The Lord has called us to encourage one another. We are to love - TopicsExpress


The Lord has called us to encourage one another. We are to love one another, forgive and pray for one another. We are to treat each other with respect. Will people hurt us? yes. Will they do something stupid and cause a frustration? yes. Will we? yes. Though others may not intentionally do things to hurt us, we still must never grab hold of unforgiveness and not allow the root bitterness to take hold. Sometimes we may not know the whats or whys of peoples actions. We have to understand people are people with real people issues. The Word also tells us walk in the fruits of the Spirit. The fruits show us where we are in The Lord. If we are not producing the fruits of the Spirit in certain areas of our lives, then we have to get before The Lord And get Him to change and help us. Love keeps No record of wrong. This is major thing and few truly walk in it. When we have been wounded by others and not healed, we take our own microscope and judge everyone according to our own wounding experiences. Here comes the past records of wrong. The problem is, that we are looking through a warped view. We thrust others into the way we think they must perform according to our wounds. Our wounds dictate us. We throw people into our judgements and will shut them down or off. Then they propers and we get Then the problem comes as we isolate ourselves from anyone who can help. Therefore we have pushed back people who can speak life.. The other problem is we will cause others to do what we have been wounded by. Why? Because our woundings will create the environment and the atmosphere of demonic influence to come and move. Wounds draw in demonic forces. They thrive on our woundings. They replay our wounds over and over. Then our actions line and we reject people. The enemy makes sure we dont get free. They use the wounds to dictate our lives. The voices can sound like God, and even reason with you why you feel a certain way, but its really a wound. When it comes to the wounding of rejection in others, even though you have not done anything wrong, they will still thrust their past experiences your way and label you as they perceive you through their wounds. This may not happen right away. Then all of the sudden it happens and you are left wondering why? So you do your best to please them. With no avail. Why? Its a wound with demonic influences. My husband with a great counsel word says You cannot satisfy anothers wounds by submitting to its demands. Only Jesus can heal and set them free. Demonic activity will not be satisfied as well. They have to be healed and set free. Now the issue is back on me. What do I do? I pray and love and treat them as Jesus would with the fruit of the Spirit. Not submitting to their demands over me and trying to please them. I would love to tell you thats how I initially reacted recently, that would be lie. It hurts for others to wound you out of their own woundings. So I am learning not to take it personally. Not to submit to anothers wounds or demands or demonic influence. But to love them, pray for them, stand before my Father on their behalf as others have done for me. I am learning to Love unconditionally with no record of wrong, and realizing that the enemy is my enemy. See me taking it personally is not the correct stance.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:53:49 +0000

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