The Man from the East He called Khidr The Green (He leave in - TopicsExpress


The Man from the East He called Khidr The Green (He leave in Indonesia Now) REVEAL THE HUMAN HALF GODS SATRIO PININGIT Means HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT (Red Yarn of Sabdo Palon, Uga Wangsit Siliwangi, forecast Joyoboyo / Jayabaya, Kalki Avatar, the Imam Mahdi, The Messiah and the stories about the End Times) A story of SATRIO PININGIT (HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) has been widely predicted by various names but still the figure: Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, Maitreya, Last Messiah. The observer and the watchman Satria Piningit, certainly no stranger to the last verse commentary (forecast) Jangka Jayabaya. We will show them the signs (power) We in all horizons and in themselves, until it becomes manifest to them that the Quran is true. And if thy Lord is not enough (for you) that He sees everything. (Qs Fussilat 41: 53) That person is SATRIO PININGIT. Satria (a knight) and PININGIT (hide themselves) have activity in the real world and the supernatural. The nature and character Satria Piningit (HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) in the real world is different from the nature and character of Satria Piningit (HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) in the unseen world. The nature and character was acted by himself. Jayabaya`s in a brightly lit already distinguish the nature and character in the real world and where the nature of the character in the unseen world. Identification was very clear in the forecast. Satria Piningit (HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) In dire predictions Ronggowarsito SATRIO PININGIT SINISIHAN WAHYU (SATRIO PININGIT / HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT REVELATION PAIR). Prominent religious leaders extreme as to be described like a Bagavan Rishi (poet, Rishi in Islam is a prophet) and will always act on the basis of the legal / guidance of Allah SWT (Revelation Pair). always rely only on Allah. (take from serat kalatida 1860 by forecasters of Ronggo Warsito) Rishi (Sanskrit: ऋषि; RSI, RSI, is a saint or a poet or prophet in Islam). Satria Piningit (HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) According to Nostradamus Le penultiesme surnom du du Prophete, translate: one-on-one end-time prophets name is still alive. Said the Prophet (intended for Satria Piningit / HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) which will soon appear in Indonesia. Nostradamus mentions the knight with the prophet most likely due to the knight is going to get a miracle / revelation / Blessing / Mercy of God (ALLAH) like a prophet time immemorial. The characteristics of Hidden Kstaria / Hidden Knight or Satria Piningit according prediction of Jayabaya`s: Flawless ... like Batara (god) Krishna, ... (Jangka jayabaya verse 159) Called gods but ordinary men (Jangka Jayabaya verse 170) (Jayabaya is The King of Kediri-East Java 1135-1157) Who is the god Krishna was? Krishna (Devanagari: कृष्ण; IAST: Krsna; reads [kr̩ʂɳə]) is one of the deities worshiped by the Hindus. In general, as a revered Krishna Avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu) eighth among the ten Avatars / awataras (in Islam Avatar means is the Prophet) Vishnu. For proper names, words Krsna appeared in the Mandala VIII as the name of a poet. As one of the names of Vishnu (Vishnu), the word Krsna is listed as the 57th name in the Vishnu Sahasranama book (Thousand Names of Vishnu). In miniature India, Khidr trip over the big fish, suggesting the image of the first avatar of Vishnu, Matsya: The fish that save man. Since early times in the form of water and light the locals had cult him (Khidr) as the Protector of River Sindhu (Indus-Pakistan). believe to be the incarnation (deity-saint and avatar) of Vishnu-Krishna and is known by various names such as Khwaja Khizr (God of Water), Darya Shah, Uderolal, Jhulelal / Dulah lal, Sindhi / Urdu: جهوللال, Sanskrit: झूलेलाल, Lal Sai, Varun dev, Doolhalal, Dariyalal, Amarlal and Zinda Pir (Jinda or alive) and others (Dawani 2002: 63-64), referring to the two legends interwoven pliers in Sindh / Sindhu / Indus-Pakistan Ishta dev (community God), in Pakistan that brings Hindu and Islamic traditions in the area of popular folklore, the hagiographical account Ramdev describe her as a warrior Rajput (god-saint-Krishn and Vishnu avatar). ~ The Prophet Khidr for Poets and Poetry Poetry of the Sufis ~ By: Paul Smith Khidr (Khizer, al-Khidr) is often called: The Green One. He has been identified with Elias, St George, Phineas, Angel Gabriel companion of Muhammad, traveled as told in the Quran, viii, 