The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) Because - TopicsExpress


The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) Because The Lord is my Shepard, I do not lack anything. He satisfies my needs. This place is where God wants to bring us. He wants us to fully depend on Him, to need Him alone. If you look at this scripture and study it out, there are really only 2 options here in life. If The Lord is my Shepard then I shall not want, but if Im in want, then its obvious that The Lord is not my Shepard. Its just that simple. If despair, loneliness, emptiness, or frustration exists in our lives, then The Lord is not our Shepard. Or if anyone or anything else is Shepherding us then we cant be fully satisfied. Now I dont know about you but when I was really looking at what David wrote in Psalm 23, I was asking myself,if The Lord is not shepherding me then who or what is? If our job is shepherding us then we have restlessness, and frustration. If another person is shepherding us then we are always disappointed and left empty. But if The Lord is our Shepard, David says, we shall not want. If The Lord is to be our Shepard then we must first recognize that we are His sheep. Now Im a person who likes to research things so I can have a better understanding of what Im looking at or hearing. So I look up sheep. Now obviously I know what sheep are but I wanted to know a bit more about them. It turns out they arent the smartest animals in the world. The are dirty, timid, defenseless, and helpless. From what I understand they literally dont have enough sense to come out of the rain. So to know this about sheep and to have God call me one was a bit hurtful in a way. But, I had to be honest with myself, I am one (a sheep), its true. In my fleshly ways I know I lack wisdom, and strength and I had a tendency to get in my own way and be a bit self destructive. I really like what Isaiah says, We all, like sheep, have gone astray; each of us has turned to his own way. (Isaiah 53:6) once again its true I like many like to go my own way and do my own thing. Say it with me now, Im a Sheep. If Jesus Christ is to be our Shepard, we must first admit that we need one. Now I understand that this can be difficult but the truth is this is where we must start. Once we admit that we need Him, we begin to understand the truth of what David is saying. We shall not want. Lord, though I am a sheep who is prone to wander, come and be my shepherd today. Bring me to that place where I can say, The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want. I pray that this encourages you to go deeper in the things of God. To really strive to have a deep rooted relationship with Him. He is patiently waiting to have that kind of relationship with you. Be blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:58:53 +0000

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