The Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill September 29, 2014 / - TopicsExpress


The Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill September 29, 2014 / Matthew Smith / 0 Comments The Twelve Riches of life It reveals the method by which every adversity, every failure, every disappointment, every error of judgment, and every past defeat may be transmuted into riches of priceless value. No man may hear that which he has not the preparation for hearing. One is a negative sort of person who thinks and moves and lives in an atmosphere of doubt and fear and poverty and ill health. It is this self alone which is capable of recognizing and appropriating the Twelve Great Riches. A positive mental attitude (PMA) All riches, of whatever nature, begin as a state of mind; and let us remember that a state of mind is the one and only thing over which any person has complete, unchallenged right of control Sound physical health Harmony in human relationships “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” -Shakespeare Freedom from fear The hope of achievement Poor beyond description is the person who cannot look to the future with hope that he will become the person he would like to be, or with the belief that he will attain the objective he has failed to reach in the past. The capacity for faith Willingness to share one’s blessings A labor of love An open mind on all subjects Self-discipline The man who is not the master of himself may never become the master of anything. The capacity to understand peoples Economic Security Economic security is not attained by the possession of money alone. It is attained by the service one renders, for useful service may be converted into all forms of human needs, with or without the use of money. Your mind must be conditioned for the acceptance of riches just as the soil of the earth must be prepared for the planting of seeds. The Eight Princes That there are no limitations to my power of thought save only those which I set up in my own mind. (Limiting Beliefs) Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit. I acquired my money through the efforts of other people, and I shall give it back to the people as fast as I can find ways to do so without inspiring the desire for something for nothing. Definiteness of Purpose One of the strange facts concerning men who move with definiteness of purpose is the readiness with which the world steps aside that they may pass, even coming to their aid in carrying out their aims. Seven Premises: The starting point of all individual achievement is the adoption of a definite purpose and a definite plan for its attainment All achievement is the result of a motive or combination of motives, of which there are nine basic motives which govern all voluntary actions. Any dominating idea, plan or purpose held in the mind, through repetition of thought, and emotionalized with a burning desire for its realization, is taken over by the subconscious section of the mind and acted upon, and it is thus carried through to it logical climax by whatever natural means may be available. Any dominating desire, plan or purpose held in the conscious mind and backed by absolute faith in its realization, is taken over and acted upon immediately by the subconscious section of the mind, and there is no known record of this kind of a desire having ever been without fulfillment. The power of though is the only thing over which any person has complete, unquestionable control The subconscious portion of the mind is the doorway to Infinite Intelligence, and it responds to one’s demands in exact proportion to the quality of one’s Faith! A definite purpose, backed by absolute faith, is a form of wisdom, and wisdom in action produces positive results. Definiteness of purpose develops self-reliance, personal initiative, imagination, enthusiasm, self-discipline and concentration of effort, and all of these are prerequisites for the attainment of material success. Write out your major purpose in life Any idea that is held in the mind, emphasized, feared or reverenced, begins at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical form that is available. It is one of the most profound truths of the world that the affairs of men, whether they are circumstances of mass thought or of individual thought, shape themselves to fit the exact pattern of those thoughts. Every circumstance of every man’s life is the result of a definite cause, whether it is a circumstance that brings failure or one that brings success. If the circumstances of a man’s life are not what he desires, he may change them by changing his mental attitude and forming new and more desirable thought habits. By helping others to find the path you will find it for yourselves! The more lucrative opportunities of the world of today and tomorrow will go to those who prepare themselves for leadership in their chosen calling. Singleness of purpose is a priceless asset–priceless because so few possess it. Remember the dreamers have been the fore-runners of all human progress. Wise men listen much and speak with caution, for they know that a man may always be in the way of learning something of value when he is listening, while he may learn nothing when he is speaking, unless it be the folly of talking too much! The Habit of Going the Extra Mile For every grain of wheat or corn a farmer plants in the soil, nature yields him perhaps a hundred grains, thus enabling him to benefit by the law of increasing returns. It leads to harmony and understanding and sympathy for the weak and the unfortunate. It teaches one how to become his brother’s keeper, and at the same time rewards him for so doing. Love, the True Emancipator of mankind Love clears out selfishness, greed, jealousy, and envy, and makes right royal kings of the humblest of men. True greatness will never be found where love does not abide. The man who renders more service and better service than he is paid for becomes indispensable to someone and thereby insures himself against unemployment. Riches may be attained by appointment only; by the choice of a definite goal and a definite plan for attaining it; also by the selection of a definite starting point from which to take off. No man ever attains a high degree of enduring success without the friendly co-operation of others; nor does any man ever attain enduring success without helping others The Master Mind Master Mind: an alliance of two or more minds blended in a spirit of perfect harmony and co-operating for the attainment of a definite purpose. Remember that you live in a land of opportunities where no man is limited in the quality, the quantity or the nature of the riches he may acquire, provided he is willing to give adequate value in return. Analysis of the Master Mind Principle The founders of our American form of government, through their foresight and wisdom, laid the foundation for all of our American form of liberty, freedom and riches. But, they only laid the foundation. The responsibility of embracing and using this foundation must be assumed by every person who claims any portion of this freedom and wealth. One’s major purpose must be backed up and followed through by continuous effort, the most important part of which consists in the sort of relationship one maintains with others. Any mind that remains brilliant, alert, receptive and flexible must be fed continuously from the storehouse of other minds. If I give you one of my dollars in return for one of yours, each of us will have not more than he started with; but, if I give you a thought in return for one of your thoughts, each of us will have gained a 100% dividend on his investment of time The discriminating person who has a Definite Major Purpose in life chooses, with the greatest of care, the types of minds with whom he associates most intimately, because he recognizes that he will take on a definite portion of the personality of every person with whom he thus associates. The idle, the scoffers and the envious stand on the sidelines of life, looking for an opportunity to sow the seeds of discouragement in the minds of those who are excelling them. Avoid this pitfall by keeping your plan to yourself, except insofar as they may be revealed by your actions and achievements. Applied Faith When the mind has been cleared of a negative mental attitude the power of Faith moves in and begins to take possession. Faith makes it possible to achieve that which man can conceive and believe. Know what you want and determine what you have to give in return for it. Let not a single day pass without making at least one definite move toward the attainment of your Definite Major Purpose. Remember, “Faith without works is dead.” Most achievements are in exact proportion to the emergencies they had to overcome. Get off the road to fear and self-limitation With the aid of the light that shines from within, all truly great men have recognized temporary defeat for exactly what it it–a challenge to greater effort backed by greater faith. The Law of Cosmic Habit-force “Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it.” -Horace Mann Every man is where he is and what he is because of his established habits of thoughts and deeds. Man may think in terms of self-imposed limitations of fear and doubt and envy and greed and poverty, and Cosmic Habit-force will translate these thoughts into their material equivalent. Or he may think in terms of opulence and plenty, and this same law will translate his thoughts into their physical counterpart. The ego is the sum total of one’s though habits. No man can become the master of anything or anyone until he becomes the master of his own ego. Self-Discipline The man who masters himself through self-discipline never can be mastered by others. Your thought habits evolve from the food that your mind dwells upon
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:45:32 +0000

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