The Lord has been taking me to Heaven since 1992. The first - TopicsExpress


The Lord has been taking me to Heaven since 1992. The first visits involved the Lord Jesus handing me scrolls that contained information He wanted shared with His Bride to help her make herself ready, and most of what He has had me share since then have in some way been contained in these scrolls. During a major visit in 1996, the Lord shared with me a scroll regarding His Authority, and He wants me to share the entirety of it with you now. If there are any unusual capitalizations its because it was entirely in capital letters originally, to reflect the fact it was word for word what was written on a scroll Jesus handed me. But since all caps is hard to read, I tried to correct letter case as much as possible before sharing it. Message on Gods Authority The Word of God is the authority of God. The Word of God is the will of God. The Word of God is spiritual law. The Word of God governs heaven. The Word of God defines, establishes, and maintains heavenly order. Jesus is the Word of God. (jn 1:1) Jesus is the Glory of God. (heb 1:3) the Word of God is the authority of God. (all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me, mt 28:18 Jesus is the Word of God. The Word of God said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given Me) the Glory of God is the authority of God. Adam was crowned with the Glory of God. Adam was crowned with the authority of God. Adam was crowned with the Word of God. Adam was the exact image of God, before the fall (let us make man in our image, in our likeness. If he were not the exact image in every way, he would have been imperfect, and there was no imperfection on earth before the fall) that Means Adam looked like God, acted like God, talked like God. He imitated God on the earth. He was the revelation of who God is, in the physical realm. He was the authority of God, in bodily form. He was the will of God, in bodily form. He was the Word of God, in bodily form. Adam was anointed, before the fall. (God gave him an assignMent. God always anoints those he assigns a task) Adam fellowshipped with the father, before the fall. Adam was led by the holy spirit, before the fall. (those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God, and .Adam was the son of God (lk 3:37), before the fall.) Adam walked by faith, before the fall. (without faith it is impossible to please him, and Adam pleased God, before the fall) Adam was exactly as believers should be today, before the fall, except for the provisions for forgiveness , which were unnec-essary, and for the spiritual gifts, which were unnecessary. Adam was entrusted with maintaining heavenly order in the earthly realm. Adam pleased Me until he fell. Adam operated as i operate, until he fell. Adam walked as i walk, until he fell. Adam talked as i talk, until he fell. Adam was perfect, a perfect image of Me, until he fell. Adam believed in his heart, and confessed with his mouth, until he fell. Adam took his eyes off of my Word, and fell. Adam listened to the devils lie, and fell. Adam listened to the voice of man, and fell. Adam looked at the physical, and fell. My Word ceased to have his proper place in Adams life. My will ceased to have his proper place in Adams life. When Adam fell, he stopped pleasing Me. When Adam fell, he stopped believing Me. When Adam fell, he stopped talking as i talk, and walking as i walk. He stopped walking by faith. He began walking by sight. When Adam stopped walking by faith, Adam lost his authority. When Adam stopped walking by faith, satan gained a foothold. When Adam stopped walking by faith, death, sickness, and sin entered the earth. When Adam stopped walking by faith, he stopped imitating God. When Adam stopped walking by faith, he stopped being the exact image and representation of God. He stopped allowing Me to govern the earth through him. Only another man, another Adam, could restore order, since God entrusted the earth to man, and could not violate his Word. Only another man could restore my dream for man on the earth. Only another man could restore my will for man on the earth. Only another man could restore my image to man on the earth. Only another man could undo what man had done. God sent another Adam to earth to destroy death, sickness, and sin. God sent another Adam to earth to demonstrate how to walk by faith. God sent another Adam to imitate God. (Jesus said i do what i see my father doing) God sent another Adam to earth to be his exact image and repre-sentation to the physical world. (he (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, col 1:15) Jesus is called the last Adam. Jesus is the authority of God in bodily form. Jesus is the will of God in bodily form. Jesus is the exact representation and image of God. Jesus is the revelation of who God is. