The Main Event Saturday, July 13th the birds aren’t even up, - TopicsExpress


The Main Event Saturday, July 13th the birds aren’t even up, the neighborhood is all quiet except for me banging around in the garage setting things out for the “Garage Sale”. Signs have been in place since Thursday. It’s sprinkling rain but there are hopes of it stopping. Okay things are ready by six o’clock. Six fifteen and the first customer shows up forty five minutes before opening but got to go for it. She tries on a hat and asked “How do I look?” I replied “You look just marvelous!” Hat sold. She bought a few more items and mention that I must really want to sell my stuff as its mark at very reasonable prices. You bet I want to sell it as I’m moving and don’t want to pack it or move it. Peg brings me more coffee and an egg sandwich. Mustard and hot peppers. My kind of breakfast. A younger than me couple shows up. He’s looking around and I can tell that she’s not into garage sales. He wants to spend some money! Come on man get it out I’ll take it. Well he looks are my pry bar but all of the sudden she grabs his arm and drags him back to the car. Hey what kind of guy lets a woman do that sort of thing? Mister CD guy comes in looks around see’s the large stack of CD’s and asked how much. Fifty cents each. Okay he replies and begins to look though them Hey, do you know the Molasses Creek Band? Sure I do my wife and I heard them on Ocracoke Island a few years ago in the park. Yeah he said. My daughter has a house there and I go down once in a while it’s a great place. You bet it is we use to go four or five times a year when we lived in Winston Salem. So he gets out his six bucks and tells me to have a great day. See ya later. Half hour later Mr. CD shows up again and yells hey I just listened to Miles Davis and thought it’s great so I came back to look more carefully at the cd’s you have left. So he parts with another five bucks. You just have to love repeat customers. Miss Bird Feeder show ups. Hey is this feeder squirrel proof? Yeah if you have a shot gun. No really it must be as it’s a Niger seed feeder and I never seen a squirrel on it. Come on lady it’s only a buck. SOLD! Oh no here comes five women travelling together. This should be good. All speak Spanish hope there’s no language problem. Nope all have US Currency and I gladly took all ten dollars. Now I have a guy looking at my rotor tiller. He asked is this a snow blower? No it buries the snow under the ground as it has this unique way of turning it over. He didn’t have the money to buy it anyway. The flower lady comes along and is looking at all the flower pots sitting around and Peg comes down to see what is going on. Well the lady explains how she grows all these plants and her neighbors always want some. So she told them she’d find the pots if they bring their own potting soil. Okay now I have one on the hook. How much more this pile of pots. One dollar and I throw in this other pile as well Okay. The all of the sudden she explains how she has problems with her Russian neighbors. More than either Peg or I needed to know. So she just goes on and on so I throw another few pots on the pile for her hoping she leave. Finally she leaves. So do I close up shop or take a chance she’ll come back? Well it wasn’t noon yet and I had advertised the sale until noon. Therefore I took a chance to keep going. Another couple appears with three kid’s two girls nine and seven and a three year old little boy. The little boy comes running up yelling I got money in my pockets. Oh yeah I replied I hear your jingle jangle jingle, He had a Spiderman hat on so I asked him if was in those transformer guys. He said yeah, so I ask if he knew Optomistprim and Heat Wave and he told me he that he did. Both sisters yelled no you don’t. Anyway he was having a good time. Well high noon comes around so I take off to take down all my signs. Got home and took all the real junk placed in a box and put it on the curb with a sign FREE. Amazing how it all disappeared. So to sum it all up it was a successful sale. Life is good.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 02:14:21 +0000

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