The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger and of - TopicsExpress


The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger and of great mercy. Ps 145:8 How slow are we to anger? I know sometimes I get angry over the least little thing, especially if I am not feeling well. I am so glad that my God is slow to anger and has compassion and great mercy for me, as he does you as well. I learned a valuable lesson in life when my sister started having strokes and was having trouble driving. I used to get behind people that were slow and I would get agitated, because I wanted to get on down the road, how many of you are like that? Then as I began to ride with my sister after she got to where she could drive again she would drive slow like 45 in a 55 and I would tell her to speed up. Then I realized she was doing the best she could. It was like learning all over again for her. This life lesson taught me not be so quick to anger about that driver in front of me who is slow and I am in a hurry, cause he too may be recovering from some illness and doing the best he can. Or, he may have been put in front of me this day to slow me down to keep me from having a car accident and hurting myself or someone else. We never know what God is doing and that may be the reason for that slow driver. I have seen it several times in my life, when a deer destroyed a car in front of me, or when others got into accidents in front of me and God made me realize that could of been me had I been traveling at the rate of speed that I was before that slow driver got in front of me.... So lets thank God for the times he makes us slow down in life. We may never know he may be saving our life!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 07:17:59 +0000

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