The Lisbon Conference will welcome 170 participants from 24 - TopicsExpress


The Lisbon Conference will welcome 170 participants from 24 countries in Europe and beyond The Learning Teacher Network’s 9th International Conference will be held at the four-star Hotel Tivoli Oriente in Lisbon, Portugal on 26-28 September with the title ‘Education for sustainable development’. We are delighted and honoured to welcome 169 participants from 24 countries in Europe and beyond to this important event of the year. Read or download (as pdf) the Conference brochure In addition to 42 high quality sessions with lectures and workshops, the high profile keynote speakers to address the conference are - Ms Soo-Hyang Choi, Director of the Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development at UNESCO - Prof. Akpezi Ogbuigwe, former Head of environmental education and training at the United Nations Environment - Prof. Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair on Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability and United Nations University (UNU) Chair on Education for Sustainable Development, York University, Toronto, Canada - Prof. Tom Tiller, University of Tromsø, Norway - Dave DeLuca,, USA The Learning Teacher Magazine 3/2013 has been published The Learning Teacher Magazine 3/2013 has now been published. Printed copies have been sent by post to network members and subscribers of the publication. The Magazine is available for on-line reading: Open for on-line reading Please note that it might take some seconds to open it, depending on your internet access speed. All previous issues of the Magazine are published on the Magazine web pages The editorial board asks colleagues in education and training for articles for the next Magazine, which will be published in December. The deadline for contributions is November 15th 2013. Articles may be submitted to the e-mail address [email protected] Large interest for the network’s European training courses in Malta in October We are delighted about the large interest to participate in the Learning Teacher Network’s two European training courses in autumn. The ‘Creativity and Learning’ course on 8-12 October currently has 28 confirmed participants from 12 European countries (Spanish colleagues wait still for the decision by their National Agency, wherefore the course group at the end may be 30 from 13 countries). 31 participants from 9 countries will take part in the course ‘Global Classroom - Educating for a more just and sustainable world’ on 14-18 October. For both these courses there will be much learning and networking but also time and opportunity to enjoy lovely Malta and the Mediterranean setting. What is Education for Sustainable Development? Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Seen as the guiding principle for long-term global development, sustainable development consists of three pillars: economic development, social development and environmental protection. ESD is short for "Education for Sustainable Development". ESD - allows every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future; - touches every aspect of education including planning, policy development, programme implementation, finance, curricula, teaching, learning, assessment, administration, etc.; - is called by many names in national and local contexts. In some places, Environmental Education (EE) and other related “educations” (e.g. global education and climate change education) are defined and practiced to include socio-cultural and economic aspects alongside environmental aspects. The DESD is the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Read more on the UNESCO website. DESD Final Report Survey – Your Opinion counts In view of the end of the DESD, UNESCO is preparing a final report on the Decade, which will take stock of the growth of ESD throughout the DESD. A UNESCO survey has been published for evaluation reasons and we recommend you and your colleagues to participate in this survey. To the survey 2014 World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development Preparations and information for the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to be held from 10-12 November 2014 in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan are now available on the Conference’s website. The Conference will mark the end of the United Nations Decade of ESD (2005-2014), celebrate its achievements and launch future ESD activities. Participation in the 2014 ESD World Conference is by invitation only. Stakeholders can contribute resources and data via the Conference’s website, which will enrich the final assessment report of the Decade. The report will be launched at the Conference. The website also illustrates UNESCO’s development of a draft Global Action Programme on ESD as suggested follow-up to the Decade, in collaboration with countries and other stakeholders. In addition, key UNESCO ESD publications, videos and ESD success stories from around the world are accessible on the site. The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development is organized by UNESCO and the Government of Japan. The 2014 ESD World Conference is organized by UNESCO and the Government of Japan, advised by an International Steering Group of twelve ESD experts from around the world. Discussions and preparations for ESD after the UN Decade are moving ahead. In November 2011, the UNESCO General Conference requested the “Director-General to develop options for transforming the UN Decade of ESD into an institutionalized process beyond 2014”. Subsequently, countries committed to strengthening ESD beyond the end of the Decade at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012. The UNESCO Executive Board in November 2012 then expressed “its preference for a programme framework” as follow-up to the Decade. New EU publication "Young Citizens of Europe" 2013 has been designated the European Year of Citizens, to raise awareness on the rights and responsibilities of EU citizens and to encourage discussion at every level of society on the future of Europe. A publication by the European Commission titled "Young Citizens of Europe" presents European good practice projects by young people. The projects presented in this brochure describe a fascinating panorama of activities undertaken by groups of young people or young individuals in the EU and beyond, which reflect their active, critical and responsible citizenship. They were all supported by the Youth in Action programme, in the form of Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service projects or training and networking projects for youth workers and youth organisations. Read more IATED invitation to submit abstracts for the international INTED2014 conference The International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) is a non-profit private association dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Technology and Science. INTED2014, the 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference will be held in Valencia, Spain on the 10th, 11th and 12th of March, 2014. INTED2014 provides the ideal opportunity to present projects and experiences as being a perfect platform to discuss the latest developments in the field of Teaching and learning methodologies, educational projects and innovations and new technologies applied to Education and Research. Colleagues in education and training are invited to submit abstract proposal to contribute to INTED2014 (in person or virtually) with one’s experiences and projects in the area of education, research and innovation. The deadline for abstracts submission is 5th of December 2013. Read more on the INTED website Like the network on Facebook, https://facebook/learningteachernetwork
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 07:44:03 +0000

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