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God, on the earth. Jesus is everything that God is, made visible. Jesus talked as God talked, and walked as God walked. (he told philip anyone who has seen Me has seen the father jn 14:9) you see the authority and will of God when you saw Jesus raising the dead. You see the authority and will of God when you saw Jesus healing the laMe. You see the authority and will of God when you saw Jesus restoring blind eyes. You see the authority and will of God when you saw Jesus casting out evil spirits. You see the authority and will of God when you listened to what Jesus said, and saw how he walked. You see exactly what God the father would do, if he were walking on the earth. (Jesus said he does what he sees his father doing) you heard exactly what God the father would say, if he were walking on the earth (Jesus said i do nothing on my own, but speak just what my father has taught Me jn 8:28) Jesus was the exact image and representation of God. He only did what he saw God doing, and he only said what he heard God saying. When Jesus went to the cross and rose again, he made it legal for us to walk as Adam did. He took everything Adam caused with him to hell, and left it. He took sin with him to hell, and left it. He took sickness with him to hell, and left it. He took death with him to hell, and left it. Then, in hell, Jesus took the authority over earth back from satan. He dethroned the ruling spirits, making an open show of them. All the evil spirits that were torMenting Jesus in hell, when the father spoke the Words of the resurrection to Jesus, had to bow down and worship him (acts 13:32-36 proves these were the actual Words): you are my son, today i have becoMe your father (heb 1:5) let all Gods angels worship him (heb 1:6) all angels, fallen and unfallen, had to worship him. For him to be able to step on satans head, satan had to be bowing before him. (see josh 10:24) he humiliated satan in front of his companions, forcing him to bow and acknowledge that Jesus is lord in his very own throne room. Satan had to acknowledge Jesus is lord, and in so doing, sub-jugated himself, in front of his companions, to the naMe of Jesus, in his own hoMe. Jesus bound the strongman, then plundered his goods, and brought those goods back with him. He took that which was introduced in the fall out of the way, and brought back that which was stolen in the fall. He began the work of restoration in the resurrection. He began the work of restoration in man in the resurrection. He began the work of restoration to earth in the resurrection. He began the work of making all things new. He is resurrecting both man and nature. He is restoring life to both man and nature. He is restoring his dream for both man and nature again. Jesus made Gods original dream and purpose for man possible on earth again. My Word caused the new creation to be, just as he caused the old creation to be. My Word created the image i had in my heart for the new man, just has he did for the old man. The image i had in my heart for the new man is my son Jesus. My first Adam was the head of my old creation. My last Adam is the head of my new creation. My first Adam was the authority of my old creation. My last Adam is the authority of my new creation. My first Adam walked by faith. My last Adam walks by faith. My first Adam was to be the head of a large family of my children. My last Adam is the head of a large family of my children. My first Adam was to teach his family how to live by faith. My last Adam teaches his family how to live by faith. My first Adam was to rule the world in righteousness. My last Adam will rule the world in righteousness. My Word is my way of creating what is in my heart. What is in my heart is invisible. My Word takes the invisible and makes it visible. The earth was in my heart before it was visible. My Word made it becoMe visible. Man was in my heart before he was visible. My Word made him becoMe visible. My Word is begotten from my heart, and takes those invisible things in my heart, and makes them visible. What i say, becoMes visible. What i say, becoMes physical. What i say becoMes the image of what i have in my heart. Adam was the image of myself i have in my heart. Jesus is the image of myself i have in my heart. The church is the image of myself i have in my heart. You are the image i have of myself i have in my heart. Jesus was begotten of the father (jn 1:14, 3:16) the church is begotten of the father . (eph 3:14-15) you are begotten of the father (1 jn 3:1-3, 1 jn 3:9, jn 1:12-13) Jesus was a mystery in the heart of the father, until he becaMe visible. (eph 3:4) the church was a mystery in the heart of the father, until she becaMe visible. You were a mystery in the heart of the father, until you becaMe visible. (eph 1:4) You are made in my image. You are to imitate the way i operate. You are to say my Words from your heart, as i say my Words from my heart. When you say my Words from your heart, you will get the saMe results that i do when i say my Words from my heart. no Word of God is devoid of fulfillMent. I watch over my Word to perform it. my Word will take what is invisible in your heart, and make it visible, like my Word takes what is invisible in my heart, and makes it visible. My Word will take the dreams in your heart, and make them visible, like my Word takes the dreams in my heart, and makes them visible. If your dream is a good marriage, my Word in your heart will make that becoMe visible. If your dream is a healed body, my Word in your heart will make that becoMe visible. If your dream is a vital, living church, my Word in your heart will make that becoMe visible. My Word from your lips begotten from my spirit in your spirit will create, maintain, and restore what is invisible in your heart. My Word must be in your spirit before my spirit can use it. My Word must be in your heart before my Word can cause those dreams in your heart, which are now invisible, to becoMe visible. A believer is my Means of making my dreams becoming visible in the physical world. My Word living in them, the creator of the universe, will speak through their lips, and cause those dreams to materialize, to becoMe visible. If the believers get the Word into their hearts, my purposes for them will be fulfilled. Once those purposes are fulfilled, i will send my son to bring them hoMe. My believers are my