The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some - TopicsExpress


The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. (2 Peter 3:9) Yesterday I was watching a sermon on television with my daughters. The pastor read from a prophecy written by a jewish rabbi 900 years ago. The rabbis predictions have so far all been right, having determined the exact year the ottoman empire would no longer control Israel, and when they would return to their land among other things. The prophecy yet to be fulfilled was the Messiahs return in 2017. One of my daughters looked at me excited and said, are you ready!? I quickly and sadly said, no! You see Im not necessarily agreeing with the prediction, and I know the verses that talk of not knowing the day or the hour. But lets assume for a minute it is true. Are we ready? By the grace of God I am all His and I know where Im headed. I cant say the same for many of my friends and family. I fear the most for people who pay lip service to Him. Theyve said a prayer or believe He is God. Though their life has never bore the fruit of their conversion, they are convinced they are safe. They have lived for themselves, but inherit Heaven nevertheless. And of course we have the more blatantly lost among us, the ones that deny Him not just with their lifestyle but also verbally. Each are doomed to the same fate as the other. We are either in Him or not. Whether we wear a cross or a pentagram. God sees the inside, and He knows if our hearts are His. No, Im not ready. I want more people to come with me.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:22:47 +0000

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