The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was - TopicsExpress


The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.” Genesis 39:2. The Oasis of Hope Devotional Today! THE BLESSINGS OF HIS PRESENCE! The world measures success by one’s professional accomplishments & d accumulation of material things. However, biblically, success is defined in terms of God’s presence upon a person’s life. Beloved, life has been given to us as a golden opportunity! Don’t waste it. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is uncertain. Today is an opportunity to ensure yo life counts positively. This year, do not embark on an unprofitable journey! God has a plan for yo life. He knows where u wants to be, what u wants to be & how to get u there. He has raised u up to succeed & not to fail this year! But, u cannot succeed on yo own! Yo success is assured when u’re in God’s presence. The Holy Spirit is d presence of God. His presence is yo lifeline! His presence has transforming power! Out of His presence come miracles, signs & wonders, healing, deliverance & breakthroughs. As a slave, through d presence of God in his life, Joseph became successful. When u’re in God’s presence, u’ll begin to experience supernatural promotion & testimonies. Without Him we’re nothing! Friend, do u feel Gods presence in yo life today? Yo pursuit of Gods presence is a personal journey! As long as u’re in His presence, u’ll soar like eagles & yo enemy will bow before u. Do not joke with yo quiet time this year. Also, do not neglect d fellowship of d saints. Do not make this year a year when u only attend church services when there are special programmes. Thirdly, always hunger & thirst for God. Live a clean & yielded life & always seek d things of God. Also, worship Him in spirit & in truth; go before Him d way He wants u to. Fourth, pray always. Pray that He should show u His way. He is by yo side; there is no distance between u & Him & He is always ready to listen to u. Follow a consistent programme of prayer. Learn to meet with Him daily. As u abides in His presence, He’ll bless every area of yo life. Without d presence of God, there can be no success! Covet His presence today! I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5. Prayer: Dear Father, please help me make changes, if necessary, to spend more time enjoying yo presence, in Jesus name. Hav a Blessed day! U’re unstoppable! Shalom
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:53:05 +0000

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