy and they want to have everything for themselves and not for their people. The people who come from the third world here, most of them especial the middle class of them are not really well come here in the west. And the system is different and they are lost. The west systems are not helping them, but misguide them as the employees in the west system learn to destroy them legally. Suppose they are not rich and or not very intelligent. They need help and guidance from the host countries and native people, but they get no help and the system or people destroy their lives to made more money from them or just they want to damage them. This hate in Moslem countries is more obvious. They say to the people you are not Moslem, so cannot work here. You are Bahai you have to be killed. Or you are Bahai you cannot marry your Moslem fiancé. But in the west it is verboten to say directly those, so the system had a indirect way. They give the person for example they gave to Sasan an occupational license. After Sasan put all his money and effort and time in his business, they came and cancelled the license. They told Sasan they did a mistake. So they did mistake and Sasan should be destroyed. Sasan told them, I came to you and explain my situation and the condition of the houses I bought and you gave me the permission after examined my case. Yes, they told him, the employees at that time were not careful and did a mistake. Sasan told them how I can pay the millions dollars that I borrowed from bank and by your mistake is lost. They told him, you can sue us. Now Sasan should go after attorneys, but attorneys generally are after money and not just. They do not take his case, because they cannot get huge money. The system legally destroyed his life. He wrote letter to the president, congressmen or women. None of them act properly. All of them seem to be indifferent or useless for him. They do not care and they are indifferent. He has no other choice that he rent his business which was a boarding and language school with farm, rent to the regular people. They thought he is rich, as he had a lot of loan for the school and the building improvement, so they did not pay the rent to him. But he should pay taxes, insurance, repair and mortgages. He went to the court and paid the sheriff and court to come to send them out. But it takes time and the people got angrier and destroy the house and did not pay him even the utilities. It takes two months until the court give the police authorization to send them out. So the tenants had enough time to damage what ever they can and take or robe what ever they needed. In the time he could get the house back, it was totally damaged. He has a lot of bad checks, the people do not pay and for the system it is fine. The insurance companies do not pay and it is also fine and the whole system does not care. But he had to pay taxes, insurance and repair, mortgage with fine and late fees. The systems systematic destroy his life. That is the land of opportunities for the third world people. He came here with all his saving and worked here hard about 20 years and he had negative capital. That is just in the USA? The system is extremely indifferent and cruel to some cases like Sasan, case. The patriotic American that they believe everything is good in the USA say to him. Go back to your country, if here they robbed you. And the religious people say, the Job had worst than you, so you are OK. There is no law in the USA to support people who have no money to pay the greedy attorneys. And there is not just for the people who are robbed? The police do not act properly, because they did not lose anything. So they are indifferent and useless and they do not care. No he has bad credits and the system punish him and he cannot be also hire to work in other places. As you see in this way the so called free country like USA is worst that the dictatorship countries. You are free, but nobody will listen to you. In dictatorship countries, you cannot speak, but if you speak you can get your right or put in jail. But here nobody listen and the system is so indifferent and useless. And the people in the offices are trained to ignore people like Sasan. The life of Sasan Part II Sasan as a child had problems with the life and religions. His father was a general but very religious and his mother was a Bahai and also very religious. None of them wanted to give right to other one. They argue always, Sasan father Sardareddin tell that the 12 Imam is not there and he is not among us and he did not come and the world is waiting for him over 1300 years. He is some where and when the world is full of unjust he will come and try to bring peace and just for the whole world. His mother said he had come and is killed in Tabriz. His name was Bab and he had all the points that the 12 Imam should have. He had even miracles, one time over 750 Armenian Iranian soldier wanted to kill him ordered by the king of Iran Nasereddin Shah Ghajar. The general of those soldiers went to the governor and said, I want to fight with Russian or Turks and not to kill a Seyed who is even fastened with rope. The government wanted the Christian Iranian kill him as the Moslem may be did not want to kill a Seyed who is the relative of Mohammad. Their general went to the Bab and said, I am Christian and have no objection with you. If you are innocent, please let me know and I will not order to shoot at you. The Bab told him, if you are a pure man, you will not kill me. The God will protect me. You can shoot at me or order to shot at me, the God will protect me. So first time, 750 Armenian Iranian soldier of Sam Khan army shot at the Bab. The weather was full of dust and smoke. The weather or air was clear after shooting were finished. The Bab was not there. The people cried the Bab is again disappeared. Many people believe him as the 12 Imam in Tabriz. The government people were going after him and looked for him and they found him in his room speaking with his secretary or friend. He said, now I am finished and you can kill me. The Sam Khan and his soldiers told the governor, he will not kill him and he will not give the order to shoot at him again. So he took his people and run away. This time a Silakhori soldiers were ready to kill him and they killed him and the history wrote that all soldiers who killed him and shoot at him were also killed by a wall fell down on them. Sasan told his mother why you always argue with the papa? His mother told the story above and said to him, how I can deny a truth and say that I wait for the coming of the 12 Imam. Sasan asked her that she should say to daddy that she is also waiting for the 12 Imam and his mother cried bitterly and said she cannot do it. One day he saw that his Bahai uncles say to his mother Alah Abha, he thought that is a nice greeting, in the time his father came he run to him and told him Alah Abha. He was only four years old and his father slapped his little face. He does not know why his father was so upset and angry with him. He did not know the hate between Bahais and Moslems at that time, he could not even understand the differences between these two religions that both claimed to be from the God. Alah is an Arabic word and mean God and Abha is glory to God. The Moslems say Alah Akbar and that means God is great. Why the people should be so connected with words, both names are the same and the meaning is close. What is the different between Glories to God and or The God is great. But the poor little Sasan was a four years old child also a victim or the two religions. He was amazed why his father beats him. His Bahai uncle wanted to protest against that attitude but his mother did not want any problem between her brother and her husband. In the past in Iran, the women were very quite and did not want to fight for their right. And sometime the men or husbands misused this attitude. His mother was a full time high school teacher and she did the same salary as her husband, but still she did not want to have the same right and listen to the order of her husband. In their house were four different buildings and in each other them a family were living. In the biggest one Sardareddin and his family were living and in two other one the brothers and sister of Tahereh his wife were living. All of them were Bahai and only the husband of Tahereh was not Bahai. So the house was famous as a Bahai house and the families enjoy the big house with four building to have a lot of feasts there. Mostly Bahai feasts. The Moslem neighborhoods that were very religious and generally from the poor or poor middle class family were may be jealous about them. Their house was for the Moslem a place. A big garden may be about five acres with four huge building around it and big round swimming pool in the middle. So they were for the people of that area rich people. Their houses were may be 1/10 of acres and in compare with Sasan house was just nothing. Sardareddin had another Moslem wife, too. But he did not manage his life in a good way. As a general he had enough money. He was the only son of a very rich family. His father was an Ayatollah of his time. His mother was a very rich woman from a very rich family connected with the Ghajar kings. But he lives almost very poorly according to his huge wealth. He could not manage his family very well. His uniform were all pure gold and very expensive. The people thought he is king. One day in the school, the teacher asked Sasan what “does your father do”. He said he is a general in the army. A child cried, no Mr. Teacher his father is a king. The life of Sasan Part III
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:26:56 +0000

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