The Measure A division between the Optimist and the Pessimist - TopicsExpress


The Measure A division between the Optimist and the Pessimist exists directly over the common belief, held by all rational and sane people, that to the extent of our knowledge we only live once and briefly. We all believe in the tangability of concepts and the physical world based on our observations. With our senses we can interpret the physical reality surrounding us. Using the internal conceptualisation of this stimuli we can form opinions on what our surroundings are. We communicate with one another and find kinship with those that share a similar interpretation. The Communists called religion the Opiate of the Masses. It was not the first time that it was realised that people believe what is spoken most often and most loudly. Group hysteria is not the only herd mentality expressed by humans. Humans are social creatures in the same way that all Great Apes are, as we also belong to this grouping, unless a person is a creationist lunatic, in which case I do excuse them. Hysteria is simply the most pronounced and gawked at of the social behaviours. Please pardon my digression. The Optimist and the Pessimist both realize the finite one way ticket they are holding. The difference is, some people see this fact logically and use everyone and everything they can to have a huge ripper of a party before they expire. The rest of mankind respect the aspirations of others enough to not be a dick about it...not to other people or themselves. That is because they have a soul.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:27:42 +0000

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