The Make-A-Wish Foundation touched the family of one of my former - TopicsExpress


The Make-A-Wish Foundation touched the family of one of my former students, Juan Gonzalez, when his 10 year old sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor in mid-August 2010. In November 2010 Make-A-Wish granted his sister’s wish and sent the family to Disney World in Orlando for four days. Every day they were in Orlando, Juan texted me a picture. It was the first time I had seen him or his father smile in months. Juan kept telling me over and over when we talked that week how much fun Guadalupe was having and that she couldn’t stop smiling, and her smile was infectious to the rest of the family. Granting Guadalupe’s wish allowed her family some quality time together away from hospitals to make lasting memories. It also empowered her to fight for a few more months. On May 17, 2014, I will be running/hiking 24.1 miles on the Bartram Trail in Franklin, NC, to raise money for the North Carolina chapter of Make-A-Wish in the Trailblaze Challenge. This is where, I hope, you can help me help the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I can do the training (and ice my feet afterwards!), but I need your help by sponsoring me through a donation; passing the letter along to get other sponsors; and/or, if you aren’t able to donate at this time, simply praying for me, the other participants, and the organization. Your gift is 100% tax deductible and will be invested in children’s wishes like Guadalupe’s. While your prayers are not tax deductible, they are appreciated more than you can imagine, and they are the best form of support! Make-A-Wish directly impacts the lives of the families whose wishes are granted. Currently there are over 200 children waiting to have their wishes granted in North Carolina. There is more information about the foundation on their website at Many of the children who will be impacted can’t run a mile or hike a mountain, but through your generous support they will be able to see a dream realized. Thank you in advance for supporting me in the Trailblaze Challenge. I am blessed to be able to run and/or hike 24.1 miles in day, and with your help we can give children and their families the gift of hope, strength, and joy! Please consider donating online at (type my name in as the participant to be taken to my donation site) or by sending a donation to Make-A-Wish, 1131 Harding Place, Charlotte, NC 28204. Please indicate that you are sponsoring me in the Trailblaze Challenge in the memo line of your check. All donations are tax deductible. Should you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask! Have a great Tuesday!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:55:16 +0000

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