The Love Complex: Part 21 My friend, your mind has been very - TopicsExpress


The Love Complex: Part 21 My friend, your mind has been very absent from here since you picked me up last night. You even lashed out on that poor hunk last night. What had gotten into you? Is everything ok? It was Thandeka talking, and Palesa hadnt realized just how apparent her absent mindedness had been. Everything is ok, Thandeka, but Thandeka did not buy it. Both were sitting on the bed and recovering from the night before when she urged Palesa to speak her mind out. She knew something was wrong, something was weighing heavy on her friends mind. My mother and uncle had came to pay me a visit. They want me to come home, but Thandeka was still puzzled about why that was such a bad thing, and for the very first time, Palesa shared the real story about her family and back ground. She explained to her friend what had happened when she decided to take that train to the city of Gold all those years before. She reminisced about the pain and hunger she had to endure during her first years in Gauteng, she spoke about the advantage she was taken of, the jobs she had to go through in order to sustain herself, and how she became a nurse. She was pouring. I had decided that I will never have anything to do with my family again, but I am not so sure anymore. Their visit has made me realize just how alone I actually have been. My younger sister, Bontle, even passed on while I was still here, in hiding, and I cant even remember my last memory of her. Thandeka listened to her friend pour her heart out, and she was shocked to say the least as she listened to her friend open up about such intimate matters of her life. She was shocked at how little she had actually known about the person she had learned to call a close friend and a big sister since she arrived to the University of Pretoria just 2 years prior. As Palesa relived through the rape trauma her uncle had put her through all those years ago, she broke down and poured with tears. Her bottle of emotions could not be contained any longer. Listening to what her friend had to say, the 22 years old Thandeka also related herself to her pain and shed light on how Palesa was still lucky that her mother was still alive, despite the unforgivable mistake she might have committed, she was still her mother, and there was nobody else who could love her more than her. She told Palesa about the way life had changed so drastically since her own mother passed on just over a year before, and the greater pain of not having ever known whom her father was or atleast having someone love and care enough about her to play the father figure in her life. The 2 sisters from the other mothers shared pieces of their hearts, they cried together, they hugged, and they found laughter also. Palesa decided that the time had come for her to take the long dreaded drive home, and it was Thandeka who helped her pack her bags. *** In the car, coming from the hospital, Leratos mind was on over drive. What if he willingly lets go of his own life because I wont give him another chance? He looks like he has totally lost his will to live, and even after all those years, I am still his greatest source of strength?! How will I learn to live with myself if he dies? What will happen to Sibusiso? Where would that leave Themba? I shouldnt have gone to see him. This is such a mess. When she arrived at home, she found Sibusiso already back from the his fathers house. He didnt even seem to notice when she entered through the door. She found him sitting on the big white couch with his eyes fixed into blank space outside the large glass door which led into the garden outside. Leratos heart broke when she saw the state he was in. She wished there was something she could do for him. As if you intentionally infecting me with your virus wasnt bad enough They say I could be facing up to 10 years in jail, Those were the first words which came out of Sibusisos mouth the moment he saw and acknowledged Leratos presence in the house. When Lerato sat down next to him, he lost his temper and pushed her away from himself. Youve already done enough damage, Lerato. I know you for who you are now. Theres no need to pretend that you love me any longer. You are a witch, and for all we know, you might have just got the damn virus from that Phiwe boyfriend of yours. And Lerato felt the words stab her like a spear in the heart, but she was shocked at his latter words more. How does he know about my history with Phiwe? Did he follow me to the hospital? But she knew asking would only make matters worse. When she tried to reason with Sibusiso, she knew it would be of no help. The only reason you are even still in this house is because of our son, nothing more. I wont live with a woman who would gladly try to kill me. Lerato excused his anger to be a result of his stress with the case he was facing, but the words did not hurt any less. The following day, after tossing and turning by herself on the bed all night, Lerato decided that she must head back to the hospital and discuss something important with Simphiwe, but when she arrived at the room she had found him earlier the previous day, his bed was empty. Her heart stopped. *** At the Mzwanele household, tension had sky rocketed within a breath. Mama, this is not the time. Lets.... As Peter was beginning to speak, Sibongile walked into the room holding a tray of scones and refreshments, when her best friends mother in law was about to chase her out of the room, Nomzamo spoke up, Sibongile is my representative, she will stay. Sibongile took a seat gently and Nomzamo quickly relayed the words her mother in law had just uttered, she erupted. Who exactly do you think you are, you bitter old magogo? Unlike her friend, Sbongile had no reservations when she spoke her mind. This is Nomzamos house, shes built this home for decades with her husband. You have no say in it whatsoever, you should just go back to your village and die there miserably. Have you no decency? We have barely laid your son to rest, but you are already displaying your greed over his belongings? Her temper was on a rise. When Peter began to raise his voice and calm the tension within the room, it was Sibongile who erupted on him this time. As for you, Peter, just keep quiet. Do you really think Im an idiot? I know the truth. Every persons ear in the room was even more raised. Peter and Nomzamo were holding their breath. Yes, Peter. I know what you and Nomzamo did. We just could couldnt tell your brother because it wouldve shattered his heart, but now he is gone. Dont you think everything needs to come out now? I mean, since your mother wants to start issues and all. And when the mother in law stared at her with a questioning look, Sbongile continued, Zianda is not Victors daughter, Mamazala, he is Peters. A cold silence filled the room. *** While Lerato was in a frantic panic, one of the nurses walked in and told her to calm down. He is not dead. We have just moved him to the recovery room, and she felt a great relief come upon her. When she walked to the recovery room where Phiwe was placed, she found him sitting up on the bed. Do you love me, Phiwe? Lerato instantly asked. What kind of question is that, Lerato? Ofcourse I love you, and you know that too. If you truly love me, Phiwe, then please do this one big favor for me Whatever it is angel, just tell mention it. Please drop the charges against Sbusiso. And Phiwe blatantly refused, There is no way Im going to drop the charges against that stupid boyfriend of yours. He almost killed me. And when Lerato begged him to drop the charges, Phiwe gave her a condition. Ill only do it under one condition, Lerato. You have to leave Sbu, and come be with me. It was far from what Lerato had expected to hear. *** Welcome to the #TheLoveComplex Stay Tuned. Stay Intrigued.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 19:53:21 +0000

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