The Mark Of The Beast (RFID Chip) Is Ready! Are You Ready For The - TopicsExpress


The Mark Of The Beast (RFID Chip) Is Ready! Are You Ready For The Rapture? Posted by solaj72 The Antichrist will strictly enforce the “mark of the beast” (RFID Chip: 666 code) implementation. Antichrist will attack unraptured Christians; kill millions of them for refusing to accept his “666” mark (RFID Chip) and worship his image; have authority over the nations; demand that his image be worshiped by everybody and his number will be “666” (Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 13:7-18). If you are not raptured, you may end up receiving Antichrist satanic mark (RFID Chip) and worship him (Revelation 13:16-18). According to Biblical prophecies, Antichrist will become very powerful globally after the rapture due to satanic empowerment. People will worship Satan through Antichrist because he will be a possessed Satanist (“Beast”). He will gather a huge following through satanic deception and also cause untold suffering in the world, especially for the unraptured Christians. He will receive his power, throne and authority from Satan (Revelation13:2). He will be a ruler, conqueror, guilty of terrible blasphemy against God, put himself above everything and everyone and also proclaim himself to be “God” (Revelation 6:2, 13:5; Daniel 11:37; 2 Thessalonians 2:4). The suffering and death that will fall on the nations during the great tribulation period will be horrible. Satan, Antichrist and his numerous followers worldwide will end up in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulfur eventually (Revelation 14:9-12, 19:17-21, 20:10-15). Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour today! Tomorrow may be too late! Stop your unbelieving disposition now! RFID Chip The RFID device is powered externally as needed. Inside the RFID device is a coil and a capacitor. Actual size of this “implantable chip” is about the size of a grain of rice. When the RFID chip is exposed to an electromagnetic field, the same frequency as the coil is tuned to, then the coil takes some of the energy from this field and charges the capacitor which then powers the chip long enough to transmit, using frequency variations on the same coil that it used to get the power, to transmit a code. Your personal ID number. The RFID device is a super sophisticated multi layered microprocessor, which is both a transmitter and a transponder. It can transmit to satellite continuously through short bursts of ultra high frequency. Organizers and planners analyzed the two best parts of the body in which to implant this RFID device in order to take advantage of maximum degrees of temperature variation. After months of expensive medical research, they determined the two best places to implant it would be first, the right hand, and if you were missing your right hand, your forehead. It will be injected (like a shot) underneath the skin. “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand (RFID Chip insertion) or on their foreheads. And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18). In biblical numerology, “777” is God and “6” is man, so “666” is man trying to be god. One way man tries to be god is to control everything through our own technology. This transponder technology will enable the closed surveillance of every man, woman and child in the world. RFID device puts out a digital created signal at specific intervals. This particular interval is a locator signal. It gives vital information on the individual as well as a locator marker signal. It has a release pattern, separate receiving antenna, separate broadcasting antenna. It has a microchip that stores nine items: name and digital picture, digitized fingerprint data, physical description, your address and previous addresses, family history, present occupation and income, tax information and any money owed, your criminal record if any and your new social security number. You new number will be 18 digits. The first five of your zip code, with the additional four after the hyphen and your social security number. These 18 digits will be grouped into three sections. Stepping stones towards the acceptance of the RFID chip are that the scenario is written, the chip is ready, the needle to inject the RFID chip is ready, the patent is ready, the controlled mass media (TV, Newspapers, Radio) is ready, and the general public has been well prepared for many years through subliminal manipulations with the help of TV, Radio and other mind control tools. WARNING: Do not let anyone, for any reason, inject a chip in your right hand or forehead! It is amazing (not really, when you consider the Author) how specific the Bible is regarding the “mark of the beast”: Revelation 13:16- “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” Notice it says “in” not “on,” this fits perfectly since the chip is injected in the hand or forehead. Revelation 13:17-18 goes on to say: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.” If you have noticed, they have been gradually getting society used to the idea of a cashless system, first