The Lord Jesus confirmation Word time with your Church and Nations - TopicsExpress


The Lord Jesus confirmation Word time with your Church and Nations Apostle through James Winfree Sr, To the Church here at home in America and the Church of Nations: There are those of you who are still not honoring the Lord God with All of your heart and All of your substance, for you are still serving the idol of self, and you still want things your way, and you are operating in the spirit of witchcraft by manipulation ( Many of these are false and fake preachers ) for you are still desiring the things of the World and the things that you have in mind for yourself, ( Preachers the Lord call you to take awesome care of His People and Not just yourselves ). I say to you today, forsake All and come and follow Me says Jesus your Savior, for I Am faithful. I Am The Faithful One. I Am The Restorer of the broken heart, The Restorer of The Wounded Holy Spirit, The Restorer of the broken life. This you must do--you must come to Me in faith and boldness to My throne of amazing grace with repentance upon your lips. Come with joy in your heart for the expectation of My coming to you and receiving you as My child. It is My greatest joy to bring forth the wounded one that has strayed out into the fields, into the highways and into the places of defilement, and bring that one back home into the place of glory. For God would, by the Holy Spirit, bring you to the household of faith which is Gods Kingdom and put a ring upon your finger and a robe upon your shoulders, and say, enter into My kingdom My child. Do not stray into the world, for there are wolves and lions and the spirit of death seeking to take you. Come with boldness, for I Am Faithful. I Am The Faithful One in Christ, The Holy One of Israel and My Church. I neither slumber nor sleep. I see All of the wickedness of your ways, for the heart of man is indeed wicked. But, if you will give your heart to Me, I will take that stony heart out of you and replace it with a heart of flesh, one that can build faith, one that can be renewed in the Spirit of My kingdom, one that can have joy, one that can laugh again, one that can relish My presence again. I say, you must come with openness in your heart and openness in your mind. Your mouth must be a mouth that speaks no guile, but come to Me with the everlasting words of Jesus Christ, Yes come home to Abba Father God Daddy, He have come to You. He have come with His help and He have come to put on you His clean garments, and He is asking You to allow Him to wash you with His blood ,Yes DAD Precious Son that fellowship may be restored. Amen Church Amen In the service of The KING OVER ALL kings and LORD OVER ALL lords, Jesus Christ. Your Church and Nations Apostle: James Winfree Sr, JBANA/
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:58:51 +0000

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