The Lord has called me to preach! I am not a pulpit story teller, - TopicsExpress


The Lord has called me to preach! I am not a pulpit story teller, political annalist, lecturer. I will preach the Word. I am not one to stand around and listen to a bunch of christian people spouting off rhetoric that questions what God has already revealed. I do not know it all, but as I learn the Word, I preach it! If you think I am not relevant, then take that up with God because evidently you think that God allowed the world to become a place that does not respond to the preaching, kērygma (1 Cor. 1:18) of the Word. I do not speak to make people angry. I preach to obey the Word of the Lord. I preach because I believe that people who are being drawn by the Glory and Grace of the Lord will respond to it. I do not believe that people who are not being drawn will want what I a preaching. People have not become turned off by preaching! People are excited by preaching. ESPN Sports people PREACH SPORTS to line their pockets and men line up to listen. Politicians PREACH POLITICS to line their pockets and men and women line up to listen. Motivational speakers PREACH POSITIVE THINKING to line their pockets and people who want to get rich line up to listen. Their are many who preach for temporal reasons. I PREACH CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED because this is what I am called to do! There is little to no money in this. If I were in it for the money, I would have my teeth capped, rent a stadium, hire a marketing team and start telling people part of the truth. I would emphasize people and not Jesus Christ. I would downplay eternal punishment and speak of getting rewarded now. I would write powerless books and plead the 5th when cornered about non-popular Bible passages. But, I am not one of those. I am a preacher of Christ and Him Crucified.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:05:10 +0000

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