The Lunar Eclipse of Weds 8th Oct. What Did it Mean? Here in - TopicsExpress


The Lunar Eclipse of Weds 8th Oct. What Did it Mean? Here in the UK we will felt little of the effects of the eclipse which would have been so apparent to any Northern Americans who were awake to see it. But I guess that in actual fact, most Americans would have been blissfully unaware that whilst they slept, the shadow of the Earth passed over the face of the Moon as it sped over their silent land. The Ancient America Indians would have had their traditions regarding this display, but these days the symbolism is lost on the majority of people who have tuned into digital TV signals and turned away from heavenly spectacles. So what does it symbolise? Well for the North American continent, fear, probably. And since the Canadians are engaging in their first military role and the Islamic State is now focussed on the Turkish border, this fear has an obvious base. The Moon represents disturbing, underlying influences. It has a bow wave of atmospheric and electromagnetic energy which it pushes before it in the same way that a ship pushes the water ahead of it as it ploughs through an ocean. The scientific examination of weather and rainfall data has proven that the Moons movement affects rainfall and as it passes overhead, its massive gravitational pull sucks all the water from the surface of the Earth towards itself. All marine and most animal life has navigating capabilities and this is too affected by the Moons distorting presence. And that is the key to understanding the Moon – it distorts. And that distortion creates fear as the human race likes things to be stable. When everything is nailed down and unbreakable, people feel at their safest. (Safety doesnt appeal to all types though, but thats a different story.) The USA may be feeling pretty strange right now as something strident and powerful urges change, whilst something deeply fearful, distorting and subterranean jangles the nervous systems of the people of the North American continent. Certainly as a country I think fears are raised because the eclipse is happening on a sensitive and vulnerable part of the USAs birth chart, but we will just have to see what happens as a result. The astrology indicates that much is happening behind closed doors. The UK doesnt look like its having a great time either, because the eclipse indicates that something of the UKs karma enters the arena. The Sun is Libra is spearheading this, so any of the Libra resonances are strongly supported. This means business partnerships and relationships in general are highlighted, but there could be disagreements and discord in these relationships as well. Thats because Libra will fight an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is not the Barbie doll, hearts-and-flowers energy that tradition makes it out to be! Libra is also about fighting to keep everything in balance, albeit that Libra is social and wants to be friends. Libra DOES want to relate, but only so there is someone to fight or discuss things with. Libras impulsive need is to show others how to relate and it likes to control the space in between two people. Ill see you for this amount of time and on this night. Granted Libra is usually gracious and harmonious, but this is only if it gets its own way. Because although Libra has difficulty making its mind up, it still wants to instigate and make decisions. (The real Libra conundrum.) The opposite sign of Aries is all about fighting too. So this whole axis wants to fight one way or another, even if its about fighting for `us`. And with powerful planetary action going on elsewhere too, we now we have an unstoppable, potentially outrageous combination. But returning to individual prospects during the period from now to the 12th, there is incredible opportunity. The sky is riding high and pulling out all the stops for growth and success. As I have said in earlier posts, the period up until the 12th is potentially incredibly productive with much potential and the wise ones will make the most of that. If you feel a bit lost or need help with getting more from your life, then have a life coaching/astrological consultation with me? Go to alisonchesterlambert for details. Or email alison@alisonchesterlambert
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:33:57 +0000

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