The Man from whom the Angels felt Shy Aa’ishah RA said that - TopicsExpress


The Man from whom the Angels felt Shy Aa’ishah RA said that the Messenger of Allah SWT was lying down in his house with his thigh or his shin uncovered. Abu Bakr RA asked for permission to come in, and he let him in and spoke with him whilst he was in that state. Then ‘Umar RA asked for permission to come in, and he let him in and spoke with him whilst he was in that state. Then `Uthmaan asked for permission to come in, and the Messenger sat up and rearranged his garment, then he let him come in and spoke with him. When he left, `Aa’ishah RA said: “Abu Bakr came in, and you did not stir or pay too much attention. Then ‘Umar came in, and you did not stir or pay too much attention. Then `Uthmaan came in, and you sat up and fixed your garment.” He said, “How could I not feel shy of a man of whom the angels feel shy?” [Muslim] *** How beautiful of a man he was, Uthman radiAllahu anhu. SubhanAllah. A man from whom Angels were shy. Now the Angels are those Creations of Allah SWT who are constant in Allah SWT’s Worship. They never disobey and they never tire from worshipping as Allah SWT mentions in the Quraan: They (i.e. the angels) glorify His Praises night and day, (and) they never slacken (to do so). [Surah Al Anbiya, 21:20] Imagine the level of modesty of the Creation who’s in constant worship! And then being a human from whom such a devout Creation is shy! Allahu Akbar!!! I try to imagine what kind of an individual he RA must be because the Prophet of Allah SAW ensured that Uthman RA wasn’t uncomfortable since he was so modest. Doesn’t that bring a smile on your face? I know some of us are extremely shy to take off Hijab even infront of our Muslim sisters and feel uncomfortable. Some sisters also lower their gaze most of the time. I was just thinking if we had even the fraction of modesty of Uthman RA, I think we wouldn’t be able to ever raise our heads in this Dunia. Modesty prevents one from desensitization. Whether it’s modesty in the form of not looking at non-Mahrams LIVE or on TV. Imagine Uthman RA is sitting in your room while you’re watching TV. What would he think? How would he feel? Worth thinking about, isn’t it? SubhanAllah. The beauty in the slaves of Allah SWT never ceases to amaze me. It’s like just the thought of Sahaba, Sahabiat and the most amazing individuals of our past brings noor to one’s thoughts. Such ‘noorful’ thoughts just make my spirits rise higher and higher. Alhamdolilah! :) Would love to learn more about Uthman RA! What an individual! He’s my kind of an individual because if there’s anything that I love so much , that’d be modesty. I hope to adorn myself with it inshaa’Allah. One can expect the best from Allah SWT. Caterpillars do become butterflies but the caterpillar must allow metamorphosis to occur gradually, silently, patiently. May Allah SWT adorn us with the modesty of Uthman RA and Yusuf AS. And may He SWT make our faces light up with Noor on the Day of Judgement as He SWT hands us our portion of Jannatul Firdaus.Ameen. And Allah SWT knows best.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:58:01 +0000

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