The Lord’s Prayer 1 John 17:1-7 This is a study on the true - TopicsExpress


The Lord’s Prayer 1 John 17:1-7 This is a study on the true Lord’s Prayer and is on a baby milk level teaching and yet people with great titles choke on it. The other scripture verses people claim is the Lord’s Prayer are His answer to His disciples as to how to pray and get results. It is a schematic of identification. If I need to know a subject, I go to a place and ask if they have anything on that subject. This is what the disciples did with Jesus. They said teach us “how” to pray, but what Jesus specifically prayed as His Will and the Fathers Will for man is in John 17. What I do wish though is that all these people who say that in my writings I think I am the only one who has the true knowledge of God or the Truth of God, is if you are going to speak lies, then at least show me the copy of any time I have even hinted to that and bring it to me direct, because in every writing I have said quote, “there is no one Right except God who is Truth and even if man is in agreement with God, it doesn’t make man right, but God only.” I have only one thing to say to those who walk as cowards and won’t come to the prophetic training school and speak directly to me, but make lying accusations they can’t back up. Bring it on snake, because I tread on snakes and have no fear of them whatsoever. Class, you need to always stop immediately anyone who wants to say anything about someone else without their presence being there, because they are into sowing discord. You need to tell them if God wanted to warn me of what they do, He will tell me Himself and not by your hearsay. There has been many accusations made against me, but not to my face, that say I don’t believe in the Lord’s prayer. The Lord’s prayer is how I receive wisdom, knowledge and revelation from Him and walk in His provisions. I put all people who claim lies against me in the same category as that of the man who was at least brave enough to enroll in the class just so he could say “I bet you don’t believe Jesus was born on December 25 either.” NO, I DON”T BECAUSE HE WASN”T! As he stomped out of the class I told him to make sure he invited Jesus and Santa Clause to his next Easter egg hunt, because apparently He is good at making His truth hidden from you. I do not use or teach from anything but the Hebrew and as you can see, it is not a denominational handbook. I make this statement before every class I have taught. If any of you ever get this chapter into your spirit and not just something you read on a one time basis, you will never have another problem with Satan or lose in life again. [Verse 1] These words spoke Jesus and lifted up His eyes to heaven. Every mention of prophets praying or receiving prophesies or a revelation from God says they lifted their eyes to heaven. A lot of people close their eyes to block out distractions, but it isn’t what Jesus did. This was a sign under Jewish law as a test that a true prophet of God would do as a requirement that they were a prophet. Jesus is a prophet who speaks for God. He starts out with the word Father. Every man, except Jesus, always referred to God as the God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Church rulers said to Jesus, we have them as our fathers. He replied back that their fathers only pointed to Him and if they went by their teachings, they would recognize Him. The reason for this is they saw themselves separate from God and thought of Him as so holy; they couldn’t say or write His full name and leave a black space. Father denotes oneness, unity and no separation. He even said if you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father because we are one. We will get into reference to us as His offspring as to our own thinking that matches this. Even in what people wrongly call the lords prayer which is a schematic on how to get all prayers answered with Kingdom will provisions, it is like going into a book store and asking them if they have a book on the best way to get results in gardening and you direct them to a certain section. This was all Jesus was doing. In fact, they asked Him, how do we pray to get your results. Notice, Jesus never even once said to quote the problem, or to even mention the problem? Mainly, because to God, there is no problem! Another time He even said don’t mention your need because God already knows it. I get tired of hearing people say Jesus is the answer to my problems and never apply His provision for deliverance. In every reference to the disciples He told them to identify with God the creator as God their Father. If any of you ever get the meat of this Chapter of God’s Word into your spirit you will never again lose to the enemy or consider him a threat you still have to battle. Having no separation from God is what this prayer is all about. He says “Father” because as it says in these verses and from His mouth, I came from the Father, not was created by God the creator. The difference between what God says of “believe [ON] the name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved and [IN] as man misquotes it, is that of salvation. You are a new creation and yet that creation is being Sperm born as Jesus was. I came from the loin of the Father and I am His Son. He was always referred to as the “only begotten” until Calvary and then He is referred to as the “first born among many brothers”. Jesus is saying you are heirs and joint heirs with Me and since Father is no respecter of persons, what is the difference between My birth of His Sperm and yours? Jesus says Father Loves you the same as Me. Father, the hour is come. You can hear the fervent anticipation in His voice being the same as that in Luke 22:15 concerning the supper. Glorify thy Son. Note that it is still singular. Glorify Me so that I can glorify you. Without being one with God, you can’t glorify Him. You give lip service only. [Verse 2] As thou has given Him power over all flesh, meaning I have power over all flesh and means He had to submit Himself to what man did so He could atone for it and the works of the flesh and then some because no other ever resisted unto Blood and atoned for it. Yeshua gave us ALL power and Authority, so why are you seeing a problem and begging? It was so that He can give that power and eternal life unto all those who overcome and become sons or that God gave Him. It ties into His statement in verse 18. Notice Jesus says to the Father to glorify Him with the only thing God can glorify with and that is Himself and Jesus then said in verse 18 I send them out the same way with what I accomplished over all flesh to give eternal life. [Verse 3] This verse verifies that very thing in that He says this is eternal life that they might Know or have intimacy with you as their Father who is the only true God and Jesus the Christ or anointing of God the Father as one without separation, whom you sent. Jesus saw no separation from God and no separation from man who is in His image and likeness. [Verse 4] I have glorified you on the earth by seeing only what you see, doing only what you do, and speaking only the words you speak which are Spirit and Life and I have expressed to man your True Character and essence. That is why the