The Lilies The Herald-News August 28, 2013 I hope you didn’t - TopicsExpress


The Lilies The Herald-News August 28, 2013 I hope you didn’t miss the sunset Sunday night. The sun has basically gone on vacation this summer, but Sunday’s finale was inexpressibly majestic with long, slender, deep streaks of rich pinks and yellows and reds. Like an irresistible magnet, it drew Cheryl and me toward itself as we drove home from a small group gathering. Curiously, we missed a turn and had to take a long way home. I love these God-orchestrated “mistakes.” In my last column I spoke about the surprises that come in our daily lives that are mysterious and without explanation. Some are painful. They are “What’s-was-that-all-about?” experiences. Clearly, they aren’t a surprise to God who “works all things after the counsel of his will.” Since I like to be in control, these intrigue me—and sometimes really bother me. There are also sweeter, transparent daily gifts from God that are occasions for enjoyment and worship and instruction like Sunday’s sunset—if I will notice them. Jesus, in his daily teaching with his disciples, had a stunning ability to take common objects and experiences to teach piercing, life-changing truths. “Consider the lilies,” he simply said, as he taught about the care and provision of our great heavenly Father. This week God provided me a variety of teaching moments. What were yours? There was the rabbit. One of my favorite creation creatures, I pulled in my driveway and there she was just sitting there in the grass. The ears fascinate me—ever hearing and alert to danger. Though she appeared as if she was looking away, she was vigilant. She had such patience to not draw attention to herself. I watched her several minutes and whispered a word of thanksgiving to the Father, and thought of the lesson of quiet vigilance in a dangerous world. Rain. We’ve had so much this summer I am tempted to say “Too much!” as I fight to find a dry spell to mow the yard. But what a constant reminder this summer of the provision of God. He continuously nourishes the earth. Our friends in western states have a different prayer, but our prayer is praise. Thank you Father for moisture for the crops, to drink, to play in. The amazing joy of just spending a day with Cheryl Saturday. The yard yearned and my to do list beckoned, but we set out to spend the day not accomplishing tasks but just being together. She is such a gift; the joy of my life. And she is a reminder of the amazing desire of the Father to fellowship with his bride. Rigid, limited views of God miss this: God longs for quality and quantity time with us. There are many gifts from God to be savored as joy and worship when I “Consider the lilies.” Father, give me eyes to see and ears to hear you at work all around me every day.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 23:31:44 +0000

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