The Meaning of the All-Seeing Eye The Eye of Horus symbol hides - TopicsExpress


The Meaning of the All-Seeing Eye The Eye of Horus symbol hides a secret message - in order to see the truth, one must transcend the duality of mind. This was the lesson of the Mystery Schools of Egypt. In ancient Egypt, there was a school that taught disciples to communicate through telepathy, dominate the instincts and remember their past lives in order to learn from the past incarnations. It was called the Eye of Horus Mystery School and it had the All-Seeing Eye as its symbol. Although many people have heard about the Eye of Horus, only a few understand the real meaning behind this beautiful symbol. The Meaning of the Eye of Horus or the All-Seeing Eye The All-Seeing Eye derives from the Eye of Horus. The eyes can perceive the vibrations of colours and transmit the intensity of light to the brain. They emerge from a crystal white sea, and symbolize duality as the left eye corresponds to the sun, sensible to the negative sides of the object while the right eye corresponds to the moon, sensible to the positive side. In order to have the correct image of the space, the eyes cross the information of both, and this is when sun and moon, negative and positive, become one object. This is why the eyes symbolize a tool to find the truth in a world full of contrasts, and the truth is found when one has the ability to reunite the contrasts and understand all duality like two sides of the same thing. One side cannot exist without the other. The eyes can also choose to focus on one tiny spot or contemplate the sight of a whole town from the top of a mountain. But most important, the Eye of Horus can be broken into six different symbols, each of them represents one among the seven steps that leads to full consciousness, described in so many cultures. The seventh symbol is the Eye itself, which is the union of all the other six, meaning that one reaches God once he has gone through all the six levels of consciousness. The journey of the soul in search of light is represented by a pyramid, the top of it being the final destination. This is why the All-Seeing Eye appears at the top of a pyramid in Freemason symbolism. Why the god Horus is Depicted as a Falcon Since Egyptians believed that a person needs approximately seven hundred incarnations in order to understand God and all creation – and this is the purpose of every human being, according to ancient Egyptian tradition – the soul that has achieved the wisdom and knowledge which is a result of many lives in different bodies, is represented by a falcon, as the falcon has the best vision among animals, flying over the material world overcoming time and space. The Eye of Horus, then, is the eye of the person who has achieved enlightenment through various incarnations and has learned the mystery of God. Gnostic studies suggest that Horus is the same as the Holy Spirit of Christianity, Shiva of Hinduism and Sangha of Buddhism. This is why the Eye of Horus is the symbol of the mystery schools of ancient Egypt, as disciples were taught to transcend the duality of mind and understand contrasts simply as a way to reach the truth . If everything were black, how would one ever know the white? The Eye of Horus Mystery School – Secret Teachings, Initiation and Practice The Eye of Horus Mystery School had many temples spread around Egypt, each of them had a different function and a different lesson to teach the scholar. Disciples should dedicate the first seven years of studies to learn how to dominate the body functions, acquire general knowledge about the universe, overcome fear of death and loneliness. This period was called the School of the left eye of Horus and during this time, scholars passed through various tests to prove they had learned properly. Tests included being in a closed room with poisoning snakes, spending a long period of time completely alone and having to pass through waters full of crocodiles. Then, they learned about the body and how to achieve full control over body functions in order to manipulate them as they pleased. They could spend a long time without food or water, determine the body temperature and diminish pain. Also, they learned about Astronomy and Astrology in different temples projected specially for this purpose. Finally, after passing through various tests and having learned to dominate body and mind, scholars were ready to go to School of the Right Eye of Horus to learn about love and the path that leads to full consciousness, understand how to communicate telepathically and control the mind completely. Some scholars were selected to go to the Temple of Horus, which was specially designed to make the disciple remember past lives and learn from them. The Meaning of the Pyramid Symbol The pyramid is an important symbol in many different cultures. Hindu tradition represented it with a simple triangle and Celtic culture had a cone, but in every tradition the essence of the pyramid is the same: the three attributes of God – will, love and Intelligence.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 05:53:31 +0000

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