voice speaking from heaven says so and said hear you Him. Knowledge of God is eternal life and eternal life is in Christ Jesus and nothing else. Life is not in the Commandments, but in the new birth. Jesus then says He has finished the work you gave Me to do. How could He when He hadn’t gone to Calvary yet? Because the work God gave Him to do for Him was to express Him and His essence and character to man. Calvary was for man, not God. He was the Lamb slain for man before the world was created, He is the Sabbath Rest provision it pointed to before the world was formed for man and Lord of it. [Verse 5] This is one of the verses you need to identify with and get into your spirit through saying it over and over until you can live it. And now Father, again oneness with the one most only Identify as God way off and separate because they still see sin and Jesus destroyed the old sin nature that passed from Adam to man. For this purpose came He into the world that He might destroy he who [HAD] the power over death. Hebrews 2:14 Death and life are in the power of the tongue and oneness with God and speaking Gods Words of Spirit and Life keeps you from Satan’s death, Glorify Me with your own self, with the glory which I had with you before the world was. All those who say grace means unmerited favor need to stop proving that if it weren’t for “stupid”, they would have no proof of their existence and see what Yeshua just said and He can’t lie like those people do! This disputes where people think Jesus did what He did in the earth because He was God. He left His splendor He had as being God and came to earth as a man. He was a “MAN” with like passions as we do, yet without sin. The God part of Him was He was born of Gods Sperm that carries Gods DNA and Blood. The life of man is in the blood. Christ Jesus’ Blood was pure and from the Father, so was His Blood and the body He was given. Jesus was saying, Father before I take care of the provisions for man for eternity, let Me have the pleasure of having what I had with you when we were creating the six days and I agreed to die on Calvary and give man a day that points to their deliverance. They haven’t been created yet, but I will do this for them because they are in your image and likeness which is Love. I believe that Jesus knowing what He did and knowing that Father would have to turn away from Him when He became sin, wanted that fellowship before it was to happen. Just after this prayer He went to the garden where He said I know you are going to have to turn from Me and if this is the cup I am to drink from then I will, but if that time can be shortened do so, but if not then “if it be thy will” I will do that also. [Verse 6] I have manifested [5319] to render apparent that which is concealed and invisible, thy Name. Before I go into that subject let’s look and see if what Jesus said about the manifest Glory and God giving Him His own glory is spoken about elsewhere. 1 Corinthians 2:7 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-7. Now to the name Jesus came in and operated in. Exodus 3:14 I AM sent you. Verse 15 This is My Name forever and this is My memorial unto all generations to come. It gets tricky here but the term used for I Am means He who produces or I produce what I am and what I will be needed for to save in My way. Pharaoh knew Him as creator only. But Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew Him as God Almighty or El Shaddai the all sufficient one. But, by my name Jehovah I was not known to them. Jehovah means the revealing one. The Jews only talked about God hiding Himself because of their sin and knew Him as the hidden God and never could see Him revealing Himself to man as Jesus spoke of that He came down from the father to reveal Him. This is why it was hard for them to accept any scripture that said He would reveal Himself or dwell in man. All this to most of them, even to this day, is for the new world to come. They were like Pharaoh and knew God as the creator and why in all their prayers, ceremonies, blessings they say “Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melech ha- olam”, blessed are you Lord, King of the universe and then they add on creator of whatever they are blessing. Jesus came in a combination of the name of creator because He created all things and by Him and for Him were all things created, but He also came in the name of God used as the revealer because He revealed God to man and He came in the name of He who produces or “I Am He” and used it in John 18: 6 & 16:26 and 8:42, 44 & 58. Notice also that Judas whom Satan entered was there to destroy and even in Yeshua’ betrayal, caused the disciples to escape destruction. And you allow some idiot to tell you that God uses curses and sickness to teach! Do you even have a clue as to what the words SALVATION and SAVED mean! Are you hearing Holy Spirit or some person you think is such a great preacher and teacher? [Verse 7] I love this, because it refutes the claim that God gives sickness and trials to teach. Someone in the class read this so you don’t think this is my opinion only. Now they have known. They were still skeptical as John the Baptist who said is this the Messiah or do we wait for another. Jesus didn’t give some eloquent speech, but just told them to quote the scripture that spoke of what God would do through Him. Heal, deliver, open prisons, Love, etc. Now they have known as it has also been proven to them, that all things whatsoever you have given Me to do and I am doing are of you. The saying, the proof is in the pudding whether you want to eat of it or not. People walk in the same volume of truth I do only opposite. They claim sickness and get sick and I claim health and walk in it. They claim trials are to teach and I walk in destroying trials and teach Satan to learn not to send them. They say miracles are fake and as you have seen in this class they are real and I had nothing to do with them because you in the class operated in Gods Truth yourself. What about you Jerry? When you were in that accident several years ago and lost your vision, was it God who put you there to humble you and teach you or was it God who turned around something that happened to you and you learned His True will is in the healing? Here’s one for all you pipe smokers to put into it and smoke. If God wants you sick to teach you then why did God let people get healed against His will when even the angels stirred the water. They should have been in disobedience the same as the ones who followed Satan, shouldn’t they? If all the healings in the Word where God said to look at something physical, wash in a muddy river, looking at golden hemorrhoids, healed people, looking at golden snakes on a pole, healed them, then why can’t God who became flesh and dwells inside us do the same through the Spirit of His Word and Calvary’s provision? Do you see the enemy coming up the hill to destroy you or do you see from where God is and want to kick back and only with your eyes see the destruction of the wicked one? I suggest you do as it says in Revelation 3:18 and Anoint your eyes with eye salve. Prophet Joe
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:33:43 +0000

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