The MINISTER of EDUCATION has lied to the People of N.B. He said - TopicsExpress


The MINISTER of EDUCATION has lied to the People of N.B. He said that he was going to close down SEVEN DISTRICTS. That was DUPLICATING in the District, Which should made Our District Smaller. The Four ANGLOPHONES and Three FRANCOPHONES. Just got bigger By Duplicating all over again. But nothing has change, and never will change until we go back to DISTRICT18 like it was before from FREDERICTON. The HEADQUARTERS in WOODSTOCK DISTRICT 14 Runs the Sums of 30 PUBLIC SCHOOLS from K-12 on TAXPAYERS DOLLARS. Why would we need 13 SUB-DISTRICTS. It is Certainly MIND BOGLING to the PUBLIC. The MINISTER said he was going to Put the Money Back into the CLASSROOM by CUTTING the Districts. That did not happen, Where did all those People go. Back into the 13 Sub-Districts. What was the Minister thinking, The Principal of JCS and the District 14 in Woodstock. And the Minister of Education Would leave a 14 Year old GIRL OUT OF SCHOOL FOR 2 YEARS. We have very SERIOUS PROBLEMS in OUR GOUVERNMENT. And this is why we need a PUBLIC INQUIRY into this MATTER. THIS REAKS WITH CONTROVERSY, ASHAME ON YOU MINISTER.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:03:26 +0000

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