The Lucifer Experiment: Duality The words the Lucifer rebellion - TopicsExpress


The Lucifer Experiment: Duality The words the Lucifer rebellion carry a stigma that has haunted mankind for at least since the Bible has been on Earth. Many of us humans, especially Christians, believe that Lucifer is the cause of all evil and darkness that has ever transpired on this planet. We call what Lucifer did a rebellion, projecting an image that Lucifer is somehow going against the universal cosmic plan. But unity consciousness sees Lucifers work in a slightly different light. His work is not known as a rebellion, but as the Lucifer experiment. Why would it be called an experiment? Because that is exactly what it is, a test to see if certain parameters of life will work. Life is an experiment! The instructions from God at the beginning of the Luc ifer experiment were for humans to live free will. But what does free will mean? Does it not mean all possibilities,both good and evil? Does it not mean that we would be allowed to do anything we wanted, with the idea, from a biblical point of view, that we would learn discrimination for the good? Life was given the ability to do anything it wanted, all possibilities; it was given free will. Therefore, how could free will exist unless consciousness created the format for this way of being? And who creates consciousness? The one and only God. Lucifer did not create free will, but it was through his actions and decisions that free will became a reality. It was God who created Lucifer so that free will would exist. Before the Lucifer experiment, there was no free will except during the three other attempts. All life moved according to the will of God, according to the cosmic DMA. There were no deviations, and free will was only a potential that life could someday try. At one point, because free will was possible, we realized that there was a particular way we could experience this reality that had not been tried before. So we tried it. We actually tried three versions of it, and each time it failed. They were absolute disasters. The latest experiment and fourth attempt, with Lucifer heading it, used a different approach to create free will. This time God chose an area of consciousness that was just above human existence: This experiment began with the angels. So it was the angels who brought this new freewill consciousness to mankind to be lived here in these dense worlds, and life everywhere watched to see how it would fare. With great respect between two brothers, the battle between good and evil began. It was a battle to the death, yet neither could die. It was a battle that had to be, for it was the will of God. For the overall sake of the universe, Michael supported the side of the light and the good and Lucifer backed the side of darkness and evil. A new possibility was about to be lived. And we humans thought it was a great idea, this idea of free will. The Bright and Shining One It becomes clear in the study of sacred geometry that nothing was created without intention and reason. It wasnt just a mistake; in fact, there are no mistakes. And when God created Lucifer, as you can read in the Bible. Near-Death Experience - Crystalinks Reality is a consciousness hologram set in linear time to experience and study human emotions. Consciousness moves from one reality to another - from physical (slow) to higher consciousness (faster frequency of thought) during out-of-body experiences, meditations, and dreams, in times of trauma and… crystalinks
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:57:15 +0000

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