The Major Signs of The Last Day Auf bin Malik (R.A.) says: I - TopicsExpress


The Major Signs of The Last Day Auf bin Malik (R.A.) says: I came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) while he was in his skin tent during the Tabuk expedition. He said to me, Count six things before the advent of Qiyamah: * My death * The conquest of Jerusalem * Mass deaths amongst you people, just as when sheep die in large numbers during an epidemic * Abundance of wealth to such an extent that if a person were to be given a hundred Dinars he will still not be satisfied * General anarchy and bloodshed, that no Arab household will be spared from it * Then a life of peace as a result of a peace agreement between you and the Banil Asfaar (Romans) which they will break and attack you with a force consisting of eighty flags and under each flag will be an army of twelve thousand men. (Bukhari). Signs Before the Major Signs (i.e. before the emergence of Imam Mahdi) Christain Rule Will be dominant ANOMALOUS INCIDENTS WILL OCCUR Occurrence of red winds, disfiguration of faces (man to pig), and people being swallowed into the ground. GENOCIDE A man from Abu Sufyaan’s progeny massacres descendents of Nabi (S.A.W) and rules over Syria and Egypt. WAR A major war between Muslims and Christians: Half the Christian army will sign a peace treaty with the Muslim army, while the second half of the Christian army remains the common enemy. ISTANBUL CONQUERED BY CHRISTIANS The enemy half of the Christian army conquers Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey. ISTANBUL RECONQUERED JOINTLY BY MUSLIM AND CHRISTIANS The Muslims and the good half of the Christian army conquer Constantinople together, against the enemy Christians. Thereafter, a Christian will say the victory was due to the cross, and the Muslim will say it was due to Islam. A battle between both sides will ensue, and the Muslim Ruler will be martyred. SYRIA CONQUERED BY CHRISTIANS The two Christian armies reunite, conquering Syria. CHRISTIAN DOMINATION Christians dominate the world up to Khaiber (near Madinah), and they will pursue Muslims with 80 flags, with 12,000 men under each flag. MUSLIMS AWAIT IMAM MAHDI TOTAL ECLIPSE A total eclipse of the sun and moon will occur in Ramadhan, prior to Imam Mahdi’s emergence. The Major Signs: IMAM MAHDI EMERGES At age 40, Imam Mahdi appears in Makkah, then flees to Madinah. MUSLIM ARMY MARCHES The army of Mansoor from Khurasaan will head towards Makkah to aid Imam Mahdi. They will win many battles on the way. No force will be able to stop them. They will carry black flags. SUFYAANI ARMY SWALLOWED BY THE EARTH. The Sufyaani army (an Anti-Muslim force) from Syria singles out Imam Mahdi for execution. On the way to Makkah, they get swallowed into the ground. A second Sufyaani army is created with 960,000 men (of 80 nations). CONFRONTATION IN SYRIA Imam Mahdi and the Muslim army go to Syria to confront the Christians. The Christians, before the battle, will ask Muslims for the return of their prisoners-of-war. The Muslims will refuse. The battle will begin. One-third of Imam Mahdi’s army will flee (their repentance will not be accepted), one-third will be martyred, and one-third will gain victory over the Christians. MUSLIM ARMY UNDER IMAM MAHDI CONQUERS PALESTINE JIHAAD ON INDIA A jamaat of Muslims wages Jihaad on India and be successful. SYRIA UNDER MUSLIM RULE Imam Mahdi returns to Syria and establishes Muslim rule over the lands he passes. ANIMOSTIY RIFE AMONGST THE PEOPLE At this time, Muslims will be weak and there will be very few pious people. 3 RUMORS OF EMERGENCE OF DAJJAL... 3 YEARS OF DROUGHT Before the emergence of Dajjal there will be three years of drought. The first year, the skies will retain 1/3 of its water, the second year 2/3, and all of its water the third year. DAJJAL APPEARS Dajjal appears. His followers, the Yahudis, will number 70,000 and will wear expensive silk attire and carry double edged swords. HADHRAT ISA (A.S.) (JESUS) APPEARS Hadhrat Isa (A.S.)descends during the lifetime of Imam Mahdi. DAJJAL KILLED AT THE GA
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:49:47 +0000

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