The Ligaroo and the odd stick Good morning to all my readers, - TopicsExpress


The Ligaroo and the odd stick Good morning to all my readers, today I will recall an experience i had many, many years ago in the Spice Island; yes in that beautiful but very enchanting land that lay lazily in azure deep blue waters. Ah yes, a land where mountains rise to greet the sun, while green lush vegetation blankets the land scape , while birds fly high, looking down on troupes of money swinging gracefully through the rain forest. From the air one can see rivers flowing steadily through valleys and plains as they gladly fulfill their god given purpose. At their banks animals drink her sweet water, while fish splash about in her crystal flow. If you were to walk the trails bare footed, the soft mud would stick between your toes and around your feet as comfortable as any high end shoe from 5th ave New York. Above your head the canopy filters the strong sunlight, while the cool trade winds are surfed by the aroma of cinnamon , cloves and nutmegs. Along the trail, stop and have a juicy mango, or two, a couple guavas , sugar apples, plums and if there is more room a banana or two. Then spend the early afternoon swimming leisurely back and forth in a pool as water cascades down the rocks from on high, hitting the pool below with such force that sends mist to the sky, striking the rays of the sun and forming rainbows all around. Leaving the refreshing waterfall, head south west to Grand Anse beach, chose a spot along her two and a half mile sandy shore; with a glass of rum punch, seasoned with a dash of nut meg, sip leisurely..... Looking out on the horizon, while serenaded by the sweet rhythm of the steel pan in the back ground, wave good bye to the sun as he blows you kisses ,good night. So now that I have finishing selling you your next vacation, let us get down to the story. The story takes place in a certain village, which I dare not mention for the events are still fresh in the memory of the villagers. For the last three month a Ligaroo had been terrorizing the village. All over, women could be heard complaining about the black and blue marks found on their legs, where the Ligaroo had feasted on their blood. At night people was afraid to go to sleep and poor children shivered in fear. In all this excitement my grand pa remain silent, with only a sly smile on his face when asked what was his opinion. As soon as the guest would leave he would turn to me and say in a sad tone, Ah, how evil never sleeps. Grand Pa, tell me, is it true, is there really a Ligaroo ? I would asked in fear . Yes Clyde there are evil out there but you have nothing to fear, for none will dare come here. He replied confidently. This brought a warm feeling to my heart and his assurance quickly expelled my fear. Little did I know that two weeks later it would return with a vengeance. My aunt had come to visit from the UK. Aunty Shelia was medium built, with thick thighs, broad hips and a butt that had the men heads whirling. The second day she awoke to black and blue marks all over her thighs. She complained at breakfast at the same time displaying her bruises. The house keeper quickly began to gossip that a Ligaroo had made those marks. Poor Aunty face became ashen with fear and my poor little heart was beating fast. Turning to grand pa, I saw fire in his eyes. Grand pa got up off the table and walk outside. I quickly followed, leaving the house keeper to console Aunty . I dont know up to today why I decided to follow grand pa discreetly but what I do know I am glad I did....... A hundred feet from the back of our house, there was an old shed that had fallen in disrepair over the years. Grand pa always kept it locked and no one was allowed to play there.... Believe me no one wanted to. It looked like a place where serpents and scorpion would inhabit. I followed grand pa ducking behind trees as I went. All this covertness was in vain, for grand pa not once looked back. Getting to the shed he unlocked the rusty padlock after fighting with it for five minutes. He entered and slam the door shut. I ran quickly up to the back of the shed and stealthily searched for a space to peep into. It took me five seconds.... Lol...! As I peered in, I saw that grand pa was kneeling down in a corner pulling up a piece of floor board. He then push his hand in and quickly pulled out a dusty cobweb odd looking stick. Then pushing his hand again into the hole he took out an old weathered looking bag. Opening it he took out six black candles that I could see had already been used in the past. Next he took out a big piece of chalk and a glass bottle of some sort of liquid. Taking the chalk, he drew a large circle in the centre of the floor. Then he placed the candles around the circle and lit them. Taking the odd looking stick he wiped it down. Then he opened the glass container and poured out some of its contents into his hands, a very sweet scent assaulted my nostrils. It was some type of oil I reckoned. Grand pa taking hold of the stick, rubbed the oil from the middle of the stick to the top, then turning it around did the other end. When he was finished he got up and stripped naked; taking the stick he entered the circle. He placed the stick in the north region and he sat in the centre. Now what happens next, I am between two minds if I should continue this tale............ Listen, please dont discuss and worse yet, DO NOT ATTEMPT !!!! Grand pa sat erect and with his eyes closed began the following chant, Big stick,black stick, old and ancient one, you who from Africa came, with power to harm and lame, your home is in darkness, the night you rule, awake now, big stick, black stick , awake, for tonight you dance. This he repeated thirteen times. What happened next I swear, changed the way I looked at grand pa forever and the way in which I view the world . On the thirteenth chant, the stick transformed into a black snake with two empty holes where its eyes should have been. It then slithered over to grand pa and bit him on his wrist. It drank hungrily of his blood, then it stretched it self out and changed back into a stick again. Grand pa opened his eyes and said, Black Stick, work! The stick stood up straight and started jumping around the circle and then stood still in the middle on its pointy tip. Grand pa put on his clothes, snuffed out the candles and took hold of the stick which was still standing in the middle of the circle on its tip unassisted . He walked outside and locked the door, taking his odd stick he headed home. I sat down on the side of the shed with my mind numb. My legs were weak, my hair at the back of my neck was standing straight up. My breathing was quite labored and my head dizzy.......I dont know how long I was out for, but when I awoke the sun was high in the sky. I headed home..... At home I found everyone at the table laughing and chatting away at lunch. Clyde, where have you been? Asked grand pa. I am not feeling well , I have a head ache, I am going to lay down for a minute, I lied. Grand pa gave me a strange look, that sent shivers through me and then smiling he said, ok smart man, go rest. I went into my room and locked the door. I fell asleep..... I dreamt that I was next to a Silk cotton tree and I could see a huge black snake talking to Mr. Roger; then he turned into a ball of fire and started bounding in great leaps towards the village ....... Clyde , is everything ok sweetie? Open the door. Came my auntys voice waking me from my sleep, thus ending my dream. I got up and opened the door.... Hi Aunty, said I sleepily. Clyde, I have something to tell you, I hope it will please you. I have spoken to your grand pa and he is ok with it... I want to take you back to London with me next week.... Well? Said Aunty Shelia. I was still a bit groggy but after all I saw today, I could hardly wait to get the hell out. I would love that Aunty . I happily replied. We spent the rest of the evening talking about the UK and life in London. My spirits rose and at supper I was once again my usual self. As we dined on smoked herring, that was prepared with tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers and olive oil; along with roasted coconut bakes and washed down with hot cups of coco tea. We chatted about carnival , politics and world affairs. After dinner grand pa retired early, citing that he had to get up later to do something important. As he left the table he winked at me and gave me a knowing smile. That triggered the days events and I felt the fear rise in me again. Around ten o clock we all retired to bed. I could not sleep, I was afraid yet curious to know what grand pa had in mind. So taking my blanket and pillow I crept into the living room and made my bed under the dining room table. It was full moon and the light lit up the room brightly. Besides the random barking of dogs and croaking of frogs, all was quiet. Around 1 am I saw grand pa walk into the living room with the odd looking stick. Placing it in the corner next to the door he said, Big stick, black stick, time to go to work. The stick then stood up straight. Grand pa went and sat in his arm chair and after an hour dozed off. I was scared shitless yet I was excited to see the out come. Around three O clock I saw a huge ball of fire bound by the window , the same ball I had dreamt of earlier that afternoon. Grand pa opened his eyes and an evil grin spread across his face. Squeezing my pillow tight, while wrapping myself fully in my blanket I followed grand pa eyes to the front door. The bolts in the door unlocked themselves.... Then the door open wide on its own........ Standing in the centre of the door way was the ball of fire! The fire transformed into the shape of a man in black, but I could not make out his face...... He entered the house and the door closed behind him. He took three steps and froze, turning around he saw the stick flying in the air towards him. Whoop, whoop, whoop, landed blow after blow on the figure.... Oh god doh kill meh, oh ah sorry, woii ah go dead..... Woii ah deading. Screamed the figure. Grand pa got up from the chair and walked over to the figure and peered into its face..... well, well well, its you Roger who doing this evil, well tonight yuh go dead. Stated grand pa. The stick started beating Mr.Roger mercilessly ..... Whoop, whoop! Please Mark, please, ah promise I wont fly Ligaroo again, please make the stick stop.... Woii ah deaden , woii ah deaden.... Oh god the lash too hot, meh back, meh bam bam.. Woii. After five minutes grand pa relented and said, Do you promise to leave this village and go else where? Yes, yes ah promise, ah go leave today self. Cried Mr.Roger. Black stick stay. Commanded grand pa. The stick stopped beating him and stayed suspended in the air above his head. The door opened and Mr.Roger ran outside and melted into the silvery night. Grand pa closed the door and snatch the stick out off the air. He returned to his room. I made my way to bed and pass the night in sheer terror. The next day Mr.Roger moved to Davy in St.Patricks to live with his sister. A week after that I moved to the UK . Two weeks after moving here, I heard my aunt talking on the phone with someone about strange black and blue marks on ladies legs in Davy, St.Patricks....... Grand Pa has long since passed, I do plan on visiting this summer with my wife and kids. In his will he left me everything including an odd looking stick. Clyde Viechweg.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:29:57 +0000

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