The Men Who Would Steal Founder Hwang Kees Moo Duk Kwan - TopicsExpress


The Men Who Would Steal Founder Hwang Kees Moo Duk Kwan Legacy Imagine my surprise and disappointment when this arrived in my email yesterday with this title. Once again the federation is including me in their propaganda and sending it out to their members. Before I begin let me state for the record and for all the finger pointers currently in the federation that this was emailed to my by someone not in NY or NJ and not even on the East coast. As a matter of fact ANY and ALL information received by me from disgruntled federation members after I left has never been from my home state of NY or NJ all correspondences have been from the Midwest and west coast. Secondly NONE of my instructors have been involved with giving me any of this information. They are men of honor. I respect the fact that they stay in the organization and they respect my reasons for leaving. We dont discuss details of the court case. Period. Only dishonorable paper tigers and their minions would think otherwise. I was sent a PDF asking federation members to financially support the federations lawsuit against the Kovaleskis. AND for any and all federation members to attend the court hearing to show their support. My name was included in this report. I would not be surprised if Phil Duncan was planning on selling rotten tomatoes with MDK stickers to the members that showed up for $$ so they can throw it at the Men who would steal Founder Hwang Kees Moo Duk Kwan Legacy and generate much needed money. I found a line particularly interesting: How is Dan Segarra involved and are you going to sue him too? a. During the time period of gathering evidence toward trial, Dan Segarra compiled a PDF document telling his personal opinion about a version of history that is favorable to the Kovaleski’s position and they entered his document into evidence. b. No, the Federation has not initiated legal action against him at this time. Why they found it necessary to include me is beyond me other than disparage my character as one of the men stealing their legacy. Is it a shot across my bow? a threat? who knows. Most of the current federation members probably are not even aware of me other than their organizations constant attempts to pull me into this or the seniors telling them I am a disgrace to the Moo Duk Kwan. Painting a bulls eye on me helps rally the troops and take their mind off other things. They would like the readers of this report to believe my book was just a pdf written to help the Kovaleskis. This is untrue. It was written years before for my students. Specifically my Dan members when they test for Dan. As far not suing me at this time Id like to know what they feel I have done to warrant even considering legal action. If something I wrote is not correct provide me with the factual evidence contrary to that and I will happily correct it. Not your opinions, I want facts, proof, evidence, cross referenced by multiple sources and I will GLADLY retract or correct anything in error. I no longer take federation of H.C Hwangs word as gospel. Facts thats it. Lets break this down: I left over ten years ago. I wrote a book (not just a pdf as the federation would like to belittle it) explaining the historical truth cross referenced by multiple sources. See thats the problem they dont like the fact that any of that history came from anyone other than H.C Hwang. This book was written years before the case against the Kovaleskis for my own students. Newer information was added as it came to me during the time of the case which was also added to the book NOT because of the case but because of my meeting sources during that time period. If there was no case there still would have been a seminar with senior Koreans in attendance and I still would have gotten that information independent of the case. This information was cross checked against other sources and documentation. This proved this information to be as factual as possible to me. The federation likes to belittle my work but it must be confusing myself, an actual author verse someone who takes credit for something they did not author like H.C Hwang did when he claimed to have translated his fathers Philosophy book that I hired Charles Muller to do, and I personally edited and gave to him as a gift. H.C Hwang as a matter of fact called me and apologized for taking credit for my and Charles work after he heard I was upset by this and would publicly state so. He told me he was told to do that for publication reasons. My response was it was not true and whether or not someone advised him to do so he should not have because he knew it to be untrue. He also assured me I would be properly credited in the book as I was for some reason no credited after leaving the federation. This is a good example of how Moo Duk Kwan history works. His-Story not the truth. Its only changed when the facts are indisputable. To prove this simply compare the first printing where I am not credited to the second where I am to validate my claims. Do not just take my word for it. This apology was followed up by a phone call by federation board member John Johnson falling on his sword saying it was his fault he told H.C Hwang to take credit for it so he would be established as an author and the text would be acceptable as a scholarly work for libraries and schools. H.C Hwang even sent me a shiny award as an apology. It hangs in my office now. Let me make this clear as a person that on occasion was asked by H.C Hwang to correct his basic emails and letters grammar errors proves his grasp of the English language makes him incapable of authoring a text like this by himself. This is not an educational dig. H.C Hwang is a very smart man, english is simply not his strong point. I accepted his apology and let it go, we had not seen each other publicly after that. Fast forward in time and I attended a seminar and tournament hosted by the Kovaleskis. There was no major issues between me and the federation other than that prior to this event I got along with the federation fine up to that point. I attended this because of the senior Korean Grandmasters coming and an opportunity to work with them. These are men I idolized when growing up and I looked forward to meeting and training with them. Simple as that. I had no intentions of helping either side or joining any organization at the time of this writing I am still an independent studio owner belonging to no organization. As a matter of fact I when I heard about all of this I tried to help mediate between the parties hoping for a peaceful solution. I even designed a new Tang Soo Do logo which the federation thanked me for developing an my efforts. Does this sound like a person stealing the legacy? The executive administrator Phil Duncan the author of this email titled The Men Who Would Steal Founder Hwang Kees Moo Duk Kwan Legacy even asked to be part of my online group/forum. Trying to be a bridge builder I put my personal feelings for him to the side and allowed that. Immediately finding a loophole in facebook settings he changed the graphic header for my group to a federation advertisement without my permission or consent. In other words he took my sign down and hung a federation one up instead. On top of that I started getting hostile messages, emails accusing me of being a traitor to the Moo Duk Kwan. Not drinking from the founders fountain of wisdom etc. Again I got worked up and the executive administrator apologized. I was then invited by my first instructor to the national banquet. At this point word got to H.C. Hwang that I took a seminar with the other senior Korean masters I had thought this no big deal as I did not join them and I actually tried to help remedy the situation. I thought I was going to be a welcomed guest. Stupid me. Immediately I sensed a weird vibe. People were staring and whispering and I felt like a party crasher amongst a bunch of snobs. I went up to say hello to my former instructor at the dais H.C Hwang and he looked at me like I just got off a manure farm and did everything he could to ignore me. That was it I had enough. I was disrespected and not even asked for my side of the story. I had enough of the federation and their bullshit so I shared the book I wrote for my students publicly and if it benefited the Kovaleskis then good for them. In other words they asked for it. THEY created the animosity between myself and the organization and since they cant handle the truth they will make shit up like I am stealing the MDK Legacy. I am so tired of my character being impugned by a bunch of hypocrites that are far from the virtuous warriors the pretend to be, led by a paper tiger. I am accused of being a person stealing the MDK. Yet I have not taught or claimed to have teach the MDK style since the day I left. I teach Tang Soo Do Moo Sa Do Kwan and I am ashamed of the actions of my former organization and its leadership. I have received messages attacking my character saying I am a disgrace to the Moo Duk Kwan and many other insults from Paper Tigers and internet warriors that would not have the courage to say it to my face. The MDK Legacy cant be stolen it was destroyed by its leadership a long time ago. I told both the Kovaleskis and the federation via certified letter I did not want to get involved. Now I look forward to being called as a witness and taking the stand and speaking truthfully. setting the history straight. Bring your army of members that prefer pretty lies verse the ugly truth. It wont stop the truth. See you in court.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:32:35 +0000

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