The Lord has truly blessed us with a beautiful day with sunshine, - TopicsExpress


The Lord has truly blessed us with a beautiful day with sunshine, blue skies and I am getting SPRING FEVER! Thank you Lord for this! I was getting CABIN FEVER but got out yesterday and went to Hillview FWB Church. Sunday school was great, music was VERY GOOD and we had a special treat hearing Tori sing! You are amazing girl! The service was WONDERFUL up until the SNAKES! NOTE: I am not complaining but merely explaining. Pastor Bill was preaching/teaching that complaining is SIN! When the Israelites kept complaining about God and Moses, God had enough of His disrespectful children and sent venomous snakes from the sky. Many were bit and died. They said to Moses We sinned when we spoke against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take the snakes away from us. So Moses prayed for the people. The LORD said to Moses, Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live. So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived. Then PB told instructions on how to get away from an anaconda attack. Which is just frightening!! Then PB added his own personal story. When he was young and reached up in a closet for a badminton racket he felt something squishy. Looking back at him were two eyes from a BIG black snake! Now this triggered my own personal experience when I was a child. My brother, sisters and I were all playing under a big walnut tree and with no warning we saw something big hit the ground with a THUD! When my brother Henry saw it was a snake (not a small snake but a BIG black snake) he picked up a stick and was chasing it in the woods! No fear in that boy! Well by the time PB was done my right side of my face had already started to swell including my tongue. As soon as Dwayne seen it he knew he only had a couple minutes to get me to the car or he would have to drag me to the car. We caught it in time and when I got home I laid down and didnt wake up until 6:30 P.M. My Dr. thinks that my brain does this to protect me. So thankful for my patient husband. We really never know when I will have one of these episodes. Lisa AKA Mona also has helped me through many of these. God truly blesses us with guardian Angels! They are all around us everyday, I know some may say it was luck or coincidence when others are there to help at just the right time. But it is so much more than that. God already had it planned out! He is with us everyday and He places people in our lives for a reason. I am VERY thankful that He thought this sinner (ME) was worth all the effort. I think Malari said it best We have a God that is madly in love with us! AMEN!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:47:25 +0000

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