The MOVIE.. LUCY The shortsightedness is the whole premise.. for - TopicsExpress


The MOVIE.. LUCY The shortsightedness is the whole premise.. for the more you can perceive.. the more you know that there is a Living GOD.. I think.. that is what would happen, naturally.. or the paradigm shift might occur when you realize that there is a spirit realm.. There is no way that someone could exercise whatever powers they would unfold.. Simply put.. the spirits would not let them, because we are unbridled evil incarnate, it just takes something to bring it out.... The discipline to control such GOD-like powers.. would be impossible to harness.. because of the influence embedded in our DNA.. in our genetic memory.. We cannot be trusted with such power.. When you learn The Way.. The Gospel teachings; of how we are to conform our hearts and minds.. then.. you rely upon GOD.. YHWH.. through Christ.. to cause to become.. to alter reality.. you are not causing it to become.. GOD is.. If one strikes out on their own,.. and start to harness the innate abilities/systems inherent; being in the image of GOD.. a humbling will follow.. Yes.. there are treasures in these earthen vessels.. but we are too perverse to actualize them beyond a certain point.. YES, I know.. I really do know.. This movie is popular because it is a stratagem.. The answers are not within ourselves.. they are without.. out.. Even when indwelled with The Holy Spirit.. by The Lord Jesus.. you are communing with GOD.. who is outside.. We are not GOD.. In The Bible we are told that all people are gods.. but that is not to say that we are GOD.. We are created in the image of GOD.. When we know GODs will; by The Holy Spirit.. knowledge in His Word.. The Bible.. then.. we can operate according to the will of GOD.. and yes.. we are given; in Christ.. power to become; to overcome.. That power is by The Holy Spirit.. There are spirits all about.. and in most of us.. living in us.. The best thing to hope for in this world.. is spiritual freedom in Christ Jesus The Lord... Chances are almost certain.. that whoever is reading this has a familiar spirit.. maybe many of them.. living in them.. If we could actually see what is going on.. with all of the spirits in us.. around us.. controlling.. well .. we would not be seeking a deeper relationship with ourselves.. most everyone would be crying out to GOD.. begging for a relationship with GOD.. If our perception were to open.. all of the sudden.. all over.. everyone would instantly realize just how perverse our self-serving existences are.. But that would mean that we would lose our free will.. If GOD would allow that to happen.. it would be a forced relationship.. out of fear.. instead of one that is by grace.. long suffering.. understanding.. by willingly conforming to The Way.. Read The Gospel Accounts.. and letters.. then everything else in The Bible.. GOD does not change.. It is a time of grace.. right now.. I time that GOD is giving us a chance to come willingly.. Willingly.. One thing that should interest anyone that is curious about The True Living Almighty GOD.. GOD tells us that we all have the same opportunity.. that no one is given preference.. no one.. You can have the same hope in Christ as anyone on Earth.. Then.. we are told.. that we cannot even image how great the wonders are that YHWH has for those who love GOD.. I worded it that way.. because we really should get away from thinking of GOD in gender terms.. his he.. GOD is SPIRIT. .beyond our comprehension.. It is a linguistic way of lending strength in talking about GOD.. to use He..His.. I am a work in Christ.. It is not a once saved.. always saved.. We are told to work out our salvation.. with fear and trembling.. As for LUCY.. well.. it is just another incarnation of The Tower of Babel.. As entertaining as the movie was.. it is poison.. I didnt know that Morgan Freeman was such a staunch atheist.. I was considered an actors actors actor.. by the very man who got Pacino his first agent.. and yet.. I would never have gotten involved in LUCY.. Its all about choices.. LUCY.. is a weapon forged by Fallen Angels, that have imparted/imported, their ideas into the those who brought it to be.. That is exactly what it is.. It is genius, how it takes you to 100 percent.. but knowing how we think.. it is easy to conjecture; that most people who experience this film.. WILL believe in the potential of reaching 20 percent.. On the journey.. they will be so self-absorbed.. that they may never know what was/is important.. https://youtube/watch?v=l1qsC27USvU
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:02:58 +0000

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