The Little Soul wanted to experience forgiveness .... Once upon - TopicsExpress


The Little Soul wanted to experience forgiveness .... Once upon a time , the time before time , a Little Soul who said to God : I know who I am! And God said, This is wonderful! Who are you ? And Little Soul shouted, I am the Light ! God smiled a big smile. Yes, thats it! Is he exclaimed . You are the Light. The Little Soul was so happy , because it had solved the mystery all the souls of the Kingdom had come to solve . Wow, said the Little Soul , this is really cool! But soon , knowing that she was no longer sufficient . The Little Soul felt a stir inside and now she wanted to be the one she was . And so the Little Soul went back to see God (which is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be the One They Are Really ) and said, Hi , God ! Now that I know Who I Am, is that I also have the right to be? And God said : You mean you want to be the One That You Already Are ? Well , said the Little Soul , Its one thing to know Who I Am, and another completely different really be . I want to feel what its like to be the Light! But youre the Light, God repeated , with another smile. Yes, but I want to see how it feels ! Cried the Little Soul . Well, said God with a chuckle , I guess I should have known . Youve always been the more adventurous. Then the expression of God changed . There was just one thing ... What? Asked the Little Soul . Well, there is nothing other than the light. You see, I have nothing else that creates what you are ; then there is no easy way for you to experience Than What You Are , since there is nothing that youre not . Huh ? Said the Little Soul , Now that was a little puzzled . Think of it this way , said God. You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, youre there , thats for sure . With a million , a milliardion other candles that represent the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. No, it would be a sun without one of its candles ... and it would not be the Sun at all; because it does not shine as brightly . And yet , how do you know as Light when youre among the Light - that is the question . Well, said the Little Soul perked all , You are God. Find something ! God smiled again . I ve done it , said God. Since you can not see you as Light when you are in the Light , well surround you with darkness. What is the darkness ? Asked the Little Soul . God answered: Thats what youre not . Will I be afraid of the dark? Cried the Little Soul . Only if you choose , said God. There really is nothing to fear , unless you do decide . You see, we invent this. We pretend . Oh, said the Little Soul , and felt better already . Then God explained that to be able to experience anything , the exact opposite would occur. This is a great gift, God says, Because without it , you could not know what its like anything . You could not know the Warm without Cold , Upper without the Netherlands, without the Quick Slow. You could not know Left without Right , Here without There, Now without Jadis . And so, God concluded , When youre surrounded by darkness, not wield your fist and do not raise your voice and do not curse the darkness. Rather be a Light vis-à -vis the dark, and do not be angry about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are , and all others will also . Let your light shine so that everyone will know how special you are ! You mean I have the right to show others how Im special ? Asked the Little Soul . Sure, said God with a chuckle. You have absolutely right! But remember , special does not mean better . Everyone is special in their own way ! Yet many others have forgotten that. They will see that they have the right to special if you yourself acknowledge that you have the right to be special. Wow, said the Little Soul , dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy . I can be as special as I want! Yes, and you can start right away, said God, who was dancing and jumping around and laughing with the Little Soul . What part of special do you want to be ? What part of special? Repeated the little soul , I do not understand . Well, God explained , being the Light is being special , be special and includes many elements . It is special to be kind . It is special to be gentle . It is special to be creative. It is special to be patient. Is what you can find other ways of being that are special ? The Little Soul sat quietly for a few moments. I found lots of ways to be special! then cried the Little Soul . It is special to be someone who helps . It is special to be someone who shares . It is special to be friendly . It is special to be considerate of others ! Yes ! God approved and you can be all these things, or any element of special that you would be at any time . That s what it means to be the Light. I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be ! the Little Soul announced excitedly . I want to be part of special called the one who forgives . Is not special to forgive? Oh yes, God assured the Little Soul . Its very special. Okay, said the Little Soul . Thats what I wanna be. I want to be the one who forgives . I want to experience to be like that . Well, said God, but there is one thing you should know. The little soul began to get impatient now a little. He always seemed to have complications. What is it? Said the Little Soul sighed. There is no one to forgive. Nobody ? The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said. No ! God repeated . Everything Ive done is perfect. There is not a single soul in all creation which is less perfect than you. Look around you . It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered . Souls had come from near and far - from all over the United - as the news spread the Little Soul had this extraordinary conversation with God and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying . Looking at the countless other souls gathered there , the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful , less magnificent , or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around her, and so bright was their Light, the Little Soul could hardly watch. So who forgive? God asked . Boy , it will not be funny at all! Grumbled the Little Soul . I wanted to experience being one who forgive . I wanted to know what effect it was like to be that part of the special. And the Little Soul learned what it was like to be sad. But just at that moment , a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd. Do not worry, Little Soul , said the Friendly Soul , I ll help you. You will help me? The Little Soul brightened . But what can you do? I can give you someone to forgive yours! You can ? Certainly ! Chirped the Friendly Soul . Can I come in your next life and do something you can forgive . But why? Why would you do that ? Asked the Little Soul . You who are a Being of such complete perfection ! You, who vibrated so fast it creates a brilliant light that I can barely look at you ! What could you do to slow down your vibration at such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense ? You who are so light that you dance on the stars and that you moved across the Kingdom with the speed of your thought - what would you come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing? Its simple , said the Friendly Soul , I do it because I love you . The Little Soul seemed surprised by the answer. Do not be so amazed , said the Friendly Soul , You ve done the same for me . You do not remember? Oh, we danced together you and me, many times. Through the eons and ages, we danced . Through the whole time , and in many places have we played together . Its just that you do not remember . We were both the Ensemble of All Things . We were the Upper and Lower , Left and Right . We have been here and there, the now and the old days . We were the male and female, good and bad - and we have been the victim and villain . So we met , you and I, many times before ; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to express and experiment Who We Really Are . And then, went on to explain the Friendly Soul , Ill come in your next life and this time I will be the bad guy . I will do something really terrible , and then you can make the experience of being one who forgive . But what will you do, asked the little soul , a little nervous, that will be so terrible? Oh, replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle , We ll find something. Then the Friendly Soul seemed to be serious , and said in a soft voice : Youre right about one thing , you know. And what is it? The Little Soul wanted to know . Ill have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to this not - very - nice thing . Ill have to pretend to be something very different from me . So , I have a single favor to ask in return. Oh, anything, anything! Cried the Little Soul , and she began to dance and sing. Ill be able to forgive , I can forgive ! Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul remained quite silent . What s going on? Asked the Little Soul . What can I do for you? You are such an angel to please do this for me! Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel ! God interrupted . All are! Always remember : I never sent you that angels . Then the Little Soul wanted more than ever fulfill the request of the Friendly Soul . What can I do for you? application of the new Little Soul . When I hit you and you terrasserai , said the Friendly Soul , When I do the worst thing you can imagine - at this time ... Yes ? The Little Soul interrupted , yes ... ? Soul Amicale became even quieter . Remember Who I Really Am . Oh, I will! Cried the Little Soul , I promise! I will always remember you as I see you here in this moment ! Well, said the Friendly Soul , because , you see, Ill pretend so hard that Ill forget me . And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a long time . And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are , and we are both lost . Then we will need another soul to come and reminds us to both Who We Are . No, that will not happen ! Again promised the Little Soul . I remember you ! And I thank you for bringing me this gift - the opportunity to experience Who I Am. And so , the agreement was concluded . And the Little Soul engaged in a new life, very excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness . And Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience being the One Who Forgive and thank the Soul that it would . And in every moment of this new life , whenever a new soul made its appearance , that new soul brought joy or sadness - and especially if it brought sadness to - the Little Soul thought of what God had said. Always remember , and God had smiled , I never sent you that angels . Adaptation of Conversations with God , Neale Donald Walsh
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:58:02 +0000

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