checks, then credit cards, then debit cards, then smart cards. Finally, they will go public with the “implantable transponder” (or similar device), and if it was not for the intent behind it, it would seem to the human mind to be a good system, as they will probably say that with implantable chip you will no longer have to worry about your cards being lost, stolen, or forgotten, and that without any cash to be robbed of, you will be a much less desirable target of crime, and since all financial transactions will have a computer record, all other types of crime will be more difficult also, but because of the evil behind the “mark” as shown in the Bible’s clear warning, it is to be absolutely avoided if you truly value your soul. They may also use the excuse of a (planned) “world financial crisis” that in order to save the world economy we have to go to a cashless system, however they try to convince people, they will make it seem like it is for the good of humanity. Also, you may have noticed how the number of the beast (666) is being seen more and more (barcode), sometimes openly, and sometimes disguised in different ways, it is just another indication of how close we are to the fulfillment of the book of Revelation. Do not let anyone, for any reason, inject a chip in your right hand or forehead. Microchip implantation is currently introduced as a voluntary procedure. A mandatory national identification system via microchip implants could be achieved in two stages: Upon introduction as a voluntary system, the microchip implantation will appear to be palatable. After there is a familiarity with the procedure and a knowledge of its benefits, implantation would be mandatory. If the government can force you to surrender your fingerprints to get a driver’s license, why can’t it force you to get a computer chip implant? As Social Security numbers were first voluntary, then mandatory, biometric chip implants are universally inevitable after the rapture. If you are left behind on rapture day, do not accept the mark of the beast! (Revelation 14:9-11) “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark (RFID Chip) on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” April 13, 20131 Reply Vital Facts You Must Know About The Mark Of The Beast (RFID Chip) Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation and mentioned the mark of the beast/number 666. Revelation 13:16-18: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a MARK on their right hand, or on their foreheads, And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the MARK or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” The mark or number of the Beast will be a financial identification system that the Antichrist will establish during the tribulation period. He will use the mark as a tool for controlling all aspects of society. The Antichrist will make it compulsory for everyone to have a tiny microchip (RFID) implanted under the skin of the right hand or on the forehead. The microchip will hold various amounts of data pertaining to each person who receives the implant. Right now, advanced technology exists to fully implement this system. Everyone who receives the mark of the Beast (RFID Chip) will also have to swear allegiance to the Antichrist and acknowledge him as the supreme authority (God). This is why all who take the mark of the beast will be condemned to hell (Revelation 14:9-11). All who choose not to receive the mark will be unable to buy anything because cash, checks, and credit cards will all be replaced by the beast system’s instant funds. RFID Chip Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic data capture technology that uses tiny tracking chips affixed to products. These tiny chips can be used to track items at a distance. Many of the world’s largest manufacturing companies would like to replace the bar code (666) with these “spy chips,” meaning that virtually every item on the planet and the people wearing and carrying those items could be remotely tracked. Positive ID, formerly known as VeriChip, is the company that created the implantable RFID chip for human use. They willl use any and every excuse to sell it to us. Chipping kids to prevent kidnappings, chipping the elderly to guard against Alzheimer, chipping diabetics, chipping people with allergies, chipping people to prevent medical mistakes and the list goes on and on. It all sounds good, it all sounds so right – using advanced technology to better our lives. But it is not good, and it is not right. Whether you believe it or not, RFID chip is the Mark of the Beast as foretold by God. Therefore, you are highly advised against having yourself or anyone you know and loved chipped. Never. Resist it, reject it, fight it with your dying breath. The mark of the beast is real! It is ready! They are gradually manipulating us to embrace a world system that will monitor and track our every move as well as record every purchase. Therefore, when this system that the bible calls the “mark of the beast” is totally enforced after the glorious rapture, you will not be able to buy anything or sell anything