59-8 1, which appeared to many great search throughout the literature of mysticism that eventually became the Perfect Masters. Here is a poem by a great many Sufi master poet who composed poetry in Persian, Turkish, Pashtu, Urdu and English where he (Khidr) is called (and called the listed or appear / no): Ansari, Anvari, Khaqani, Muin, Nizami, Attar, Baba Afzal, Rumi, Sadi, Yunus Emre, Shabistari, Amir Khusrau, Obeyd Zakani, Emad Kermani, Hafiz, Attar Ruh, Haydar, Jahan Khatun, Ahmedi, Zeyneb, Necati, Khushal, Makhfi, Rahman Baba, Khwaja Mohammad, Niyazi, Guardian, Dard, Zauq, Ghalib, Dagh, Iqbal, Paul. The true poems have been saved as well as the beauty of the structure and meaning of the poem. The introduction of Who is Khidr. Selected Bibliography. Appendix Three. Illustrated. 267 pages. COMMENTS Paul Smith is a poet, writer and translator of more than 80 books of Sufi poets of Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, Pashtu and other languages, including Hafiz, Sadi, Nizami, Rumi, Attar, Sanais, Jahan Khatun, Lalla, Obeyd Zakani, Nesimi, Kabir, Anvari, Ansari, Jami, Khayyam, Rudaki, Yunus Emre and many others, as well as poetry, fiction, drama, biography, books and children scenario. Indeed, the purpose of the prophets sent him and his followers, as well as the presence of khidr every age, in order to straighten aqidah is a human that has been warped and misinterpreted as such by Secret societies. Apostolic mission and the presence of khidr as efforts continue as the Antichrist deception and darkness organizations that also keep moving. Always hand in hand, but the mission and goals contradict each other, the situation continues as it is. Until the time the truth will be revealed and attested by Khidr himself in the last days . that humans are going to destroy the Antichrist is no other than the Prophet Khidr. (in Islamic literature) Who is The Man from the East? In the midst of the worlds natural disasters and war, Nostradamus predicted that a great spiritual teacher, a man from the East, will be born who will be the scourge of religion obsolete and revelator of spiritual mysteries around the world. Quatrains dealing with The long-awaited, The Wise Men of the East mentioned in C10 Q 75, is believed to be referring to the coming of Maitreya, the Buddha (Kalki Avatar), fifth verse 5 says: He will come from Asia, (C10 Q 75, C2 Q29) As has been said, Sufi initiation is one of the most important key to his genius. Hogue said that, so many sources for their extraordinary talent of the scholars of the Renaissance and the mystique that has never been revealed, such as Provencal prophet managed to keep their membership secret Sufi brotherhood. Although he was familiar with all the magic and the occult system of self-transformation to be known and the writings of Iamblichus, the alchemist Paracelsus and Cornelius Agrippa, Pythagorean and Kabbalistic Keys of Solomon, in the grip of a major source of Tantric seer and trance techniques underlying the prophetic vision during his meet the Sufi in his journey is in Sicily. Not all researchers agree on this point, but Nostradamus mentions three negative influences (Dajjal) is expected before the millennium (C8 Q77) with men from the East, the long-awaited which will visit Western countries through the air. Men from the East (The Man from the East) that is AVATAR SIPIRITUAL. newdawnmagazine/articles/nostradamus-prophet-of-hope The Koran honours Al-Khidir the Green One. Further East he appears as Krishna or Rama / Vishnu. Ancient Mayan, Aztec and Hopi Indian cultures celebrated him, eg. as Kokopelli GOD Almighty says: When Our verses are recited to him, he says, Legends of the past (of yore). – (Holy Quran. 68:15) And they found a servant (Al-Khidr) from among Our servants to whom we had given mercy from us and had taught him from Us a [certain] knowledge. (Holy Quran.18:65) GOD Almighty says: أبلغكم رسالات ربي وأنصح لكم وأعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون I convey unto you the messages of my Lord and I give the advice to you., And I know from Allah what you do not know. (Holy Quran. Surah: Al-Araf Verse: 62) ...... And God wants to reveal, what has been your hide. - (Holy Quran. 