The Lord is my shepherd;I shall not want.(psalm 23:1) When i - TopicsExpress


The Lord is my shepherd;I shall not want.(psalm 23:1) When i consider the list of all the things I want,I shall not want seems an impossible thought until I stop to think beyond the external.When I strip away the layers and get to the core of my wanting,I discover my wanting is not just for wantings sake.No,its an attempt to fill something that cant truly be filled by any object or person. The Lord is my shepherd.We are often compared to sheep in Scripture.Sheep are beautiful but not so smart.They graze along,satisfying their appetites and are often oblivious to danger.A good shepherd leads them to green and safe pastures. He guides them to what is good to eat,to what is best for them.He leads them to a place where their needs are met without putting them in harms way.He wants them to be full,whole and healthy.He wants to keep them safe from destruction.A good shepherd keeps his sheep under strict watch,guiding them and keeping them together.It is in the midst of shepherds boundaries that the sheep find true fulfillment,safe and free from trouble.At the end of the day,the sheep are satisfied with what has been supplied.They dont miss what hasnt been given.The Lord is my shepherd.As we follow where He leads,we will find our desires fulfilled,and we have no need of what He hasnt given us.Were content
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:40:38 +0000

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