children, born of my Word. They are my Word, living on earth. They are my Means of restoring and maintaining my will on earth. They are my representatives from heaven, on earth. They are my emissaries from heaven, on earth. They are my Messengers from heaven, on earth. They are my rulers from heaven, on earth. ... How much more will those who receive Gods abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus christ (rom 5:17) You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth (rev 5:10) A believer is my authority on earth in bodily form. A believer is the revelation of God on earth, in bodily form. A believer is my will on earth, in bodily form. A believer is my exact representation and image, in bodily form. My Word in your heart is my authority over creation in your heart. My Word in your heart is the kingdom of God in your heart, ruling and reigning through you. My Word in your heart is my son, ruling and reigning through you, as he rules and reigns in heaven. My Word in the church is my authority in the church. My Word in the church is my way of ruling and reigning on the earth. My Word in the church is the rule of heaven on the earth. My Word in the church is the authority of heaven on the earth. My Word in the church is my son, ruling and reigning on the earth, as he does in heaven. My will is to restore to earth everything earth lost in the fall. My will is to restore to man everything man lost in the fall. My will is to restore heavenly order to the church, and then, through the church, restore heavenly order to the world. When heavenly order is restored to the church, i will coMe to take her hoMe. When my dream for the church is fulfilled, i will coMe and take her hoMe, for her purpose for being on earth is finished. When my purpose for Jesus on earth was finished, i called him up to heaven. When my purpose for the church on earth is finished, he will call her up to heaven. After seven years, my sons and daughters will return to the earth to rule and reign for a thousand years. They will fully know their place in my plan, and proceed to finish the work on earth that started with the resurrection. Nature yearns for the unveiling of my children, for the restoration of my life, for the resurrection and healing of everything that was damaged in the fall. (rom 8:22) during the millennium, nature will be healed through the lips of believers. My Word, living in them, will speak and restore my dream for nature: For the weather, for the animal kingdom, for the plant kingdom, for the environMent. For every visible thing on earth. Everything in nature will conform to my will and dream. During the millennium, mankind will be healed through the lips of believers. My Word, living in them, will speak and restore my dream for mankind. Nations will be healed, divisions will be healed, the sick will be healed, poverty will be destroyed, famine will be destroyed, in those nations that submit to my sons rule. During the millennium, i will rule and reign on earth through my sons and daughters lips. My son Jesus will reside in jerusalem, and my other sons and daughters will be given positions of authority throughout the earth. My son in jerusalem shall reign through their lips with a rod of iron, pronouncing judgeMent on the disobedient and grace on the humble. I will give the joy and honor of performing this work of restoration to my children. Those that are faithful in the destruction of satans kingdom now will be entrusted with positions of authority in the millennium. Those that are faithful in the restoration of my will on earth now will be entrusted with the restoration of my will on earth then. Those that are faithful in the healing of the creation now will be entrusted with the healing of the creation then. Those that prove themselves faithful, that prove to Me that i can trust them, will be trusted then. Those that are not faithful now will not be faithful then. Those that are not honorable now will not be honorable then. Those that are not obedient now will not be obedient then. Those that are not trustworthy now will not be trustworthy then. Those that refuse the truth now will be refused leadership positions then. The earth shall be conforMed to that image in my heart again. Man shall be conforMed to that image in my heart again. The earth began in beauty, and it shall end in beauty. The earth began in perfection, and it shall end in perfection. The earth began being like heaven, and it shall end being like heaven. Man began in beauty, and he shall be restored to beauty. Man began in perfection, and he shall be restored to perfection. Man began being like my son Jesus, and he shall be restored to be like my son Jesus again. For what i dreaMed in the beginning will be true at the ending. For what i dreaMed to be finished, will be finished. My Word, at the end of the old creation, said it is finished (jn 19:30) my Word, at the end of the new creation, will say again it is finished ...The old order of things has passed away. He who is seated on the throne said i am making everything new! Then he said write this down, for these Words are trustworthy and true. He said to Me: It is finished. I am the alpha and the oMega, the beginning and the end. To him who is thirsty, i will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcoMes will inherit all this, and i will be his God and he will be my son (rev 21:5,6) Jesus is the beginning and the ending purpose for everything. Jesus is the beginning and the ending reason for everything.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 19:48:48 +0000

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