The Meditation Manual for Seekers Weekly Post Here are four - TopicsExpress


The Meditation Manual for Seekers Weekly Post Here are four principles that may help you with your thoughts, unwanted thoughts, stressful thinking, physical pain, etc. Welcome to the 3-Rs and and E. Rest, Relief, Right, Easy Well-Rested Being well-rested obviously adds value to the thought stream being more positive. Conversely, a fatigued physiology sets the stage for thinking with fear, anxiety, and judgment. Whatever it takes, maintain the body in a well-rested state in order to get results from your daily meditation, and watch the thoughts so you remain apprised of your level of restedness. When the thoughts start to turn away from optimism, and feeling good in the here-and-now moment, you are receiving a sign of physiological fatigue. Relief Often the experience of life can be stressful, such as with career, childcare, health, family relations, etc. When you feel stressed, it is an automatic trigger to ask for relief. Talk to your Self, to your higher spiritual Self and look for relief, opportunities for relief. Watch your thoughts so you can gauge and sustain longer periods of attention in the here-and-now moment, instead of the past or future. All of life is in the moment. It has no other place to manifest. Time spent with thinking about what was or what will be, is often a loss-leader into decisions of what is to come that you have no control over, or reliving the artifact of past experience that you have no control over. The secret here is to explore opportunities for relief, even at the innocent level of thought. Truly, you are not the ‘thinker’, so let go of the notion and identity that you are in some way ‘making all this happen,’ because you are not. Just let go and let life flow through your open mind, a transparent mind. Let the mind rest by giving up control and decisions, just like the relief and refreshment you would experience during the surrender of sleeping at night. There are no decisions to be made in sleep, just allowing and the feeling of relief. As you get comfortable with these sorts of ideas, your dream-content will become more simple and pleasurable. Just ask for relief from anything and everything. Let Nature take over. Just stand back and observe, uninvolved with how to make it happen or whatever happened. Right It is better to be right than it is to be happy. Happiness originates in the completion of sensory fulfillment. Each of the five senses, when not over stimulated, enable the happiness-response. Happiness should be distinguished from joy and bliss. Think of happiness as connected to the senses. On the other hand, when you find that you are right, there is a concomitant experience of satisfaction, satiation, completeness, and the next event of being right is sought. This is not to say that you should contrive an experience of hubris or excessive pride or self-confidence. Being right is different than that. Rightness, having the feeling of things falling into place, that the world is all right, that all things are ‘right as rain’, etc., brings the feeling of being connected to your inner Source, to your higher Self. The Self is never wrong, or incomplete. The Self never makes mistakes or the wrong decision. Nature does not make wrong decisions either. Everything is perfect just as it is. Right now. All is well. Easy By now everyone has seen the TV commercial that depicts the ‘Easy Button’, which resonates with us all in the nature of relief, and just not having to go through a lot of drama to obtain results or fulfillment of our objectives. How good would it be to have things come easily? Now that I ask for ease and easiness, the results are quite dramatic. Things are falling into place fast. I see the shortest distance between two points. I feel aligned with Nature. If it does not feel easy, then I procrastinate until the intuition rises on which direction to apply action such that it feels easy. Wanting ‘easy’ may take time to adjust to, since many are so identified and acclimated with life being hard and difficult. But with intention on fulfillment and easiness, materiality miraculously transforms to support your intentions. Think about it. Nature never takes the hard way, the hard road. Nature does not operate by difficulty. Nature functions in the simplest way possible. If you cannot see that, then your vision is clouded and not as well-aligned with Nature as it could be. Nature always takes the shortest path, starting at the string and even at the quantum level. Its beauty is in its simplicity. Nature operates with or without your intentions, and often if you step aside, Nature will abide by your desires. For Nature will submit to your intentions as long as they are vibrationally equivalent. Nature bows to your every whim in the here-and-now moment because everything is always perfect ‘as is’. It requires a bit of a twist in perception, but once you get the hang of it by declaring, ‘I want it to be easy.’ I want ‘easy’. Like a broken record, get used to it. Then step aside and watch what happens. The result is always perfect, right, in the moment, and often the process provides relief along the way. Relief from how you thought it should be, and you will feel more in line with what ‘is’. This is being ‘right.’ Takeway What does any of this have to do with The Meditation Manual for Seekers? Any attention on your thoughts, the quality of the thoughts, the amount, the nature, the feelings you get when thoughts rise, the way they make you feel, etc., is part of your work when not meditating. The Manual has an entire chapter (Ch. 14) dedicated to Intensifying the Results of Meditation during daily activity. So, meditation is for Yogic Transcendence and bringing the mind to a rest so the subtle nature of Transcendental Being can be appreciated. But examining the content of your thoughts is definitely one of the most important exercises you can do to reprogram your perceptions and intentions. Here is how it works for me. I want things to be easy. I want relief. I want rightness, to feel like I am on-track, going downstream, going with the flow, that things are morally good and acceptable, that things are upright and normal. So the takeaway is to 1) get the body into a constant state of feeling rested, 2) ask for relief (from anything and everything) and stand back and observe, 3) Ask to feel right about things without fear of procrastination, to feel normal and at ease in the present moment, and 4) request the Universe to make it easy, whatever it is, doesn’t matter. You just want it to be easy. With these four in mind, your life will transform, and meditation will be supported. https://facebook/TerryBurkaCommunity Please LIKE and SHARE this page! Discounts offered to my FB friends and fans, just write and ask for the coupon code! Review the Meditation Manual for Seekers here>> amazon/Meditation-Manual-Seekers-Meditate-Intuitive/dp/0615736254/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366402297&sr=1-1&keywords=the+meditation+manual+for+seekers
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 21:37:32 +0000

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