without the permission of the New World Order (NWO) Government being ruled by Antichrist. You will be completely and totally controlled. They will apply this RFID technology to everything. Through this high-tech system, they will link together your thumb print, your eye scan, your financial information, your bank cards, your automatic deposit paycheck, the computer sensors inside your car, your smart phones, your home computer, your medical records, and even brain waves into one, complete system that the Government will control. Without their permission, you will buy nothing, sell nothing, and go nowhere untracked. Should you get chipped? All depends on whose side you are on. God’s Side, or Satan’s. This satanic system is what the Antichrist will use during the Tribulation period. When fully activated, it will be the Devil’s mark, take it at your own peril. This is what God says will happen to every one who takes the mark: “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name.” Revelation 14: 9-10. If you get chipped, you will suffer terrible agony in eternal Lake of Fire burning with sulfur. Before that, you will also experience divine punishment on earth: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark of the beast and on those who had worshipped his image.” (Revelation 16:2). This is what God says will happen eventually to Antichrist and his satanic false prophet: “Then the beast (Antichrist) was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked miracles in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.” Revelation 19:20. The end times bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Whether people believe it or not, the implantable RFID chip is the Mark of the Beast. The bible says that the mark of the beast will be implanted either in the forehead or the back of the right hand. The size of the RFID chip is 2 millimeters long and about 1 mm in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. The chip is made up of the Tissue Bonding Cap, an Antenna and the ID Chip. During the world reign of the Antichrist, it will have its power and significance. The Bible is quite clear that receiving the Mark of the Beast (RFID Chip) during the Tribulation period, is completely and obviously tied to the worship of the Antichrist. No one will take the mark by accident. You will be asked to swear allegiance to the Antichrist as an act of worship. People receiving the Mark of the Beast (RFID Chip) during the time of the Great Tribulation will know exactly why they are getting it. It will be because they will be acknowledging, falsely, the Antichrist as God. The coming One World Government and the Mark of the Beast will control the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the earth. Antichrist will attack unraptured Christians; kill millions of them for refusing to accept his “666” mark (RFID Chip) and worship his image; have authority over the nations; demand that his image be worshipped by everybody and his code number will be “666” (Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 13:7-18). If you are not raptured, you may end up receiving Antichrist satanic mark and worship him (Revelation 13:16-18). Now, you know what the “mark of the Beast” is. No more excuse or argument. If the day comes when you are asked to choose whether or not you will be implanted with a chip, you know what your answer should be. No! This is not a game, and it is not some science-fiction story. The mark of the beast is real. The mark of the beast is happening. The mark of the beast is fulfillment of bible prophecy and cannot be stopped. But there is one thing you can do…Don’t take it! If you are not raptured, you must be ready to die as a martyr during the great tribulation period if you want to come to heaven (Revelation 6:9-11). In summary, Antichrist will be sent by Satan after the rapture. He will be the “king of fierce countenance”, the “willful king”, the “Man of Sin”, the “Son of Perdition” and the “Beast” (Daniel 8:23-25, 9:26-27, 11:16, 36-38; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:1-10). When the Antichrist is revealed, the terrible events of the great tribulation and the devastation of the War of Armageddon will occur (2 Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 6:9-11, 11:18, 13:1-18, 16:9, 19:19-21). After rising to world prominence, Antichrist will conduct a reign of terror, bringing death to millions of people worldwide. The suffering and death that will fall on the nations during the great tribulation will be horrible. Satan, the apocalyptic false Prophet, Antichrist and his numerous followers worldwide will end up in the eternal Lake of Fire and Sulfur eventually (Revelation 14:9-12, 19:17-21, 20:10-15). Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour today! Tomorrow may be too late! Stop your unbelieving disposition now! The rapture is upon us! MARANATHA! rapturewatcher.wordpress/2013/04/13/the-mark-of-the-beast-rfid-chip-is-ready-are-you-ready-for-the-rapture/
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 08:14:45 +0000

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