2: 72) A mercy from your Lord, and not I do it my own accord. (Holy Quran. Surah: Al-Kahf Verse: 82) All of which I speak not of myself, but it is the will of God to explain the nature to you through me. Wakafaa billahi syahidaa .. Enough God bears witness (Holy Quran. Surah Annisa 79). Whether or not there are people who can see or judge of our deeds, the Supreme GOD Enough of witnesses who know who is a real Satria Piningit (HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT) or True Prophet Khidr. THE FAST OF AL-KHIDR - HIZR ORUCU Miraculously the Fast of Al-Khidr who is also known as Melchizadok takes place on the 12th, 13th and 14th days of the 12th month. He is known to Muslims as the immortal Al-Khidr meaning the Green One which is a reference to His role in restoring the Garden(Jannah). The Prophet Muhammad stated that he once sat on barren land and it suddenly became Green with vegetation. In this capacity Al-Khidr is also known as the Restorer of Life! Therefore not only does the numerics of the Fast of Esther coincide with the of Fast of Al-Khidr it also fulfills the meaning of the story of Purim as the Restoration and preservation of Life. The Fast of Al-Khidr or Melchizadok is a three day fast which takes place on the 12th,13th and 14th day of the 12th month of Adaru in accordance with the numerics of the Solar Calendar of Enoch. This equates to the 9th, 10th and 11th of February. (qaraims/purimfastofalkhidr.htm) About Al-Khidr as Satrio Piningit (Hidden Knight / Hidden Kstaria) in Indonesia The Man from the East in my hands There birthmark Alif Laam Meem roo as contained in the Surah Ar-rad (Thunder / The High One ) verse 1. Are contained in the Quran Surah Ar-Rad (Arabic: الرعد, ar-Rad, thunder) is the 13th sura of the Quran . This Surah consists of 43 verses and suras belonged Makkiyah. This sura is named Ar-Rad which means thunder (lightning) because in verse 13, Allah says, which means thunder glorifies His praise while, indicating the nature of holiness and perfection of God. And again according to the nature of the Quran that contains threats and hopes, then so too it was thunder, cause anxiety and expectation to humans. The content of this chapter is important that the guidance of God to His creatures closely related to the law of cause and effect. For God there is no favoritism in setting penalties. Reply or penalty is due or disbelief and obedience to Gods law. The Fundamentals of contents: 1: It is Allah who created the universe and set it up; His knowledge encompasses all things; the existence of angels who have always maintained that humans come and go, the angels Hafazhah; God only accepts the prayer of His servant; God gave taufiq just right, is the task of conveying religious messengers of God. 2 Laws: Man banned from praying for bad things to him; obligation to prevent unjust deeds. 3 Stories: The Story of the experience of the prophets of old. 4. Etc.: Some properties are commendable; parable to those who worship idols and those who worshiped God; God does not change the fate of a nation so that they change their own circumstances. Blessed is the one who finds such a servant and who holds the story of Moses and al-Khidr in his heart, and makes it his Imam. ---Shams-i Tabrizi. Al-Khidr (الخضر) is a mythical figure of Islam understood in Sufism as the archetype of direct revelation, or, in other words, the personification of man’s direct access to divine Truth . His place of dwelling, “where the two seas meet”, is where divine nature meets human nature. He is “the green one”, the color of realizing God. As a hidden initiator, Khidr has a lunar quality. Al-Khidr is Still Alive (He not The Legend) He Leave in Indonesia Now (ie the meeting place RED SEA with INDIAN OCEAN.) The Green Man, the spirit of Greenwood, roves over the centuries as Robin Puck, Robin Goodfellow, Robin Hood, Garland / Harvest King, Jack-in-the-Green, Herne, Bucca, Spain Bosgou, Germany Woodwose, Sumerian Enkidu, the Egyptian Osiris (The Great Green), moss-clad Finnish Tapio, Arcadian Pan, Dionysus, the Roman Bacchus, Attis, or Rex Nemorensis. I knew him as a Welsh ancestor Atho, Ardhuu, Gruagagh, or Pwca (Puge in old Danish, Pukje in Norway). He was Tolkiens Treebeard and The Wisdom Knot (Solomons Seal) of Morris Dancing. Pacific Islander and Aboriginal Australia also has the legend of the Wild Man. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Arthurian poems of love, honor and magic. Under the medieval courtesy is an ancient battle between Summer and Winter, the struggle between waxing and waning of the Moon. Gawain pentangle shield is worn. Pentacle or pentagram (star in the apple) signal protection, luck, creative energy and immortality. It is also a sign of the Illuminati. THE HUMAN OF HALF GODS HIDDEN KSATRIA / HIDDEN KNIGHT (SATRIO PININGIT) or The Man from the East, He called Khidr The Green (He leave in Indonesia Now) kedaiislambrahmakumbara.blogspot/2014/06/the-one.html Wise Men from the East Is there a secret brotherhood of masters who direct the spiritual progress of humankind? by Stephan A. Hoeller :)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:42:57 +0000

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